History of the WBA [World Budo Alliance]

* History of the WBA [World Budo Alliance]

History of the WBA [World Budo Alliance]: As I sit here and write this in 2022, I remember back when the organization was born in 1998.

At the time, it was new and unheard of. As anyone who has spent any time in martial arts at all, you know that’s the devil. Nothing is worth anything, unless it has years of history behind it.

New ideas are mostly worthless, and deemed unauthentic. 

History of the WBA

An idea that is a week old and deemed false, a joke, etc, but gains great value in time. Take that same idea decades later, and now it is worth very much. It has history, etc. Somehow makes it better. And so the History of the WBA.

Introducing a new concept in a world that only exists because of new concepts, but in that same world new concepts are shunned, isn’t easy. The martial arts are great. The martial arts world is outright insane at times. In modern times, if an idea on an organization, or method of movement comes from you, in the present, it is ridiculed.

But, if you are following an idea, that centuries ago was founded by an individual who claimed to have obtained their knowledge from a spirit, that impregnated their dreams one night, well, that get’s the stamp of authenticity.

Anyhow, enough on that point.

History of the WBA [World Budo Alliance]

* History of the WBA [World Budo Alliance]

History of the WBA: Always a renegade (or, if you know your martial arts history, I’m the definition of traditional), I always wanted to do something different.

I left my original instructor at 17, because I knew his material to be not enough, sub-standard, and fanciful. I wanted to do better for anyone I would teach.

That is information for another day, but I mention it here to give you an idea as to why I started all of this in the first place, 24 years ago. I’m the type that never quits, but will change something and strike out on my own at anytime it makes sense to me. I don’t fear the court of public opinion.

I only care about my motives, and my vision. Sometimes, doing that has filled rooms. Sometimes, has left me standing alone. Love it either way, and I still operate in that fashion. Bring the noise.

History of the WBA - Martial Art Organizations

When I started on my own, opening my first club at 17, I joined an international organization, then another, then another…then another. They were all the same, no real purpose. They collect a fee, send materials, be there to promote in grade, etc, But big deal. What were we together, contributing to the world, through our martial arts?

Always in the back of my mind, was “what can I do to give through the martial arts, to not just martial artists, but non-martial artists as well..?” I always felt the martial arts were good for all. But how to deliver that good.

Teaching classes only goes so far. Being a religious reader of martial arts magazines back then (remember magazines…?), I came across a news piece, about a cluster of clubs in the USA that had conducted a seminar, with an entrance fee, that was 100% donated to charity.

Light switch moment! Back then I was much younger, thought I could do anything, so always shot big. Failed most of the time, but shot anyway. Too young, stupid and brave to do it any other way.

What if, one could do this:

1- Form a martial arts organization of practitioners from around the world.
2- Have that organization’s only purpose, be 1-3 major seminars per year
3- Have all the membership vote on a charity of choice leading up to the next seminar
4- Hold said seminar, with all proceeds going to that charity.

If one could build an international group of this kind, imagine how much we could do for society, through martial arts, without a person being a martial artist to reap the rewards? Isn’t martial arts about helping fellow man, being selfless, etc?

In time, as I grew older, I learned the tenants of the martial arts come mainly from the religious beliefs attached to the founders and practitioners of martial arts systems, but again, another subject for another time.

History of the WBA - A Winner?

* Language of Budo

I was sure I had a winner. Again, enthusiasm of youth. Great spirits and intentions, but not enough foresight to think of logistics. Where are these people located, how far apart, and how can the physical gatherings actually be facilitated?

Another side I had not anticipated, was the reception of large charitable groups to the idea. I thought visiting these groups in person, pitching my idea of trying to form a body to raise funds for them, would be received very well.

Nope. They mostly thought I was some dude looking to commit fraud, and use them as a front to do my dirty deeds. (insert the “F” word here). But, that didn’t deter me. Shoot, see where we land. 

I started sending letters out to well known martial arts leaders, including an info pack, membership form, and a certificate of membership.

History of the WBA - Black Belt Magazine

Should they accept, simply send the form back. Should they decline, send it all back. To my surprise, completed membership forms and acceptance was what was arriving in my mailbox. I then placed an ad in Black Belt magazine (Oct 1999 edition, page 123). This brought about more support.

* History of the WBA [World Budo Alliance]

Good news, is I now had members in 6 countries. Bad news, was each of these individuals, were the sole members, in each of those 6 countries.

Now what? That is a question I presented to these individuals, who were older and more experienced than me, and each had well-known organizations of their own.

Answer was the same: The status quo of other organizations, is what gets asses in the seats. Perhaps re-brand as such, but attach part of your original philosophy to it. OK. So I did.

Instead, I went this way:

1- Create an organization, bringing martial artists together, to share their expertise, resources, and friendship, with other martial artists, and agencies worldwide, that all have the common goal of friendship and sharing.
2- Do not limit the above thinking to fundraising for charities. Instead, anything of a giving or assisting nature.
3- To live step number two, this would mean offer for free, what other organizations charge for.

World Budo Alliance is Born

* World Budo Alliance

History of the WBA: I called this new endeavor the “World Budo Alliance”. A true alliance of like minded martial artists, concerned with training, and sharing.

That took off!

The best of the best joined. Told their friends, who followed. People get hot under the collar if you name names so many years after the fact, so I won’t.

But, as any past members can easily attest, many of the world’s most recognizable martial arts leaders, were in some shape of form, affiliated with the World Budo Alliance during the short golden years, of 2000-2002.

Some of the great works we completed together:
  • Time in grade promotions, and support to instructors and clubs in nations where the paying of fees for the same with other groups, was not possible.
  • Recognition of individuals looking to form their own systems, and share with the world their own martial arts expression (which is every person’s right). Some of these folks, then enjoyed massive followings, still in existence today.
  • The creation of safety courses on such topics as Women’s Self defense, Youth safety, and other subjects. These courses, would be used not only by our membership, but by some police agencies as well. I personally donated such courses to various police agencies in the Southern USA, as well as in Portugal, and the UK.
  • And much more, to list here.

History of the WBA

* History of the WBA [World Budo Alliance]

We were huge….but alas, broke. Lol. We could not get beyond anything that could be supplied in print or video. In time, and in fairness, people wanted sanctioned tournaments, in-person seminars, and such.

Of course. But, again, we were supplying everything imaginable in printed or video form. The costs associated with putting on events at actual venues, we simply did not have the funds for. 

New challenge, new direction. We brought in minimal fees. Not received well.

The folks we were helping that simply could not pay, felt betrayed. So we continued to help those we could….but if you do it in one part of the world, you have to do it across the board. So, now we’re shooting ourselves in the foot.

Further, some of our more well known members, understood, actually had a hand in suggesting that change. But some others, shocked us by expressing the opinion that we had recruited them for their status, to eventually use them and their status, as means to charge money of others. Thunder rolling.

History of the WBA continues

Further, when you are open to everyone, globally, you sometimes have friends of one another joining, but, you also have sworn enemies of one another joining. Being a close-knit group, we would announce in a mass email to the membership, anytime there was a new addition to the WBA family.

Sometimes, an email from a current member would come in, detailing how evil that person is, and should not be here.

As you can imagine, the new member would have equal amounts of “facts” and “history” to “expose” the current member, who is a charlatan, and has fooled us all. Then, each might even go as far as to individually contact various other members, and now you are refereeing a global internet martial arts feud.

History of the WBA

Now if you make a decision (which I always did), you can guarantee not only a direct confrontation from the disgruntled party, but normally all of their friends in the martial arts world as well. Sheesh!

* History of the WBA [World Budo Alliance]

Once this became the main activity of the WBA, I shut it down. Not only were we no longer achieving our goals, the organization was now becoming a vehicle for everything that can be wrong in the martial arts world. War and ego, 24 hours a day, no commercials.

History of the WBA Continues....

So now you’re thinking: “well, that’s not a great story. Why in the world would I want to be a part of this re-birthed group?”. Here are some points to ponder, that I now understand in retrospect, being middle age vs the young adult I was then:

1- While there were many involved, I held the reigns at the front of the sleigh. Error!
2- It took me many years of painful experience, to learn my ideas alone, are not always the best.
3- I ran the organization, politically. Meaning, I made decisions based on what was demanded that day, just to scratch my head the next day at the fallout, and wonder how to manage this new scenario.

In retrospect, I should have launched the organization, started it’s growth, then made it owned by all, and then step back and be a part of what more experienced folks could build upon. We would have been one of the most successful, sustaining multi-style martial arts organizations on earth. Many thought we would be.

History of the WBA - Rebirth of the WBA

The good news, is that can all still be true. My true friend and brother in Budo, Grand Master Art Mason, is a true level headed soul of reason, thoughtfulness, and foresight. The foundational intentions of the WBA, now led by him and his humble steady hand, allows a 2nd chance, and opportunity to get this right. I was the founder of the original WBA, the rough prototype, and he stood by my side.

He is now the founder of the new chapter of the WBA, the finished and improved model, and I am honored to stand by his side. The battles of the past have taught us much, and this new launch, totally initiated by Grandmaster Art Mason, is the way to go for any and all true martial artists. I am honoured, that he scoured the earth to find me, and dig me up to be a part of this.

History of the WBA - Honouring the Past

In closing, I want to give honorable mention to a past member of the WBA executive during the original version. He and I would spend many Sunday afternoons on the phone, discussing many things of budo, and of life. He was older than I (as was everyone, I was in my early 20’s then).

We had nicknames for each other. I would call him “Yoda”, because of his wisdom, experience, and demeanor. He would call me “Young Skywalker”, because in his view I had all the right ingredients and intentions, just needed life experience to make it all real.

Soke Raymond Hayes

After the WBA ended, we lost touch. I was saddened when searching for him on the web years later, to come across his obituary. I consider him one of my teachers. He never taught me any physical aspects, and we never shared company in person. But my, how he taught me many things of the Budo mental and spiritual! Soke Raymond Hayes, thank you for everything. Soke Hayes was a very important part of the History of the WBA.

In many times during my life, I remember a conversation you and I had. It was about the rapid growth of the WBA. I was gushing that we were growing in leaps and bounds. You said “Leaps and bounds can be great, unless you find yourself on the moon. Then, those leaps and bounds are a bad thing, as everything will spiral out of control."

There is no gravity on the moon. Stay grounded. Take those leaps and bounds, but be sure to take the time to be tethered to something solid. ” Wise Yoda, most wise."

Humbly yours in the arts,
Kyoshi Dave DeGrouchie

Dave Degrouchie

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I want to take a moment to personally thank my old friend Kyoshi Dave DeGrouchie for this article called History of the WBA. It will be one of many from him. I was so very happy and honoured to have reconnected with Kyoshi Dave and have him agree to return to the organization he founded.

All ideas have their time. And Kyoshi Dave was an is a visionary in our martial arts world. 

Most of all ideas and truth go through a process. That process is:

  1. 1st they are laughed at
  2. 2nd they are violently attacked
  3. And finally accepted as self evident

The time for the World Budo Alliance has come. But its success comes from the rich History of the WBA and the members who walk the path with us. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance