Samurai and the Fly. What a calm mind means

* Samurai and the Fly

Samurai and the Fly: Today I am writing an article focused on an animated video. But it is one of the best videos of its kind I have ever seen.

The video is called the Samurai and the Fly. And it highlights something extremely important today. A CALM MIND.

Have you noticed that people are living on a razors edge of insanity? The cause of course is fear monger by EVIL media technocrats like CNN

Serious lying to the public for these people should get them 20 year hard labor. And these ridiculous masks that DO NOTHING but deprive the brain of oxygen. And yes I know for a FACT this is true, as it in the Ministry of Labour's workplace safety guides and laws.

When i worked at Chrysler in the paint shop I got extra time off the job because of this! 

Peace of mind is hard when people are killing brain cells, and some of the did not have any to spare! I never wear these masks! 

Samurai and the Fly

Let's look at the video!

At the end of the video the Samurai realizes HE has allowed his mind to become polluted with pointless JUNK. Very much the way people do today wasting time on Facebook talking with, fighting with, people they do not know IN REALITY. And then ignore the people around them. 

Samurai and the Fly

Consuming CRAP AND LIES from the media that kicks in the adrenal functions of the body, will assure a premature death. Emotions are supposed to be a passing state, not a FOCUS of life. Why is depression epidemic? Think on this for a few minutes. 

And for what reason? Destroying family over LIES?? And people it is all a LIE. 99.9% of what you are seeing today everywhere are lies! Why? TO MAKE BILLIONS

How do you know? Quiet your mind and look deep inside! The quieter the mind is the clearer the vision. After time you begin to wonder how anyone could believe this stuff. Fear goes away. 

Samurai and the Fly - Meditation and Critical Thinking

In my opinion, not that I am right, to calm the mind requires some form of meditation. I meditate several times per day in order to keep my mind in check. Here is a LINK to a website with a FREE meditation video

A walk in nature also does wonders. Living in the mountains has truly kept my sanity during these last few years.  And there is nothing like the loyalty of a great dog. And I have 4 of them.

But do not forget your training.

Study not only the physical aspects of the martial arts, but follow the path of Budo and learn the history, Philosophies and Concepts of the arts. If the system you study is newer then look into other arts. Believe me, to expand the mind is always worth your time!

A true student of the arts is also a student of life. The the Samurai and the Fly.

Samurai and the Fly in Conclusion

Serious lying to the public for these people should get them 20 year hard labor. And these ridiculous masks that DO NOTHING but deprive the brain of oxygen. And yes I know for a FACT this is true, as it in the Ministry of Labour's workplace safety guides and laws. in Conclusion

I love what Hanshi Juchnik talks about. That life is about learning. It is not about consuming, and that is why the Western Culture is dead.

Time to bury it too! And I believe in education, not indoctrination. 

And the western education system is ONLY indoctrination. 

Thank GOD I dropped out of school! Everything I have learned in life is self taught and by listening to WISE people. Today there are many problems, but ONLY those will a quiet, calm mind with find solutions.

Remember a problem cannot be solved with the same mind that created it.

 When you change your mind you change your world.

* Kosho Ryu Beginner Guide

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Thank you for taking time to read this article Samurai and the Fly.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Grand Master Art Mason
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Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

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