
Monthly Archives: March 2022

The Brain and Self Defense

* Brain and Self Defense - Use your Head!

The Brain and Self Defense: There is an age old saying, that is aimed at how we handle situations: “Use your head”, is more than likely a term everyone has heard in their lifetime.

In this write up, I will attempt to shed some light on how we do that, in everyday self defense situations.

Very important, that what I say be taken literally: Everyday, self defense situations. 

Brain and Self Defense

This is because, we run into situations that require self defense every single day. I’m sure most of us are fully aware of that, but just to be sure not to leave any stone un-turned in the realm of understanding, let’s take a moment to discuss what self defense is.

By definition, self defense is the practice of keeping ourselves free from harm. This as we martial artists know, does not always constitute a physical attack. But, applies to any problematic situation. In layman’s terms, any situation that is bad, or makes us feel bad, or causes bad in our lives, is harm. Pretty simple. How we behave to avoid, and how we behave to digest, the bad, is the practice of self defense.

Brain and Self Defense

Any attack, be it physical, emotional, or mental, needs the following, to succeed:
1- Target must be identified
2- There must be a clear path
3- Attack must land

We wish, that we are so perfect, flawless, and fabulous, that we are in control of points 1 and 2 all the time. And if we wish we always make the right choices, exist in the right circles, and participate in the best life practices, that make us endlessly pious, so nobody takes a swing at us, says a bad thing about us, or acts poorly towards us. 

Truth is, we are imperfect, and sometimes cause our own worst situations. And, people are assholes, and some people, as assholes, will blow poop and methane your way, no matter what you do. You can lesson the chances and success of points 1 and 2 very significantly, by being as aware of yourself as possible. But, you will never from birth to grave, be as successful, as you can be, managing point 3.

Brain and Self Defense - Fighting

* Brain and Self Defense

Let’s forget about silly physical fighting. Wanna win a fight? Bite the attacker’s cheek off, jam your finger into his eye, etc.

Schoolyard dirty tricks, that any baloney knows, can take out the most skilled fighter, if the defender keeps his shit together during the dance. 

Let’s look at the attacks that floor us, no matter how many black belts we have, how hard we can hit, how muscular we are, etc.

• How do you feel, when everyone is speaking poorly of you?
• Your spouse cheated on you. Does this defeat you?
• The are coming to repo your car today. How’s your appetite?
• You have just learned you have 1 year to live. Will you be able to live it?

How we process or digest life’s cruel and constant attacks, is how we determine if we “win the fight” or not. We are powered by our brains.  And how we think, how much we think, and what we think of, all the brain. Using our heads, is how we get to our response to a situation. Are we defeated, destroyed, or can we endure and rise? Bounce back, to silly physical fighting, same thing. When the dance is on, do we panic and freeze, or react and flow? All comes down to how we use our heads.

Brain and Self Defense

* Brain and Self Defense

So, we need to know how the head (brain), works. This is very cool stuff too!

How do you manage, something you know nothing or little about? 

Let’s talk about the brain then!

The brain operates at 5 cycles. Let's examine these closely now. 

The cycles are:
• Gamma: This is when you are totally engaged. Such as when focused on one single point
• Beta: This is the general concentration cycle, kind of where you are when walking down the street
• Alpha: This is the relaxed cycle. Clarity happens here. All fields of vision happen here.
• Theta: This is deep meditation, and 1st stage of the sleep cycles.
• Delta: This is deep sleep.

Brain and Self Defense - Quiz Time

Pop quiz question, for 10 points: If defending yourself against a physical, mental, or emotional attack, which cycle does the brain go to? If you said Gamma, you are correct. You are immediately focused and centered on the attack. It is all that matters, you see nothing else, and all it bares consumes you. Recipe for the win? I think not!

Here is another pop quiz question, for a new Corvette: If when defending yourself against a physical, mental, or emotional attack, your brain could instinctively go to the Alpha cycle, would you have the upper hand? Of course! Because an attack has to land in order to be successful! Your physical reflexes will be higher because you are not locked in a tunnel view.

Your mental reception will be one of calm, not panic. And your emotional response will be measured, and steered by you. Imagine how empowering that can be. Now, this is however, complex. The words are simple, but the understanding, and skill acquirement, is not so simple. That, is best covered in another write up, which will come on the heels of this one.

Brain and Self Defense in Conclusion

Brain and Self Defense in Martial Arts in Conclusion

Brain and Self Defense: My attempt right now, is to shed light on the brain and self defense, as the title states. I only wanted to cover what that means. And I think I have.

Laymen’s terms: It’s your state of mind in the situation that determines your reaction.

Scientific: It’s the cycle at which your brain is operating at, that determines your reaction. Next, we move on, to how to acquire the full understanding, and skill, to manage brain cycles. Keep and eye out, for “The Brain and Self Defense, Part Two”. In that write up, I’ll dive deeper on how to attain the proper situation-specific brain cycle instinctively, as well as provide some exercises to support.

Until then, keep training, and keep making mistakes.

That’s where knowledge comes form 😊

Thanksfor reading Brain and Self Defense.

Kyoshi Dave.
Founder: World Budo Alliance

Dave Degrouchie

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

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