Old Man’s Martial Art the Ageless Path of Budo

Old Man's Martial Art

Old Man's Martial Art: Time comes for us all. And as a youth I always knew that one day I would grow old. I just did not realize it would happen so soon. 

The other day I was reading some comments on different martial arts masters of old, and some of the older masters who are still alive and teaching. I saw a comment from a young man, and I must assume he is young by the comment, that "Kosho Ryu is an old man's martial art."

This made me smile from ear to ear. Back about 2 or 3 years ago I wrote an article called Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season about how important pressure point study is for those of us aging. And guess what, we are all aging! This is a very important article because aging with grace in the arts means understanding the human body. And over 98% of my follower are over 45 years of age.  But I have always offered the training in Natural Laws know Kosho as part of this. 

Old Man's Martial Art

The study of Kosho Ryu is about understanding more than just "what to do," Every martial art teaching this. Most importantly however very few martial arts teach "when to do it." or "where to move." There is a proclivity in the arts taught today to stand and fight. In my opinion that makes these martial arts only for the young, and the foolish. Why would I accept taking on mass, taking on damage when it is simply not necessary.

This is because today martial arts training is about BODY. Training for strength and endurance ONLY. The Mind - Body connection is therefore poor. Mind -Body - Spirit is missing. Those who do not agree are young of age and low on experience.

I recall my competition days. I was young and egotistical. However as the years went by, after a tournament while nursing my wounds, I would think to myself, "and I paid to do this." Somehow the trophy seemed worthless at this point. 

An old man's martial art, as I age that makes sense. And when I was 25 I was sure I knew everything about everything. As I aged I began to realize I know nothing. 

Old Man's Martial Art - Kosho Ryu

Old Man's Martial Art

I have been writing some books for my followers on Kosho the past few months. One such book is Kyusho Jitsu related. Because Kosho Ryu is a complete martial art system pressure points are taught by default within it.

And because it is part of the art the approach to Kyusho Jitsu is different. 

You can learn more about Kosho Book of Q-Sho here

Today I am refocusing my martial art training and teaching on Kosho Ryu. I began that journey in late 2000. However today I see these teaching of great important. The current state of the martial arts world is not good. If we do not change this many of these teachings will be lost to time. The days of the Dojo will be gone if we do not change things. That is why the resurrection of the World Budo Alliance and returning to the teachings and paths of old. 

Old Man's Martial Art in Conclusion

Old Man's Martial Art in Conclusion

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* Kosho Core Concepts Series

Kosho Core Concepts Series

Study of the Natural Laws of Kosho Shorei Ryu. An Old Man's Martial Art. Learn the timeless and Ageless Path of Budo.

Natural Laws of Self Defense

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance