Kill the Buddha. What you think you know but DON’T!

* Kill the Buddha

Kill the Buddha: There is an old Zen saying "If you meet a Buddha you must Kill the Buddha." At first glance is seems like a very radical thing to say, but it is not radical at all. 

The martial arts world has today, and always has had an issue with ego. People join a martial art school or Dojo / Dojang, learn 3 blocks, a few punches and kicks and suddenly believe they are enlightened. Time to Kill the Buddha.

They develop a thirst for belt rank and once obtained loose focus on the reasons for being the journey to begin with.

And believe me I have seen this in former students of mine countless time. With one person it became such a problem he had to be banned from the Dojo. 

Kill the Buddha - Students or Customers

I used to run a commercial Dojo, and my son's and I did so very successfully. The Dojo Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts continues today without any of the 3 founders. And the reason is I burned out on the student vs customer issue. The never ending drama abut things that do not matter.  

So what is the difference?

Kill the Buddha - Customer

A Customer is someone who joins your Dojo for recreational purposes. While they behave respectfully, they complain non stop and often times have issues with real students in the Dojo.  They also wish to be involved in the teaching aspects as they progress but this is for self glorification not really for the benefit of the students. 

Other customers just come and go, and this is usually how the bills are paid.

Kill the Buddha- Student

A student is someone who is dedicated to training and learning. However if not kept in check they can develop huge egos and believe they are enlightened. They make Gods out of techniques. If their egos flare up they must be taught the principle of to kill the Buddha.

True martial arts is not an activity or an event. It is a STUDY, and a study with no end. Look at Kata as an example. Have you ever heard a student say, or have said yourself, I "know this Kata." This means very simply you have created a Buddha and now know less than when you started!

Kill the Buddha

I had once a long time student, may years ago who made 5th Dan Black Belt in my system. He understood kill the Buddha. He would come early to class and practice Kata, stating that each time he practiced he discovered something new within them. This included white belt content. He loved to truly help other students progress. And was a please to have on the floor. I have not talked to him in about 7 years. Perhaps I should invite him to the RMATC in 2023.

However others simply wanted to get through their current Kata to learn a new one! 

Kill the Buddha

I had another student for many years who was a very good student, until Black Belt. His ego flared up and he became enlightened. He stopped training hard, began to cause issues within the Dojo and resisted any change we brought into the system.

I was unsuccessful at turning his direction to a different path. There was a very bad influence came into his life and destroyed his potential. That actually happened with 2 students of the arts I know well. This is always very sad.

The process of learning, of study has no end. But the majority of advanced masters today believe they have all the answers. I have lots of questions, not so many answers. After almost 40 years I cannot believe I am still discovering and learning new things every day!

Kill the Buddha in Conclusion

Kill the Buddha in Conclusion

I love the martial arts! And while I will never again run a commercial Dojo I believe in the values of training.

If more people trained in the true path of budo the world would be a much better place. 

Because I have a high profile online I am often attacked by those who have issues with their own progress and egos. Recently I was again again attacked by a former student who believes he knows everything about my life.  Naturally he is 100 percent wrong. But then he always has issues with other people. Perhaps it is time to look in mirror. I have very few issues or conflicts with people. 

And that is fine. I attack NO ONE, nor do I respond to attacks. I practice the Zen Art of Silence

Since he loves to cast stones he must be without sin. Life is funny. Those whom you help the most often times turn on you first. But you help people anyways.

Remain a student for life, not a Buddha. Kill the Buddha.

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Form Bulider

Thank you for taking time to read this article Kill the Buddha. Also take a look at the History of the World Budo Alliance and Old Man's Martial Art.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Bushido a Moral Education. Why do martial arts need change?

* Bushido a Moral Education

Bushido a Moral Education. Welcome to the 21st Century. Well in truth it has been here a little over 2 decades. And in my view is a complete failure. The Western Culture is in its death rattle today.

But due to what? Lack of values. Lying and greed are considered values by the lying ruling class and those who sold their souls to help them. May God have mercy on their pathetic excuse for souls. 

Most of all today politicians lie, doctors [science] lie, media lies, religion lies, and the alleged education systems lies. Is there even a real culture left? And people are more interested in Facebook friends than real people! You see this everyday. And my life path, the martial arts world, is full of liars too! I could name names, but I will not. 

Bushido a Moral Education

Or at least it used to be. Today the martial arts world is predominately about sport. And the word predominately is what matters. Look at professional sports today. Can you say these athletes are fine upstanding citizens and role models? Most importantly today there is a BULLYING epidemic.

And it is considered to be VIRTUE as long as the bullying follows the narrative. 

I recalled back in the early 2000's making a post on Facebook, when I still used it for personal reasons, stating the quote that "tolerance and apathy are the final values of a dying culture." And I was called names by people and told it would never happen. And who originated that quote? Aristotle did as he watch his culture die from the same disease of the mind. Therefore the proof is in we do not learn from history. Most of all the masses do not even know history. Unless it is their browser history. How are you on the History of the Martial Arts?

Bushido a Moral Education

I personally believe that the martial arts needs a new paradigm, and that training is a path back for the world. We used to get our moral values, our moral compass from religion. But that has been corrupted now for centuries. 

Importantly, Bushido, Budo the martial path is about living a life of values. And i my view it is our responsibility to share these values through our teaching. Not to spread violence for the sale of a trophy.  

Bushido a Moral Education

Therefore my school Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute was FOUNDED and these values, and survives today because they are still taught. My school once competed also, until I saw the clear direction of where sport was headed. 

Therefore if each martial artists dedicated themselves to a moral life, one without lies, greed and the other deadly sins the world will change for the better, and change quickly. And I am using the World Budo Alliance as a vehicle to unite the martial arts community and bring like minded people together. 

Bushido a Moral Education - A Man of Peace

Most of all I am a man of peace. But I was not always this way. It is my life long study of Budo that has made me this way. And I live by the principles of "having compassion for all living beings, and if you cannot then to DO NO HARM." And today compassion is hard. This is a basic Buddhist teaching. Very important is the fact this is supposed to be the martial way. To "ONLY FIGHT to protect my life and the lives of others." I do not recall an exception for any form of fighting. 

Yesterday I listened to an audiobook that was written by Morihei Ueshiba the fonder of Aikido. It is called the "Art of Peace." I embed it below if you wish to listen.

He was not always a good man. And in fact his younger days are very turbulent. However his path turned him into not just a good man, but a great man. The same applies to James Mitose. Bushido a Moral Education and must remain that way.

Everyone gets a return if they follow the path.

Bushido a Moral Education in Conclusion

Bushido a Moral Education in Conclusion

Bushido a Moral Education: I hope you will join me and many other martial artists here to help get the world back on track through the teachings of Budo and the values of love, compassion, non violence and truthfulness. 

The martial arts were once revered and deeply respected. We can return them to that status once again. 

I hope you enjoyed reading Bushido a Moral Education.

* Kosho Shorei Ryu

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Thank you for taking time from your schedule to read this article called Bushido a Moral Education.

If you would like to register yourself or your Dojo with the World Budo Alliance this free. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Kosho and the Wolf. Why nature cannot be improved.

* Kosho and the Wolf

Kosho and the Wolf. Why nature cannot be improved upon. i love wolves, of that there is no doubt. Living in the mountains I hear them often. However you rarely ever see them.

Today's article called Kosho and the Wolf will talk about something I saw on a video a few years ago. It blew my mind.

And it also got me very interested in seriously pursuing Kosho Shorei Ryu more. 

And the fact that one of my dogs is 3/4 Arctic White Wolf. She behaves very differently from my Siberian Huskies.  And watching them all at play is very educational. They move, do all things without prejudice, without any conscious thought.  What we as martial artists need to strive for.

Wolves Hunt Bison

I was watching wolf videos one afternoon and I came across one of a pack of wolves hunting Bison.  I wish I could find this video again to post it. However the description here will have to do.

The wolf pack had a large group of Bison under siege.  They were circling the group trying to get them to panic and run. When it comes to hunting large animals wolves will attack from the rear. And therefore they hope is to get one to break off from the herd making them easier pray.

* Kosho and the Wolf

In this case a larger Bison broke off and was pursued by the Alpha of the pack. After the Bison ran out of energy he turn towards the wolf in a standoff.

They eyes each other for several minutes. Finally the Bison charge to try to gore the wolf with his horns.

The wolf shot forward at a 45 degree angle or 5 on the Octagon. 

And once past the Bison turned immediately at grabbed the back leg with his teeth severing the large artery in the back leg.  It was amazing to watch him move.

He then let go and followed the Bison until he died from blood loss. 

As this point the alpha wolf called his pack for dinner. It was the most incredible thing I have ever seen. Looking at the Octagon image above the Bison was at 1 on the Octagon, the Wolf in the center. He moved to the 5,  past the charging Bison, turned on the angle and finished the hunt.  The Wolf even used the 12-6-3 theory correctly, without thought. 

Kosho and the Wolf - A Lesson

Martial artists should take this example as a great lesson to them. The wolf hunts and defeats larger pray, and often times does so alone. And this is because wolves have no ego and simply follow natural laws.  

Most of all these laws are something man can follow also. But rather than do this, learn this,  most martial arts rely on their conditioning, strength, speed and ego to get them through.

Kosho and the Wolf

Ego is false, and conditioning is an illusion. Strength and speed cannot be maintained a lifetime. And the reason it is an illusion, is that it is not possible as we age, to train at the same levels we once did.  

When one realizes that a thug on the street is looking for an easy target and not someone formidable, embraces the 3 Friends of Winter and begins to train in Natural Laws martial arts become ageless. 

And with wisdom, like the wolf, we remain learning with the White Belt or beginners mind.  Natural Laws are natural laws, Kosho and the Wolf is an example. 

Kosho and the Wolf in Conclusion

Kosho and the Wolf in Conclusion

Kosho and the Wolf: If the Natural Laws interests you then you can get a free video below that will get you started.

I love the martial arts and I love to learn! 

Each day I dedicate to learning a new concept or aspect of what I do.

I hope you have this mind too. When we stop learning is the day we begin to die. I am the wolf, be the wolf. I hope you enjoyed Kosho and the Wolf.


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* Kosho Shorei Ryu

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Did you enjoy Kosho and the Wolf? Please consider registering yourself and your Dojo with the World Budo Alliance. It is free!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

The Brain and Self Defense

* Brain and Self Defense - Use your Head!

The Brain and Self Defense: There is an age old saying, that is aimed at how we handle situations: “Use your head”, is more than likely a term everyone has heard in their lifetime.

In this write up, I will attempt to shed some light on how we do that, in everyday self defense situations.

Very important, that what I say be taken literally: Everyday, self defense situations. 

Brain and Self Defense

This is because, we run into situations that require self defense every single day. I’m sure most of us are fully aware of that, but just to be sure not to leave any stone un-turned in the realm of understanding, let’s take a moment to discuss what self defense is.

By definition, self defense is the practice of keeping ourselves free from harm. This as we martial artists know, does not always constitute a physical attack. But, applies to any problematic situation. In layman’s terms, any situation that is bad, or makes us feel bad, or causes bad in our lives, is harm. Pretty simple. How we behave to avoid, and how we behave to digest, the bad, is the practice of self defense.

Brain and Self Defense

Any attack, be it physical, emotional, or mental, needs the following, to succeed:
1- Target must be identified
2- There must be a clear path
3- Attack must land

We wish, that we are so perfect, flawless, and fabulous, that we are in control of points 1 and 2 all the time. And if we wish we always make the right choices, exist in the right circles, and participate in the best life practices, that make us endlessly pious, so nobody takes a swing at us, says a bad thing about us, or acts poorly towards us. 

Truth is, we are imperfect, and sometimes cause our own worst situations. And, people are assholes, and some people, as assholes, will blow poop and methane your way, no matter what you do. You can lesson the chances and success of points 1 and 2 very significantly, by being as aware of yourself as possible. But, you will never from birth to grave, be as successful, as you can be, managing point 3.

Brain and Self Defense - Fighting

* Brain and Self Defense

Let’s forget about silly physical fighting. Wanna win a fight? Bite the attacker’s cheek off, jam your finger into his eye, etc.

Schoolyard dirty tricks, that any baloney knows, can take out the most skilled fighter, if the defender keeps his shit together during the dance. 

Let’s look at the attacks that floor us, no matter how many black belts we have, how hard we can hit, how muscular we are, etc.

• How do you feel, when everyone is speaking poorly of you?
• Your spouse cheated on you. Does this defeat you?
• The are coming to repo your car today. How’s your appetite?
• You have just learned you have 1 year to live. Will you be able to live it?

How we process or digest life’s cruel and constant attacks, is how we determine if we “win the fight” or not. We are powered by our brains.  And how we think, how much we think, and what we think of, all the brain. Using our heads, is how we get to our response to a situation. Are we defeated, destroyed, or can we endure and rise? Bounce back, to silly physical fighting, same thing. When the dance is on, do we panic and freeze, or react and flow? All comes down to how we use our heads.

Brain and Self Defense

* Brain and Self Defense

So, we need to know how the head (brain), works. This is very cool stuff too!

How do you manage, something you know nothing or little about? 

Let’s talk about the brain then!

The brain operates at 5 cycles. Let's examine these closely now. 

The cycles are:
• Gamma: This is when you are totally engaged. Such as when focused on one single point
• Beta: This is the general concentration cycle, kind of where you are when walking down the street
• Alpha: This is the relaxed cycle. Clarity happens here. All fields of vision happen here.
• Theta: This is deep meditation, and 1st stage of the sleep cycles.
• Delta: This is deep sleep.

Brain and Self Defense - Quiz Time

Pop quiz question, for 10 points: If defending yourself against a physical, mental, or emotional attack, which cycle does the brain go to? If you said Gamma, you are correct. You are immediately focused and centered on the attack. It is all that matters, you see nothing else, and all it bares consumes you. Recipe for the win? I think not!

Here is another pop quiz question, for a new Corvette: If when defending yourself against a physical, mental, or emotional attack, your brain could instinctively go to the Alpha cycle, would you have the upper hand? Of course! Because an attack has to land in order to be successful! Your physical reflexes will be higher because you are not locked in a tunnel view.

Your mental reception will be one of calm, not panic. And your emotional response will be measured, and steered by you. Imagine how empowering that can be. Now, this is however, complex. The words are simple, but the understanding, and skill acquirement, is not so simple. That, is best covered in another write up, which will come on the heels of this one.

Brain and Self Defense in Conclusion

Brain and Self Defense in Martial Arts in Conclusion

Brain and Self Defense: My attempt right now, is to shed light on the brain and self defense, as the title states. I only wanted to cover what that means. And I think I have.

Laymen’s terms: It’s your state of mind in the situation that determines your reaction.

Scientific: It’s the cycle at which your brain is operating at, that determines your reaction. Next, we move on, to how to acquire the full understanding, and skill, to manage brain cycles. Keep and eye out, for “The Brain and Self Defense, Part Two”. In that write up, I’ll dive deeper on how to attain the proper situation-specific brain cycle instinctively, as well as provide some exercises to support.

Until then, keep training, and keep making mistakes.

That’s where knowledge comes form 😊

Thanksfor reading Brain and Self Defense.

Kyoshi Dave.
Founder: World Budo Alliance

Dave Degrouchie

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

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I hope you enjoyed this article called Brain and Self Defense! Pleas visit my Kyusho Blog too!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Self Defense or Self Defeat? What is the great Dojo fail?

* Self Defense or Self Defeat

Self Defense or Self Defeat? First I have to make a statement categorically. Because someone is a martial art Black Belt, regardless of rank, does not make them a self defense expert. In truth, just the opposite. 

One of the most important things that happen in a Dojo is the learning of self defense. Yet this is the area where the egos becoming the biggest, the most posturing is done, and the most attacks of a personal nature occur. 

Self Defense or Self Defeat

A great example of this is the bullshido clowns. They have attacked me countless times. And in thus helped me to get a lot of students. Why? Because any critical thinker knows we do not need a punch of internet trolls decided what is good and what is not. We see nothing but this in society today. 

The truth of self defense is there are no experts. And the combat people, the former seals etc are COMBAT people. Street defense and military have no relationship. In a war it is kill or be killed. On the street it is only survival. The attacker does not expect a fight.  But if you kill him, and it is not justifiable you go to prison for a long time. 

Self Defense or Self Defeat

Many years ago, about 20 in fact I had a young man come into my Dojo for a free lesson. He told me he was far from a beginner and had been trained in the USA by the Navy Seals. Ok fine, why are you here?

I assigned my senior Black Belt to teach him his lesson. The man went to change in the dressing room and came out wearing Ninja tabbies. It was all I could do to not laugh out loud. 

Self Defense or Self Defeat

He was awful! There was ZERO for previous training in this man, unless maybe he was 8 and trained for 6 months. He came into the office to see me afterwards and proceeded to brag about his training.

He grabbed my son Curt's wrist and applied a joint lock with pressure. He ask Curt, "do you know what this is?" Curt replied a basic wrist lock. The look on this guys face was priceless. Curt said to him "do it for real." The kid applied pressure, Curt moved in the Octagon and reversed the lock taking the man down.

We never heard from him again.

Why I removed my Self Defense Course.

I am NOT a self defense expert. And to be honest I do not believe there is any such thing.  Dojo's either teach Self Defense or Self Defeat. And I see mostly self defeat. 

Years go, abut 12 years ago I certified in Grand Master Steve Stewart's Humane Pressure Points Tactics course. I am the highest level in this and authorized to teach this. And this is decent stuff for the right student. I released my own version back in 2017 but have since removed it.

Self Defense or Self Defeat

Why did I remove it? Because people are not interested inl earning they are interested in pretending they know everything. So this year I removed them from the market. 

Where does the ego come from? The instructor or martial arts wins a few bar fights and they are enlightened. Whys is teaching so hard? Because something works for you does not mean it will work for others.  People who come to a martial arts teacher for self defense reasons are not looking to be champions, and not street fighters, they are please afraid of conflict. Cowards basically.

Yet you are going to teach them to FIGHT. EPIC FAIL.

Self Defense or Self Defeat

So what do you do? Teach them to ESCAPE first, to be safe. That was the basis of my Level One HPPT course. But it is part of Kosho Shorei and Kosho is the foundation of my eclectic root art of Hapkido

Once someone is comfortable with escaping then you maybe able to teach them to fight. But what most instructors do is offer a one size fits all pile of techniques that never work. And this about 95 percent of the offerings I have seen in the industry. 

Self Defense or Self Defeat? Self defense means teach them to escape and be safe. Self Defeat means teach them the techniques and watch them fail.

Self Defense or Self Defeat in Conclusion

Self Defense or Self Defeat in Conclusion

All failure comes when you believe you have arrived. No technique has ever worked, and no martial artists can call themselves self defense experts. You may not like this, but it is true.  You might be a champion in the ring, but the guy attacking will kill you, the guy in the ring just wants to win.

No matter what martial art you train in never think you know it all. Always be learning and expanding. Keeping the white belt beginners mind. Thank you for reading Self Defense or Self Defeat.

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

3 Friends of Winter. What is the Sho Chiku Bai?

3 Friends of Winter

3 Friends of Winter. What is the Sho Chiku Bai? The seal of crest used in Kosho Shorie Ryu has a very deep history in the martial arts, and not just Kosho Ryu. Everything in the crest also has a deep and important meaning.

 Today I am going to focus on the 3 Friends of Winter, Pine, Bamboo and Plum. The 3 Evergreens of the martial arts.

3 Friends of Winter

Back a few years ago I wrote an article on my Kyusho Jitsu World Blog called the Seasons of Life.  There is another I wrote also on the Season of Winter. And there is an important reason too! We all grow older. Most of all it happens a lot faster then we think it will.

The Kosho Ryu crest has many meanings, but to I am only going to be concerned with the Pine, Bamboo, Plum aspect.  What is taught as martial arts today is VERY incomplete.

3 Friends of Winter - Life Expectancy of Martial Arts Today

Most systems have a life expectancy of about 4 years, at which time they run out of materials to teach.  These tend to be very sport oriented and aimed at enrolling children and young adults.  This trend has caused people to view the arts as activities and not ways of life. Plus because of sub standard training and ideas injuries are high as the body wear out at the joints. 

I had a friend back in the 80's who was a Taekwondo fighter at an international level. By the age of 30 he needed a walking cane due to joint injury. This is due to excessive, unbalance training in sport. Big price, no reward. We lost contact 30 years ago. But he needed new knees and hips. 

When taught properly, and completely martial arts training lasts for a life time. 

3 Friends of Winter

* Kosho Shorei Ryu

The 3 friends of winter refer to the pine, bamboo, and plum.

The origin of this term is found as early as the Record of the Five-cloud Plum Cottage from the Clear Mountain Collection of literary writings by Lin Jingxi, 1241-1310, a Song dynasty loyalist). “For his residence, earth was piled to form a hill and a hundred plum trees, which along with lofty pines and tall bamboo comprise the friends of winter, were planted.”

3 Friends of Winter

Every year, as the season progresses from autumn to winter, the days become progressively colder. While many plants and trees begin to wither away or shed their leaves, the pine, bamboo, and plum seem to do just the opposite with their surprising display of vitality. Indeed, this unique quality drew much attention of the ancient Chinese.

The praise that the Chinese have for the pine, bamboo, and plum derives from the natural ability of these plants to withstand and even flourish in harsh environments. They became symbols that encouraged people to persevere in adversity, providing inspiration through consolation and determination. Consequently, these three became common subjects through the ages in Chinese painting and calligraphy. Because artists bring different experiences and feelings to these subjects, their works show a variety of forms, expressions, and sentiments.

3 Friends of Winter in Conclusion

3 Friends of Winter in Conclusion

The study of Kosho Ryu, which I began in 2000 make my martial art training timeless. 

My Hapkido training was beginning to destroy my body with excessive wear and tear.  

In the martial arts you should get better, more devastating with age. Not shrivel up and die. My art of Hapkido, which I rebuilt with Kosho Concepts and Principles not only became more effective, but also timeless. I am better today then I was 30 years ago.

And that is the idea. Martial Arts are for the long haul, a path of life, not an activity or sport. Consider this....

Thak you for reading 3 Friends of Winter.

* Kosho Shorei Ryu

Free Kosho Ryu Basics Video

Fill out the form below, and confirm your email address and receive a FREE video on Kosho Ryu basics. 

You MUST confirm your email to receive the video! Read my Privacy Policy Here

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this article the 3 Friends of Winter. Please consider registering with us here at the World Budo Alliance.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason
Founder: Wolf's Den Dojo

Grand Master Art Mason

Martial Arts are Evil! Why would I say this?

* Martial Arts are Evil

Martial Arts are Evil! Why would I say this? I became concerned with the direction of the martial arts back in the late 80's.

As I began to see the disappearance of values and ethics. But 2008 I was appalled at what was being taught, and how it was being taught.

Back in 2008 I had a large commercial Dojo in Windsor Ontario Canada. Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute.  

Martial Arts are Evil!

It was in a BIG expensive lease in the best possible place in South Windsor. But after 18 months in my lease the idiot landlord decided to allow a fight club to open in the same plaza. I was promised they were NOT going to be teaching children. But that was a lie

One day while I was out delivering fliers in the area I found one of this clubs fliers. A full colour image of 2 men in a ring fight, one punching the other in the face, and blood flying everywhere.

On the next line it showed an image of a young child touting how they also were experts at teaching children (another lie).  The owner had ZERO experience. because I knew his teacher.  He would brag about how he intended to put me out of business.  To my face he was respectful, behind my back was very different. 

Martial Arts are Evil

I was sickened when I saw this. But I was not really worried. However he did get children as students. This does not say much for the parents! Some children left my school for his after he would talk to the parents in the parking lot. Would you send your kids to a fight club? This is barbarianism and one clear reason why the world is in trouble today.  Tell me I am wrong?

A few month later on a Saturday we were doing a belt grading. Before it started I went to the variety store in the plaza, which was also a post office to send out some Kyusho DVDs.  I was in my Gi, which was normal. Good advertising since I was high profile there.

Martial Arts are Evil!

There was a woman in front of me in line who turned to be and yelled. "What you do is evil! Martial Arts are Evil!!!" I told her she did not understand what I did. I even invited her to come to my school and see. She told me i made her sick. I was this was the only time I have heard this. But sadly it was not. 

I ended the conversation. She obviously was talking about the fight club upstairs and not me. But she made her opinion very, very clear.

And she is NOT wrong.

Martial Arts are Evil! - What are we teaching

I have watched for decades as many instructors glorify violence. Teaching overkill in their classes yet never discussing deescalation of violence, or teaching escaping arts first, and only doing harm when there is no choice. 

And also many of these men and women have no clue what they are doing.  Sport does not apply to the street, and One Step or one attack/punch technique training has its uses, but it is far from a solution.  One of the issues is because the instructor can fight or has won some fights and therefore believe they are enlightened. 

It is time in my opinion to get back to the real purpose of martial art training. Self improvement, Body - Mind - Spirit connection, with self defense as the byproduct. A complete martial arts systems. Living your training always searching for more knowledge. 

Martial Arts are Evil! in Conclusion

It was in a BIG expensive lease in the best possible place in South Windsor.  in Conclusion

Today the biggest selling commodities on the internet are sex and violence. Porn being the number one commodity. This is very sad. Graphic real violence is second.  How did this ever become something normal? I have a student who has been with me about 2 decades now who wrote an article on his blog about Healing Violence

I encourage you to go read this one.

One mandate here at the World Budo Alliance is to bring like minded martial artists and teachers together. For the purpose of getting back to teaching martial arts based on ethics and values, not barbarianism.

If we do not the martial arts will disappear to history. We need to change the course of the ship, and never have anyone say again that Martial Arts are Evil.

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Thank you for taking time to read this article called Martial Arts are Evil!.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Poison of Pride. What is the Sin of Pride?

* Poison of Pride

Poison of Pride: Why Pride comes before the fall. This is true each and every time and history shows this as truth.

One of the reason is the idiots in our world who try to rewrite history by denying it. Trying to create the world in their own image, rather then honouring and learning from the past.

Martial Art history is no exception to this either. Even if I wish it was. Pride  and the poison of pride are one of the Seven Deadly Sins. And today because of the chaos we life in sin is considered virtue.

The Seven Deadly Sins are:

  1. Lust
  2. Gluttony
  3. Greed
  4. Sloth
  5. Wrath
  6. Envy
  7. Pride

We, each one of us is guilty of one or more of these sins. However for me, WRATH is my major sin, I try each day to be a better person.  And control my wrath. 

Poison of Pride

In the martial arts world you see this far too often. And the words Pride comes before the Fall seem to have little to no meaning. I wrote an article a while back on my Kyusho blog about the fact Martial Arts needs a New Paradigm. And it does, because if we do not change the direction this ship, then the arts will die in my lifetime. And I am sorry enrollment is not what I am talking about. I am talking about history and tradition. If you believe your enrollment is made up of students, and not customers looking for an activity you are in for a surprise. 

Edmond Parker

Let's talk about Poison of Pride. Once place you really see the Poison of Pride is when a founder of an art passes away.

American Kenpo is a great example. After Edmond Parker passed away his first generation students began to fight among themselves, fragmenting the art.

Now as his first generation of students, great men like Frank Trejo have now passed the art fragments more. I had the privilege of knowing Grand Master Trejo.

He as an amazing man and friend. While I never trained with him, I knew him because he was GM Stewart's teacher.

 And GM Stewart was and is my Kyusho teacher.  I was deeply sadden when I heard of his passing.

When the 2nd Generation is Gone

Once the 2nd generation of students passes or retires American Kenpo will disappear. 

Why has this happened? Mostly because Mr Parker did not leave a clear path for his students to preserve the art he founded.  Then pride of some kicked in and division was born where unity once existed. 

Pictured to the right Grand Master Frank Treyo. You are missed my friend.

Frank Treyo

The very same is true of Aikido wit the passing of O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba passed. The infighting for control of the art lead to the "Way of Harmony" becoming the "Way of Disharmony."

* Morihei Ueshiba

Poison of Pride: I recalled so well in 1987 how the Aikido world attacked Steven Seagal.

Perhaps you do not like Seagal, but when you attack someone like he was and continues being attacked, you show you pride and the poison in your soul from it.  Your mental illness is showing!

The are many people I have met in the arts I did not like too. But I do not gossip about them. And it happened in Tae Kwon Do also when General Choi Hong Hi passed in 2002. I have a linage connected to him myself. 

Now I admit the connection is foggy. My first Grand Master teacher Chung Won Oh was very close to the General. 

Poison of Pride

I have heard that Mr Oh studied with the  General, and I have heard the General studied with Mr Oh. Why is this information unclear? Too much pride as some 1st generation students try to rewrite history to glorify themselves.

I did not even get into how this happened in Kosho Shorei Ryu. However my kudos to a man I call teacher Hanshi Bruce Juchnik for his tireless work to preserver the art and teaching of Great Grand Master James Mitose.  

Poison of Pride - W.B.A Preservation of History and Arts.

One of the project I am currently working on in the World Budo Alliance is the History and Preservation of the Arts. And I am looking for people to help me accomplish this. 

But I will say that I have no interest in anyone seeking glory. You are not going to get paid for this either. If you decide to join this team and compile the history of your chosen art it will require time and effort. I am not looking for stories either. But proven content with citations to back everything up. 

If this interest you then use the form below for questions to let me know.

Poison of Pride in Conclusion

Poison of Pride in Conclusion

I hope you will join me in this project, and a massive project it is too! And this project is about work, not glory. Yes your name will be credit on the page for the research, but the work comes first.

Thank you for reading Poison of Pride.

History and Preservation of the Arts

Interested in join us?

Please gice details on which art you wish to contribute history too.

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Poison of Pride.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Martial Art Mystique is Gone. What happened to it?

* Martial Art Mystique is Gone

Martial Art Mystique is Gone:  I remember well when I was a child seeing the pilot for the Green Hornet, and watching Bruce Lee run down a flight of stairs jump and kick out a light. I was amazing.  

That was about 55 years ago now. 

Today all the mystery that was once part of the martial arts is long gone. Martial Art Mystique has disappeared.

Martial Art Mystique is Gone

When I was in High School and boxing with the Windsor Amateur Boxing Club, there was a kid in my grade who was taking Tae Kwon Do with Bob Chase of United Tae Kwon Do, This was the first martial art school that I recall in the city. But I know there were others. 

At school when this guy took a stance there was a great "aura" about him of being invincible. All I wanted to do was become a martial artist. Another friend [Sensei Grant Kruly] had become involved in Aikido. He was amazing! He and I used to go downtown to Bruce Lee movies on Saturday afternoon. It did not matter how many times we saw them!

Martial Arts was Mysterious!

Martial Art Mystique - What Happened?

Today the mystery is long gone. Everyone and his brother has had some kind of training. We now also have a proliferation of systems saying how "karate" does not work, only my "special forces" stuff does.

Commercialization has done damage. And I am pro commercialization, but not selling out. You do not have to sell out because you have a commercial Dojo. However the arts have become very watered down as Black Belts rushed to open schools and water down the teaching to get children into programs and appeal to more adults. 

The martial arts lost their street effectiveness, and mystery due to the times. The went from COVERT to OVERT. But it does not need to be this way. On the street there is no longer an element of surprise that the arts once held. Everyone has seen it. Or have they? Is the Martial Art Mystique gone?

Martial Art Mystique is Gone - Origins in the West

Robert Trias

A vast majority of what we see in the martial arts world came because of the military after WWII.

This continued with the Korean Conflict as well as Vietnam.

The issue with this was, while these men and women were very talented, their training was not complete. They stopped learning themselves to operate a Dojo. Now understand my words. 

They kept training, but stopped learning. Formal teaching was in most cases less than a year. 

There were exceptions to this, men like Grand Master Robert Trias [above] who were true pioneers of the arts in the west. 

Sport became a proving ground, but sport proves nothing. I lost fights in competition, but no one ever beat me!

Martial Art Mystique is Gone

Back when I was a kid, hearing about the arts, size did not matter, sex did not matter, age did not matter. Today it is an activity for the young, not a life long journey where you grow BETTER with age. 

But it can be that way! And the mystery can return to the arts when you study a complete system. And understand that even if you have 60 years in the arts you do not know it all. No one ever does. Only the closed minded think they know it all.

My new book which will release very shortly covers all this. It is called Kosho Ryu the Natural Laws of Motion. Learn to use nature in your training not appose her.

Martial Art Mystique is Gone in Conclusion

Martial Art Mystique is Gone in Conclusion

If my book interest you great. If not then no worries! BUT, continue to learn. Now I am not talking about style jumping here. Get a good solid foundation in an art and grow from there!

But that foundation takes time. 

If you think you can learn some blocks, strikes and kicks, then you are enlightened you are dead wrong. Have a look at this article called the Mind of a Martial Artist.

Thank you for reading Martial Art Mystique is Gone.

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I hope you enjoyed Martial Art Mystique is Gone.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Knife Pathways Why most Knife Training is an Epic Fail.

* Knife Pathways

Knife Pathways: Why most Knife Training is an Epic Fail. Today it is time for a small dose of harsh reality. And I am sure this will flair up some ego. But, truth is truth.

Almost everything taught today that calls itself "knife defense" is an epic fail, based on Hollywood fantasies and the false belief that martial arts black belts are self defense experts. This is dangerous thinking.

Now I am not saying that you should listen only to me and forget the vast numbers of courses and seminars on knife defense. What I am saying is that you should not believe this information will save your life. And if the instructor tells you it will they are being negligent. First off techniques do not work, EVER. Because this is a one size fits all approach. And it is based on the idea of what the defender wishes to do.

There is also a fantasy of standing and fighting someone with a knife. Only if you want to bleed to death is this a good idea. "The knife you do not see is the knife that cuts you." I strongly suggest read this article written by former Detroit Police Officer Kara Borshuk call 13 Misconceptions about Knife Attacks. And she HAS BEEN STABBED.  Understanding knife pathways it the way forward.

Knife Pathways

* Knife Pathways

First you need to forget the Michael Myers Hollywood bull crap out of your mind. And also the "combat" knife defense. Street is not a military combat situation. It is great to learn, but the nutcase on the street looking for a fix is not a soldier facing another soldier in a kill or be killed situation. You need to focus on what is going to happen on Woodward Ave in Detroit, not a military theater in a war zone. 

On the street the attacker has chosen you because they believe they will get what they want easily. They are not expecting to lose. Military is kill or be killed. Street is survival. 

Knife Pathways is a different approach to knife. It is not about reacting to a knife attack with a technique. And I will restate this, "the knife you do not see is the knife that cuts you." In knife pathways you are not learning to defend against a knife. You are learning to attack with one.

Unless you master how to kill with a knife, and making sure they knife is never seen, and no one has a clue what happened, you will never be able to defend against one. You must have a deep understand about everything "knife." While there are many who understand and train this way, they are the minority.

* Knife Pathways

This image is NOT what happens in reality. It is fun to train, but this is not how a street situation is going to.

All knowledge is good, but it must be kept in a balanced understanding.

"the knife you do not see is the knife that cuts you."

Knife Pathways - How does this work?

The majority of martial arts taught today are reactionary martial arts. I teach a preparatory martial art. One that teaches not just what to do, but when and how to do it. Using the natural laws that govern all movement. Based on responding to what they attacker is going to do. 

But in this case with a knife concealed in your hand. Follow this link to learn more about my Kosho Ryu Knife Pathways

Knife Pathways in Conclusion

Knife Pathways in Conclusion

One of the mandates of the World Budo Alliance is inspiring martial artist to continue the learn and teaching process. This blog is not going to be a showcase for my products. However I consider this topic, a very misunderstood topic, to be one of importance in the martial art world today. 


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Thank you for taking time to read this article called Knife Pathways.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
World Budo Alliance