Kill the Buddha. What you think you know but DON’T!

* Kill the Buddha

Kill the Buddha: There is an old Zen saying "If you meet a Buddha you must Kill the Buddha." At first glance is seems like a very radical thing to say, but it is not radical at all. 

The martial arts world has today, and always has had an issue with ego. People join a martial art school or Dojo / Dojang, learn 3 blocks, a few punches and kicks and suddenly believe they are enlightened. Time to Kill the Buddha.

They develop a thirst for belt rank and once obtained loose focus on the reasons for being the journey to begin with.

And believe me I have seen this in former students of mine countless time. With one person it became such a problem he had to be banned from the Dojo. 

Kill the Buddha - Students or Customers

I used to run a commercial Dojo, and my son's and I did so very successfully. The Dojo Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts continues today without any of the 3 founders. And the reason is I burned out on the student vs customer issue. The never ending drama abut things that do not matter.  

So what is the difference?

Kill the Buddha - Customer

A Customer is someone who joins your Dojo for recreational purposes. While they behave respectfully, they complain non stop and often times have issues with real students in the Dojo.  They also wish to be involved in the teaching aspects as they progress but this is for self glorification not really for the benefit of the students. 

Other customers just come and go, and this is usually how the bills are paid.

Kill the Buddha- Student

A student is someone who is dedicated to training and learning. However if not kept in check they can develop huge egos and believe they are enlightened. They make Gods out of techniques. If their egos flare up they must be taught the principle of to kill the Buddha.

True martial arts is not an activity or an event. It is a STUDY, and a study with no end. Look at Kata as an example. Have you ever heard a student say, or have said yourself, I "know this Kata." This means very simply you have created a Buddha and now know less than when you started!

Kill the Buddha

I had once a long time student, may years ago who made 5th Dan Black Belt in my system. He understood kill the Buddha. He would come early to class and practice Kata, stating that each time he practiced he discovered something new within them. This included white belt content. He loved to truly help other students progress. And was a please to have on the floor. I have not talked to him in about 7 years. Perhaps I should invite him to the RMATC in 2023.

However others simply wanted to get through their current Kata to learn a new one! 

Kill the Buddha

I had another student for many years who was a very good student, until Black Belt. His ego flared up and he became enlightened. He stopped training hard, began to cause issues within the Dojo and resisted any change we brought into the system.

I was unsuccessful at turning his direction to a different path. There was a very bad influence came into his life and destroyed his potential. That actually happened with 2 students of the arts I know well. This is always very sad.

The process of learning, of study has no end. But the majority of advanced masters today believe they have all the answers. I have lots of questions, not so many answers. After almost 40 years I cannot believe I am still discovering and learning new things every day!

Kill the Buddha in Conclusion

Kill the Buddha in Conclusion

I love the martial arts! And while I will never again run a commercial Dojo I believe in the values of training.

If more people trained in the true path of budo the world would be a much better place. 

Because I have a high profile online I am often attacked by those who have issues with their own progress and egos. Recently I was again again attacked by a former student who believes he knows everything about my life.  Naturally he is 100 percent wrong. But then he always has issues with other people. Perhaps it is time to look in mirror. I have very few issues or conflicts with people. 

And that is fine. I attack NO ONE, nor do I respond to attacks. I practice the Zen Art of Silence

Since he loves to cast stones he must be without sin. Life is funny. Those whom you help the most often times turn on you first. But you help people anyways.

Remain a student for life, not a Buddha. Kill the Buddha.

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Thank you for taking time to read this article Kill the Buddha. Also take a look at the History of the World Budo Alliance and Old Man's Martial Art.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance