
Monthly Archives: March 2022

Kata Bunkai Waza. What makes this trinity of training so important?

* Kata Bunkai Waza

Kata Bunkai Waza: What makes these elements of martial art training so very important. And sadly, in modern days, these are very, very misunderstood.

I know that many people in the martial arts believe that Kata, the base foundation of everything is worthless. Black Belt magazine has printed countless articles over the years stating this also. 

And again, sadly they miss the boat.  

There are many martial art masters of old who did not like forms. James Mitose being one. But the reason they did not like them had nothing to do with the forms themselves, but rather the frustration of trying to get students to open their minds and see the deeper meaning.

And there is always deeper meaning. Unless you subscribe to the "woke" generation.

Kata Bunkai Waza

I have spend years with the concepts of Kata Bunkai Waza and realized recently I was also only seeing a small fragment of the information. I was taught that A+B=C, and too bad that is only a small fraction of the teachings.

Training in Kata for a true student of the arts leads to something called Bunkai. And Bunkai is a discussion about a topic, and with the case in point a Kata. And the issue with martial arts of the western culture is this discussion is for the purpose of "knowing" not learning. The reason for knowing is to move on to the next level. EGO based. When EGO flourishes learning stops.

Back years ago I had a Black Belt in my school who truly understood Bunkai. The reason was because he realized that Kata was a study, and a study without end. Roadblocks yes, but no end. He could talk for hours on a Kata with 6 movements. I hope Steve White is well, maybe he will see this!

Kata Bunkai Waza

And something very important about Bunkai, a discussion is not 3 sentences. The art of discussion is dead in the Western Culture today. It is about being RIGHT today, not a give and take of learning. Another reason the Western Culture is DEAD and needs to be buried. 

People once had discussion to learn. Now it is about being RIGHT. The funny think is there is no such thing. I did many things in life I thought were RIGHT, and they were at time. But today they are mistakes, and far from right. An understanding of Yin/Yang teaches this. 

Kata Bunkai Waza - Bunkai to Waza

Bunkai as part of Kata Bunkai Waza, leads to Waza. What is Waza? The definition is a trick. Or more understandably a technique.  Today techniques are created out of thin air rather then as part of a study. The problem is people make Gods out of Waza because they like them. A=B=C right? Yeah, no Waza or techniques are a one size fits all idea, and do not WORK. 

A+B=C is not real. This is a teaching point only, because there are the other 23 letters of the alphabet to consider and the endless combinations of them. You can take Kata Bunkai Waza, study them, but you must let go of the information, looking to learn more. 

And there is always more if your mind is open to learning above all else.  The White Belt Mindset, full circle of life.

Kata Bunkai Waza in Conclusion

Kata Bunkai Waza in Conclusion

A true master of the martial arts knows he or she has only begun to learn. And they also see something others do not, and that is they see similarities but not absolutes.

Similarities show the path, absolutes are roadblocks most people never go beyond. 

When you think you know something that is the time you need to realize you know nothing.

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." Socrates.

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Kata Bunkai Waza. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Martial Art Teachings Of Old. Why they are disappearing

* Martial Art Teachings Of Old

Martial Art Teachings Of Old: Oh the egos in the martial arts world can be wonder to behold! And that is not a compliment either.

I am fortunate personally to have surrounded myself with humble people. Martial Artist who have the White Belt Mindset and are hungry to learn. 

Remember the 1st Karate Kid movie? It changed the face of martial arts as children flocked to join. And for the most part we blew it when they did. 

No one expected what happened during that time. I recall my teacher telling me he would come to the school on Monday for class and 60 people were lined up to join. But schools if they took the kids had to modify the programs.

Martial Art Teachings Of Old - Are there Secrets?

Certainly I have things I am reluctant to teach. So not everyone see these teachings. But his is not the norm, or why so much has been lost. It is because like the times when the Karate Kids happened many of the master modified what they did for many reasons. We must keep the Martial Art Teachings Of Old.

Here is a specific example from my book Energy Pathways of Life: Healing Arts of Kosho Ryu. This is the forward.


I was originally looking at writing this book in 2023 or perhaps even 2024 but circumstances and a GUT feeling made me decide to do it early.

At one time all martial arts were complete systems, lifelong paths of learning. Then as the masters of old saw different needs they began to teach certain aspects of the martial arts to try to fill a need. Jame Mitose was a great example of this in Hawaii as he created the Official Self Defense Club.

And it was this club that lead to many great martial artists emerging and the creation of many differ styles of Kempo. As an example William Chow was a student of Mitose in the Official Self Defense Club. Because of this linage Edmund Parker created American Kenpo.

Lost teaching

But also because of this many teachings were lost to time. They were not kept secrets, they just stopped being taught and therefore disappeared from view. And much of this was the healing arts. Martial Arts training, these family arts were based on a core set of values, education and development.

The needs of the 20th Century caused much of this knowledge to fragment and disappear. Also disappearing was history, meditation, massage, and many other aspects of life training. And the martial arts is life training. A connection from mind to body, and mind to spirit. The Trinity of physical life.

The last 2 years of life in our dystopian world have cause me to reevaluate a lot of what I do. This caused me to pickup the study of an art that I began in late 2000, Kosho Shorei Ryu. And the more I studied the more I realized how much this information need to come to the public again.

Like when Mitosi Sensei began the Officially Self Defense Club now is the time to get back to the roots of the martial arts and those teachings.

With this in mind I humbly offer these teachings in book form, Energy Pathways of Life: The Healing Art of Kosho Ryu.

Martial Art Teachings Of Old In Conclusion

Martial Art Teachings Of Old in Conclusion

Martial Art Teachings Of Old: This is only one such example. I can count dozens. The reason?

We do not care about our history, we refuse to learn from history.

What is happening in the world today is a direct result of this. And because of this, martial art specific, I am going to be compiling history of as many martial arts as possible. 

And there is a page here called Preservation of Styles and History. Check it out and see if you are interested in getting involved.

It would be a tragedy to lose the Martial Art Teachings Of Old. And only together can wee see these teaching are preserved for all time.

Thank you for taking time to read Martial Art Teachings Of Old.


If you have any questions about the WBA or the article use the form below to ask.

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Martial Art Teachings Of Old. I have a page with some FREE courses available with the World Budo Alliance. And this will expand over time.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Martial Arts in Western Culture. What is the conflict?

* Martial Arts in Western Culture

Martial Arts in Western Culture: Can these two very different ways of life exist in harmony with each other? Let's take a good look. 

On August 11th 2015 I renounced the world. And I mean this. I no longer participate in the norms of the society.

I had a man a year or so ago call me a "hermit." I was flattered by these words intending to do harm. Walk a mile in my shoes before you attack me.

Martial Arts in Western Culture

Now I am very critical of the West today. When I was a kid growing up in Canada it meant something to be Canadian. Canada was a place of high moral values, and today these values in the mainstream are gone. And this is due to an agenda of the "political class" who want to own, control everything. "Gotta make billions doesn't matter who dies" is their mantra. And because Canadians have not really ever experienced hard times their apathy has allowed this to happen. And this is not just Canada but it has happened in every "western" country. 

So what does this have to do with martial arts? And Martial Arts in Western Culture?

Martial Arts in Western Culture - Values

When I began my training their were values that my teacher clearly spoke to me. These vales were:

  1. God, 
  2. family,
  3. country
  4. and school (dojo). 

Yes the Dojo and dedication to it were a big part of the training. You did things for YOUR DOJO. And these values were the above order too! The 4th was the Dojo.

Today the only value left in the west for the masses is the what about "ME" culture. Everything is ONLY about ME. You hurt MY feelings, I am ENTITLED TO THIS, that and the other thing. This not only does not fit the philosophy and values found in REAL martial art training, but is also death for society. Do you see "ME" in that list above?

Martial Arts in Western Culture

Now the culture will say that you need to put yourself first in order to be able to successfully function in society. And that is a half truth. The issue in the West is that me first is a mental illness called narcissism. It is no longer about working on the self, improving the self to be of service to others. 

If it was people would not be lying about themselves, photoshopping pictures for Instagram.

Look how people today will lock their parents up in homes so they can have MORE, bigger homes, cars etc. This lack any value at all! 

But real martial arts training, training of Body Mind and Spirit have the value of self improvement for the benefit for others. That is found in the Buddhist value of meditation to reach enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings.

Martial Arts in Western Culture - Peaceful Warriors

* Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts

The Dojo that I no longer own or operate, but does still bear my name Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts still does endorse these values.

And Martial Arts in Western Culture is still in demand because even with the Canadian's governments attempt to destroy small business for person gain the school is thriving!

Maybe people are still wanting these values? And it is time to remove ALL the political class and rebuild a real functioning society?  Well that is for smarter people than me.

While I was in Canada I visited a "dojo" and saw how the martial arts have degraded to be what the West has become. The "teacher" came outside as we watched through the window.

He knew the person I was with as she runs my former Dojo, Sensei Kara Borshuk. I introduced myself to be polite, and he acted as if he had no idea who I was. Then acknowledged he knew exactly who i was, what "rank" I held.

Then told me how important he was, he was the senior in the city and attacked other school owners. Funny younger then me, but 50 years in the arts. Interesting. 

Maybe I have forgotten how to do math?

Martial Arts in Western Culture - Conclusion

Martial Arts in Western Culture in Conclusion

I believe that if the martial arts industry would get back to what is important, and that is NOT a BIG, expensive, commercial Dojo, but values and training we would have a HUGE positive influence on the rebuild of society. 

The world needs this too.

Demand change in the operation of all "governments" because I do not believe people need them in the capacity they exist. A president or prime minister is a civil servant, no better than the person cleaning snow from the streets of collecting garbage. And they are certainly NOT LEADERS, but managers who are not doing their jobs. 

Martial Art teachers are LEADERS as long as they teach, and train with humility, and by example, with a deeply rooted set of core values based on a better world and not just person gain. 

Thank you for reading Martial Arts in Western Culture

* Kosho Ryu Beginner Guide

FREE Kosho Ryu Beginner Guide

Get your free copy of my white paper called Kosho Ryu Beginner Guide. This is the first step in understanding and studying the art of Kosho Ryu. Fill out the from below, confirm your email and your free Kosho Ryu Beginner Guide is on the way to your inbox!

Available in English, Romanian and soon in Spanish.

Thank you for taking time to read this article Martial Arts in Western Culture. We have some free course available and these will expand over time. Checkout the free course page here.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Attackers Fill the Void. Why does self defense training fail?

* Attackers Fill the Void

Attackers Fill the Void: Nature will not tolerate a void. Not in any way shape or form. Natural Laws cannot be ignored.

And this is something every martial artists should reflex upon. Society often tries to pretend these laws do not exist.

Attackers Fill the Void

In the case in point I am referring to self defense training. And today, unlike a century ago, martial artist, and martial arts Black Belts are not self defense experts. But many think they are.

Attackers Fill the Void and this truth has caused a lot of issue within the martial arts world. Sport has taken over, and these people believe they have the answers when they have none. That is dangerous! A champion believing he or she are self defense experts is like a teenager believing he understands warfare from playing a video game.

Attackers fill the void. An attacker, a real attacker wants something. They wish to fill a void. And they will succeed if the defender presents a void to be filled. There is a false belief that speed or strength training will fix this. Wrong!

Attackers Fill the Void

The reason this is true is because martial arts training has become about "style." And it was never intended to be a style. Rather martial arts training is a STUDY. A study is infinite, a style in finite. 

The example I am going to use in this article is one tenth of one percent of the equation. But we must begin somewhere. Let's look at Waza or technique training.

An attacker and defender (Uke) in training. The Uke steps forward and punches. At this point he stops. The defender steps back and performs a middle block, and then immediately counter punches the Uke's body. 

Attackers Fill the Void

I teach this to beginners in my art of Hapkido. But the issue is this is not evolved in most systems. I teach wrong on purpose, but I correct this once motion is understood.

What is the issues here? Nothing, as long as it is corrected. First understand this is a reactionary training.  What do I mean? Movement of the defender comes AFTER the attack, in this case a punch it seen coming in.  Stepping backwards is always problematic, however it can be done. The block to the arm will occur at the wrist, which will cause the attackers arm to be pushed violently to the right, if the punch was a right hand. 

This creates a VOID on the defender, and the motion of the attackers arm will cause the second attack to be launched with greater force. The left fist will fill the VOID, because natural laws are in play, and as the attacker fills the void the second strike will land with great force! The counter attack will not happen.

Attackers Fill the Void - Natural Laws.

Also, the attackers motion will NOT STOP. No one punches ONCE. And the action of stepping back will cause the Uke's brain to recalculate distance and therefore cover more ground during the attack.  In other words speed up.

Techniques like this are fine to teach beginners. But in the wild, in all "styles" I see this still in use at Black Belt levels. The techniques become more complex, but the concept is never evolved. 

In order to deal with real life, and this was understood deeply by the masters of old, but not taught, is to understand motion. What an attack is, how is happens, what controls movement, and with this knowledge how to counter. 

Martial Arts taught today for many, many reasons are very incomplete. But they do not have to stay that way. And sorry the free sparring 99% of Dojos do today is a game of tag. This training is worthless in real life. 

Attackers Fill the Void - How did this happen?

The reasons for the watering down of the arts are many.  For the purpose of this article I will look at one example. Today, the people of the western culture are relatively safe.  Most people do not face death on a day to day basic like many of the previous martial arts masters did. Men like Mitose and Ueshiba had hard violence lives.  This understanding of violence allowed them to evolve in their seniors years to great men of peace. 

In today's world we lie to ourselves of our experiences and knowledge. Pacifism is a great example. This is a lie of man, and men who do not understand violence. I have known 2 pacifists in my life. Both we angry violent men pretending to be peaceful. Train and understand how Attackers Fill the Void.

Attackers Fill the Void in Conclusion

Attackers Fill the Void in Conclusion

There are solutions. Expand your learning, and learning is the key word. As martial arts seniors today we have to stop lying to ourselves that we know ANYTHING because we do not!

I am surprised each day of my personal study how much there is still for me to learn. 

And I genuinely wish to share this with the right people. That is of itself a task. Real students are hard to find today! 

And when learning continues age becomes irrelevant. Natural Laws when learned make the arts timeless. Today the martial arts are a "game" for the young. It was never meant to be this way. The average life expediency for a student today is less than a year. 

Martial Art training should be a lifetime Journey. And knowing that attackers fill the void.  And knowledge is a void, once filled will defeat any attacker. 

Study Natural Laws

* Kosho Shorei Ryu

Free Kosho Ryu Basics Video

Fill out the form below, and confirm your email address and receive a FREE video on Kosho Ryu basics. 

You MUST confirm your email to receive the video! Read my Privacy Policy Here

Thank you for taking time to read this article Attackers Fill the Void. There is some excellent content here. An example it the History of the WBA and also the 3 Friends of Winter.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Sanity is a Razors Edge. A Question of Balance

* Sanity is a Razors Edge:

Sanity is a Razors Edge: I think at some point in time every person wonders if they have become insane. In today's dystopian world we are seeing a lot of very serious mental illness.

But what does this have to do with the martial arts? First remember martial arts is supposed to be a study, a journey of a lifetime. Not an event. 

And that journey is based deeply in the philosophies of Buddhism which is about balance.  

Buddhism is a study and philosophy, not a religion. Buddhism in the last decade has kinda gone off the rail, toward woke-ism, Sanity is a Razors Edge.

Balance in all aspects of life is the goal. These are the same principle taught in many religions and other philosophies as well. Taoism as an example with the Yin/Yang symbol.

Therefore sanity is a Razors Edge in which we walk the path or edge of. One foot in the Yin and the other in the Yang. We train in violence so we will know peace. However insanity sets in when we go to one extreme or another.  To remain sane we must keep the middle ground, balanced. 

Sanity is a Razors Edge

As an example someone who is obsessed with their looks. This is not a healthy state. Self care is very important, narcissism is dangerous. Look at how people misrepresent themselves on social media today.

Sport in the martial arts. That is fine as a small part of the whole. But today it is a focus. So, how is this dangerous? The drive to WIN at all cost takes over, and then things are taken, done to enhance performance. That is a dead end street. It always end up bad. 

Others LOVE the posturing and violence of the situation. Humility dies and the person becomes unfit in a normal society.  Behavior of many professional athletes as an example.

And I will not even talk about the current obsession people have with politics. No matter where you look you see it. And this is true insanity. The world has a lot of problems. And NONE of these problems can be fixed with the minds that created them to begin with. And no, a "new" politician is not the answer, that is also insane.

Sanity is a Razors Edge - The Way Back

There is only one way back for the world. And it lies with each and every one of us. Taking our lives back to a balance. The middle way. If you look at the Yin Yang symbol this means walking the snake shaped line in the center, with one foot in order (Yang) and one foot in chaos (Yin).

And this can be done by training in the arts. But most importantly not just going to the Dojo and training in Kata, and other aspects, but expanding this with more information. Not being bound by a "way" but seeing the different paths, different branches along the way. 

Sanity is a Razors Edge

Very important this is becoming a lifelong student, and not a master. I have titles, but I am a student first.  Learning is about self improvement, teaching is sharing the knowledge for anyone interested in the topic. And teaching makes us understand what we do better.

Most of all this helps us find a purpose in life, and a purpose that lasts a lifetime. In the current world, the current paradigm people are programmed to get an education, get a job, get married, have kids, work hard, retire and die. For some that is OK,  but I am not convinced personally is is enough or even good. 

Sanity is a Razors Edge in Conclusion

Sanity is a Razors Edge: in Conclusion

I hope you will reflect on this. Life is short and I believe we all have an unlimited potential, if we apply ourselves.  

When we improve ourselves and inspire others to do the same then the movement can become exponential. The world would change dramatically.

Sanity is a Razors Edge, but balance makes all things possible. I hope you enjoyed Sanity is a Razors Edge. And got something out of it.


Please feel free to use the form below and ask. I reply within 24 hours.

Thank you for taking time to read this article Sanity is a Razors Edge. And also checkout our free course page! Plus visit my Kyusho Blog.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Zen Story on Healing. Why is healing most important?

* Zen Story on Healing

Zen Story on Healing - A prospective martial art students come to see a great Sifu. He tells the Sifu he wishes to learn martial arts from him.

The Sifu ask the student "why? Do you want to be a tough guy?" The students answers "yes I want to be able to hurt people." Sifu replies "hurting people is easy, first you have to learn to heal them."

Why is the Western Culture so obsessed with violence?

Because as a culture we have allowed violence to be normalized. And in fact it is often times considered to be humorous. The reason is the never ended apathy of the population and their misguided desire to consume all they see.

I am very much in favor of a FREE market, and I am 100 percent against socialism. That has proven beyond any doubt to be nothing more than an excuse for control and ultimately genocide. And it happens every time.

Zen Story on Healing - Why did you begin training?

So, why did you begin your martial art training? Today because of, in my opinion, the disease of MMA it is largely to become a touch guy.  MMA is not a martial art, it is a fight club mentality with zero values.  It has serious damaged the reputation and public opinion of the arts.

And I know many people in this world who now regret the decision to get involved as they live with chronic daily pain, that was unnecessary, except to fill there narcissistic need to be a touch guy.

What about me?

As a teenager I loved to fight. I boxed, I wrestled and I view martial arts as a way to continue.  But I had a child, and I knew my days of "touch guy" were past me. I had to be responsible. But it took until Black Belt until I realized that perhaps healing was more important than fighting. And the Zen Story on healing was something I first heard around 1987. 

But it really made me think!

Zen Story On Healing

* Zen Story on Healing

Today I know how important healing is.  And understand this is NOT just physical healing, but mental as well. Why? Because of the 100 percent LIE of the last 2 years, the dystopian restrictions placed on people lives purely for a power grab for money, and control.  People now are seriously suffering.

And there is ZERO evidence this was real. Most of all someone afraid for their job or life lying on behalf of this does not make it real. And this comes for ten of thousands of doctors whistle blowing about the truth. 

Zen Story on Healing

So much damage has been done. People are actually so damaged they believe without any evidence that the humane race is diseased and pestilent. And I can prove all I say but I will NOT. I do not believe in silver spooning in a day and age where apathy and laziness has destroyed a culture. Research it yourself, but not from those who have lied to you all your life. One lie from ANY authority or a public person of influence discredits EVERYTHING THEY CAN EVER SAY AGAIN. Like everyone at BBC. 

And I do believe martial art training is a way BACK for the world. Provided it is values based, not violence, posturing, lying and virtue signally based like I see so often. 

Zen Story on Healing - White Belt Forever

White Belt Forever

I will be a white belt forever! I love to learn and discover new things. So what does white belt have to do with the Zen story on healing? The purpose for what the master said was to remove the EGO from the prospective student, make him teachable if he wised to learn. Another example is teaching a coward to be a good coward before he learns to fight.

I have taught thousands of people over the years. But there have been few real students. Eventually they begin to think they know it all. But that is culturally based also.

Zen Story on Healing

What do I mean? Tell me, what do we do with the elderly in the failed western culture? Do we sit and talk with them, to learn from their vast experience? Do we take care of them? No, we lock them away is a home so that we can work, have a "career", buy a bigger house, a faster car, and die younger and younger of stress as we eat ourselves into oblivion.

Am I wrong?

I took care of my mother into her late 90's so she could pass away at home, without the unnecessary aid of a medical system based on profit not health. What does with have to do with being a student? The focus! Martial Arts training creates better people because of values. And if I work to be a good student of life, be a better person I have more to offer to society. 

Zen Story on Healing in Conclusion

Zen Story on Healing in Conclusion

I realize I sound a little angry, but I am not. Disappointed is a better word.  I have dedicated much of my work to helping people, And that I will never regret. With some it was a giant waste of time. But others really heard the message.

And it cannot be delivered politically correctly. Life sometimes requires a punch in the month. You might agree with me, you might disagree with me. I am not looking for debate or conversation. I am only hoping you will do something people never do today. Contemplate the words.

Did you fall from the path? Get back on it. Become a student again. This does not mean you have to go find a Dojo, but you can train. Train in your driveway. Meditate, work on the self.

Contemplate the Zen story on healing. 

A society based on values thrives. A society based on greed, lying and consumption always fails.

Continue your Education!

* Kosho Shorei Ryu

Free Kosho Ryu Basics Video

Fill out the form below, and confirm your email address and receive a FREE video on Kosho Ryu basics. 

You MUST confirm your email to receive the video! Read my Privacy Policy Here

I hope you enjoyed Zen Story on Healing. And speaking of healing checkout our FREE Video / Document course called Beyond Healing with Pressure Points. And yes it really is totally FREE!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Samurai and the Fly. What a calm mind means

* Samurai and the Fly

Samurai and the Fly: Today I am writing an article focused on an animated video. But it is one of the best videos of its kind I have ever seen.

The video is called the Samurai and the Fly. And it highlights something extremely important today. A CALM MIND.

Have you noticed that people are living on a razors edge of insanity? The cause of course is fear monger by EVIL media technocrats like CNN

Serious lying to the public for these people should get them 20 year hard labor. And these ridiculous masks that DO NOTHING but deprive the brain of oxygen. And yes I know for a FACT this is true, as it in the Ministry of Labour's workplace safety guides and laws.

When i worked at Chrysler in the paint shop I got extra time off the job because of this! 

Peace of mind is hard when people are killing brain cells, and some of the did not have any to spare! I never wear these masks! 

Samurai and the Fly

Let's look at the video!

At the end of the video the Samurai realizes HE has allowed his mind to become polluted with pointless JUNK. Very much the way people do today wasting time on Facebook talking with, fighting with, people they do not know IN REALITY. And then ignore the people around them. 

Samurai and the Fly

Consuming CRAP AND LIES from the media that kicks in the adrenal functions of the body, will assure a premature death. Emotions are supposed to be a passing state, not a FOCUS of life. Why is depression epidemic? Think on this for a few minutes. 

And for what reason? Destroying family over LIES?? And people it is all a LIE. 99.9% of what you are seeing today everywhere are lies! Why? TO MAKE BILLIONS

How do you know? Quiet your mind and look deep inside! The quieter the mind is the clearer the vision. After time you begin to wonder how anyone could believe this stuff. Fear goes away. 

Samurai and the Fly - Meditation and Critical Thinking

In my opinion, not that I am right, to calm the mind requires some form of meditation. I meditate several times per day in order to keep my mind in check. Here is a LINK to a website with a FREE meditation video

A walk in nature also does wonders. Living in the mountains has truly kept my sanity during these last few years.  And there is nothing like the loyalty of a great dog. And I have 4 of them.

But do not forget your training.

Study not only the physical aspects of the martial arts, but follow the path of Budo and learn the history, Philosophies and Concepts of the arts. If the system you study is newer then look into other arts. Believe me, to expand the mind is always worth your time!

A true student of the arts is also a student of life. The the Samurai and the Fly.

Samurai and the Fly in Conclusion

Serious lying to the public for these people should get them 20 year hard labor. And these ridiculous masks that DO NOTHING but deprive the brain of oxygen. And yes I know for a FACT this is true, as it in the Ministry of Labour's workplace safety guides and laws. in Conclusion

I love what Hanshi Juchnik talks about. That life is about learning. It is not about consuming, and that is why the Western Culture is dead.

Time to bury it too! And I believe in education, not indoctrination. 

And the western education system is ONLY indoctrination. 

Thank GOD I dropped out of school! Everything I have learned in life is self taught and by listening to WISE people. Today there are many problems, but ONLY those will a quiet, calm mind with find solutions.

Remember a problem cannot be solved with the same mind that created it.

 When you change your mind you change your world.

* Kosho Ryu Beginner Guide

FREE Kosho Ryu Beginner Guide

Get your free copy of my white paper called Kosho Ryu Beginner Guide. This is the first step in understanding and studying the art of Kosho Ryu. Fill out the from below, confirm your email and your free Kosho Ryu Beginner Guide is on the way to your inbox!

Available in English, Romanian and soon in Spanish.

Thank you for taking time to read this article Samurai and the Fly.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Kill the Buddha. What you think you know but DON’T!

* Kill the Buddha

Kill the Buddha: There is an old Zen saying "If you meet a Buddha you must Kill the Buddha." At first glance is seems like a very radical thing to say, but it is not radical at all. 

The martial arts world has today, and always has had an issue with ego. People join a martial art school or Dojo / Dojang, learn 3 blocks, a few punches and kicks and suddenly believe they are enlightened. Time to Kill the Buddha.

They develop a thirst for belt rank and once obtained loose focus on the reasons for being the journey to begin with.

And believe me I have seen this in former students of mine countless time. With one person it became such a problem he had to be banned from the Dojo. 

Kill the Buddha - Students or Customers

I used to run a commercial Dojo, and my son's and I did so very successfully. The Dojo Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts continues today without any of the 3 founders. And the reason is I burned out on the student vs customer issue. The never ending drama abut things that do not matter.  

So what is the difference?

Kill the Buddha - Customer

A Customer is someone who joins your Dojo for recreational purposes. While they behave respectfully, they complain non stop and often times have issues with real students in the Dojo.  They also wish to be involved in the teaching aspects as they progress but this is for self glorification not really for the benefit of the students. 

Other customers just come and go, and this is usually how the bills are paid.

Kill the Buddha- Student

A student is someone who is dedicated to training and learning. However if not kept in check they can develop huge egos and believe they are enlightened. They make Gods out of techniques. If their egos flare up they must be taught the principle of to kill the Buddha.

True martial arts is not an activity or an event. It is a STUDY, and a study with no end. Look at Kata as an example. Have you ever heard a student say, or have said yourself, I "know this Kata." This means very simply you have created a Buddha and now know less than when you started!

Kill the Buddha

I had once a long time student, may years ago who made 5th Dan Black Belt in my system. He understood kill the Buddha. He would come early to class and practice Kata, stating that each time he practiced he discovered something new within them. This included white belt content. He loved to truly help other students progress. And was a please to have on the floor. I have not talked to him in about 7 years. Perhaps I should invite him to the RMATC in 2023.

However others simply wanted to get through their current Kata to learn a new one! 

Kill the Buddha

I had another student for many years who was a very good student, until Black Belt. His ego flared up and he became enlightened. He stopped training hard, began to cause issues within the Dojo and resisted any change we brought into the system.

I was unsuccessful at turning his direction to a different path. There was a very bad influence came into his life and destroyed his potential. That actually happened with 2 students of the arts I know well. This is always very sad.

The process of learning, of study has no end. But the majority of advanced masters today believe they have all the answers. I have lots of questions, not so many answers. After almost 40 years I cannot believe I am still discovering and learning new things every day!

Kill the Buddha in Conclusion

Kill the Buddha in Conclusion

I love the martial arts! And while I will never again run a commercial Dojo I believe in the values of training.

If more people trained in the true path of budo the world would be a much better place. 

Because I have a high profile online I am often attacked by those who have issues with their own progress and egos. Recently I was again again attacked by a former student who believes he knows everything about my life.  Naturally he is 100 percent wrong. But then he always has issues with other people. Perhaps it is time to look in mirror. I have very few issues or conflicts with people. 

And that is fine. I attack NO ONE, nor do I respond to attacks. I practice the Zen Art of Silence

Since he loves to cast stones he must be without sin. Life is funny. Those whom you help the most often times turn on you first. But you help people anyways.

Remain a student for life, not a Buddha. Kill the Buddha.

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Form Bulider

Thank you for taking time to read this article Kill the Buddha. Also take a look at the History of the World Budo Alliance and Old Man's Martial Art.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Bushido a Moral Education. Why do martial arts need change?

* Bushido a Moral Education

Bushido a Moral Education. Welcome to the 21st Century. Well in truth it has been here a little over 2 decades. And in my view is a complete failure. The Western Culture is in its death rattle today.

But due to what? Lack of values. Lying and greed are considered values by the lying ruling class and those who sold their souls to help them. May God have mercy on their pathetic excuse for souls. 

Most of all today politicians lie, doctors [science] lie, media lies, religion lies, and the alleged education systems lies. Is there even a real culture left? And people are more interested in Facebook friends than real people! You see this everyday. And my life path, the martial arts world, is full of liars too! I could name names, but I will not. 

Bushido a Moral Education

Or at least it used to be. Today the martial arts world is predominately about sport. And the word predominately is what matters. Look at professional sports today. Can you say these athletes are fine upstanding citizens and role models? Most importantly today there is a BULLYING epidemic.

And it is considered to be VIRTUE as long as the bullying follows the narrative. 

I recalled back in the early 2000's making a post on Facebook, when I still used it for personal reasons, stating the quote that "tolerance and apathy are the final values of a dying culture." And I was called names by people and told it would never happen. And who originated that quote? Aristotle did as he watch his culture die from the same disease of the mind. Therefore the proof is in we do not learn from history. Most of all the masses do not even know history. Unless it is their browser history. How are you on the History of the Martial Arts?

Bushido a Moral Education

I personally believe that the martial arts needs a new paradigm, and that training is a path back for the world. We used to get our moral values, our moral compass from religion. But that has been corrupted now for centuries. 

Importantly, Bushido, Budo the martial path is about living a life of values. And i my view it is our responsibility to share these values through our teaching. Not to spread violence for the sale of a trophy.  

Bushido a Moral Education

Therefore my school Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute was FOUNDED and these values, and survives today because they are still taught. My school once competed also, until I saw the clear direction of where sport was headed. 

Therefore if each martial artists dedicated themselves to a moral life, one without lies, greed and the other deadly sins the world will change for the better, and change quickly. And I am using the World Budo Alliance as a vehicle to unite the martial arts community and bring like minded people together. 

Bushido a Moral Education - A Man of Peace

Most of all I am a man of peace. But I was not always this way. It is my life long study of Budo that has made me this way. And I live by the principles of "having compassion for all living beings, and if you cannot then to DO NO HARM." And today compassion is hard. This is a basic Buddhist teaching. Very important is the fact this is supposed to be the martial way. To "ONLY FIGHT to protect my life and the lives of others." I do not recall an exception for any form of fighting. 

Yesterday I listened to an audiobook that was written by Morihei Ueshiba the fonder of Aikido. It is called the "Art of Peace." I embed it below if you wish to listen.

He was not always a good man. And in fact his younger days are very turbulent. However his path turned him into not just a good man, but a great man. The same applies to James Mitose. Bushido a Moral Education and must remain that way.

Everyone gets a return if they follow the path.

Bushido a Moral Education in Conclusion

Bushido a Moral Education in Conclusion

Bushido a Moral Education: I hope you will join me and many other martial artists here to help get the world back on track through the teachings of Budo and the values of love, compassion, non violence and truthfulness. 

The martial arts were once revered and deeply respected. We can return them to that status once again. 

I hope you enjoyed reading Bushido a Moral Education.

* Kosho Shorei Ryu

Free Kosho Ryu Basics Video

Fill out the form below, and confirm your email address and receive a FREE video on Kosho Ryu basics. 

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Thank you for taking time from your schedule to read this article called Bushido a Moral Education.

If you would like to register yourself or your Dojo with the World Budo Alliance this free. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Kosho and the Wolf. Why nature cannot be improved.

* Kosho and the Wolf

Kosho and the Wolf. Why nature cannot be improved upon. i love wolves, of that there is no doubt. Living in the mountains I hear them often. However you rarely ever see them.

Today's article called Kosho and the Wolf will talk about something I saw on a video a few years ago. It blew my mind.

And it also got me very interested in seriously pursuing Kosho Shorei Ryu more. 

And the fact that one of my dogs is 3/4 Arctic White Wolf. She behaves very differently from my Siberian Huskies.  And watching them all at play is very educational. They move, do all things without prejudice, without any conscious thought.  What we as martial artists need to strive for.

Wolves Hunt Bison

I was watching wolf videos one afternoon and I came across one of a pack of wolves hunting Bison.  I wish I could find this video again to post it. However the description here will have to do.

The wolf pack had a large group of Bison under siege.  They were circling the group trying to get them to panic and run. When it comes to hunting large animals wolves will attack from the rear. And therefore they hope is to get one to break off from the herd making them easier pray.

* Kosho and the Wolf

In this case a larger Bison broke off and was pursued by the Alpha of the pack. After the Bison ran out of energy he turn towards the wolf in a standoff.

They eyes each other for several minutes. Finally the Bison charge to try to gore the wolf with his horns.

The wolf shot forward at a 45 degree angle or 5 on the Octagon. 

And once past the Bison turned immediately at grabbed the back leg with his teeth severing the large artery in the back leg.  It was amazing to watch him move.

He then let go and followed the Bison until he died from blood loss. 

As this point the alpha wolf called his pack for dinner. It was the most incredible thing I have ever seen. Looking at the Octagon image above the Bison was at 1 on the Octagon, the Wolf in the center. He moved to the 5,  past the charging Bison, turned on the angle and finished the hunt.  The Wolf even used the 12-6-3 theory correctly, without thought. 

Kosho and the Wolf - A Lesson

Martial artists should take this example as a great lesson to them. The wolf hunts and defeats larger pray, and often times does so alone. And this is because wolves have no ego and simply follow natural laws.  

Most of all these laws are something man can follow also. But rather than do this, learn this,  most martial arts rely on their conditioning, strength, speed and ego to get them through.

Kosho and the Wolf

Ego is false, and conditioning is an illusion. Strength and speed cannot be maintained a lifetime. And the reason it is an illusion, is that it is not possible as we age, to train at the same levels we once did.  

When one realizes that a thug on the street is looking for an easy target and not someone formidable, embraces the 3 Friends of Winter and begins to train in Natural Laws martial arts become ageless. 

And with wisdom, like the wolf, we remain learning with the White Belt or beginners mind.  Natural Laws are natural laws, Kosho and the Wolf is an example. 

Kosho and the Wolf in Conclusion

Kosho and the Wolf in Conclusion

Kosho and the Wolf: If the Natural Laws interests you then you can get a free video below that will get you started.

I love the martial arts and I love to learn! 

Each day I dedicate to learning a new concept or aspect of what I do.

I hope you have this mind too. When we stop learning is the day we begin to die. I am the wolf, be the wolf. I hope you enjoyed Kosho and the Wolf.


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* Kosho Shorei Ryu

Free Kosho Ryu Basics Video

Fill out the form below, and confirm your email address and receive a FREE video on Kosho Ryu basics. 

You MUST confirm your email to receive the video! Read my Privacy Policy Here

Did you enjoy Kosho and the Wolf? Please consider registering yourself and your Dojo with the World Budo Alliance. It is free!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
World Budo Alliance