Martial Arts are Evil! Why would I say this?

* Martial Arts are Evil

Martial Arts are Evil! Why would I say this? I became concerned with the direction of the martial arts back in the late 80's.

As I began to see the disappearance of values and ethics. But 2008 I was appalled at what was being taught, and how it was being taught.

Back in 2008 I had a large commercial Dojo in Windsor Ontario Canada. Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute.  

Martial Arts are Evil!

It was in a BIG expensive lease in the best possible place in South Windsor. But after 18 months in my lease the idiot landlord decided to allow a fight club to open in the same plaza. I was promised they were NOT going to be teaching children. But that was a lie

One day while I was out delivering fliers in the area I found one of this clubs fliers. A full colour image of 2 men in a ring fight, one punching the other in the face, and blood flying everywhere.

On the next line it showed an image of a young child touting how they also were experts at teaching children (another lie).  The owner had ZERO experience. because I knew his teacher.  He would brag about how he intended to put me out of business.  To my face he was respectful, behind my back was very different. 

Martial Arts are Evil

I was sickened when I saw this. But I was not really worried. However he did get children as students. This does not say much for the parents! Some children left my school for his after he would talk to the parents in the parking lot. Would you send your kids to a fight club? This is barbarianism and one clear reason why the world is in trouble today.  Tell me I am wrong?

A few month later on a Saturday we were doing a belt grading. Before it started I went to the variety store in the plaza, which was also a post office to send out some Kyusho DVDs.  I was in my Gi, which was normal. Good advertising since I was high profile there.

Martial Arts are Evil!

There was a woman in front of me in line who turned to be and yelled. "What you do is evil! Martial Arts are Evil!!!" I told her she did not understand what I did. I even invited her to come to my school and see. She told me i made her sick. I was this was the only time I have heard this. But sadly it was not. 

I ended the conversation. She obviously was talking about the fight club upstairs and not me. But she made her opinion very, very clear.

And she is NOT wrong.

Martial Arts are Evil! - What are we teaching

I have watched for decades as many instructors glorify violence. Teaching overkill in their classes yet never discussing deescalation of violence, or teaching escaping arts first, and only doing harm when there is no choice. 

And also many of these men and women have no clue what they are doing.  Sport does not apply to the street, and One Step or one attack/punch technique training has its uses, but it is far from a solution.  One of the issues is because the instructor can fight or has won some fights and therefore believe they are enlightened. 

It is time in my opinion to get back to the real purpose of martial art training. Self improvement, Body - Mind - Spirit connection, with self defense as the byproduct. A complete martial arts systems. Living your training always searching for more knowledge. 

Martial Arts are Evil! in Conclusion

It was in a BIG expensive lease in the best possible place in South Windsor.  in Conclusion

Today the biggest selling commodities on the internet are sex and violence. Porn being the number one commodity. This is very sad. Graphic real violence is second.  How did this ever become something normal? I have a student who has been with me about 2 decades now who wrote an article on his blog about Healing Violence

I encourage you to go read this one.

One mandate here at the World Budo Alliance is to bring like minded martial artists and teachers together. For the purpose of getting back to teaching martial arts based on ethics and values, not barbarianism.

If we do not the martial arts will disappear to history. We need to change the course of the ship, and never have anyone say again that Martial Arts are Evil.

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance