A Good Coward is the Path to Bravery

* A Good Coward

A Good Coward is the Path to Bravery: James Mitose stated "if a man comes to your to learn to fight who is a coward then teach him to run, to be a good coward first. Then once he is confident he can run teach him to fight."

This is great wisdom.

I have a follower who writes me often for self defense advice. I finally had to tell him to stop writing because he just kept repeating is questions. 

The man is a self proclaimed coward. And I must agree.

A Good Coward is the Path to Bravery

But, I have handled him wrong. I have always told him there is no shame in running. But this massive issue of being a coward caused his self worth to decline. And now manifests itself in him arguing with people to the point of them turning violent. He is self destructive and puts himself in bad situations.

I should have taught him to run, to be a good coward.

Most of all I personally do not like the image the martial arts has today. They were never intended to be sport. Now I have no issue with the idea of competition. I did it for 8 years in the 80's and early 90's. But it has gone to far.

The martial arts needs to be for the average person not just the elite athlete. 

Teaching Martial Arts

The issues with the commercial school are showing in the decline of the arts. Many of the complete systems are disappearing along with their history because of the need of paying high rents. Teachings are watered down to suit the masses rather than tailored to the student.

History is no longer taught, language is no longer taught. 

When I began my training it was survival of the fittest thereby eliminating many of the students from success. While I am completely in favor of hard training. There needs to be teaching. It is important we TEACH and if necessary teach a person to be a good coward, then once they are, we can teach them how to defend.

A Good Coward is the Path to Bravery

I am not a fan of the term to fight. I believe this also gives the wrong impression. I teach the values and benefits of martial arts training. On the path of Budo. Self Defense is a byproduct. 

I am also not a fitness instructor or as I call them "professional counters." I am a teacher. This means I adapt to the students needs to bring them along the path. This is why there is a certification program in my old Dojo for teachers. 

As martial arts teachers many of us have lost our way. We have subscribed to the Western Culture lie of instant gratification. Most of all we have to remember that the benefits of martial art training come with time. And the learning must continue for our entire lives. 

A Good Coward is the Path to Bravery in Conclusion

A Good Coward in Conclusion

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Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance