Grand Master Art

Author Archives: Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

Discipline is the Key to Success in all things.

* Discipline is the Key

Discipline is the Key is success in every aspect of life. Yet in the modern times 99% of people lack disciple in their lives in any form.

You can see in their driving, the eating habits and their behavior online. 

Discipline is the Key

And without it, you may have limited success, but it will be limited. Then failure will come. And this is followed by absolute failure when you quit.

Martial Artist like people in the military should be the most discipled people. Especially among civilians. But is it true? At one time long ago it certainly was. But I do not see much evidence of this today.

So let's talk about disciple from my life perspective.

Discipline is the Key

I was having a long conversation one day with the daughter of my landlord Georgiana. She had notice that at the time I was up from 2:00 in the morning. We talked about my schedule of the day. 

Her comment was "wow, with your disciple you will always be successful." I have a strict routine I follow, right down to what and how much I consume in a day. And I do not allow others to take me from my path. Because Discipline is the Key.

She is also a well discipled woman.

In martial arts training Discipline is the Key. If you are missing classes because you had a hard day, then eventually you will fail. And with the attrition rate in the martial arts you can see how true this is.

Discipline is the Key - Learning

Martial Art is about ever ending learning. And this is not just about a new Kata or Waza. if you believe martial arts are a life path then all things become part of this.

As I have mentioned if you follow me I am in intensive learning of the Romanian language. And to do this requires disciple, serious disciple, dedication and commitment.

I spend all day listening too Romanian music, and about 90 minutes per day in formal training. This does not include discussions with others in the Romanian language.  And this is accomplished by a set routine.

I do the same things day in and day out without exception. There are no days off. And I do not burn out either. How long have I been doing this? a long time. I am not sure how long really.

So how is this "martial art" training, or as I would more directly put this Kosho ryu? I am developing my mind, my focus and memory, plus other things with this training. How can that not be martial arts?

Discipline is the Key - Failure

The only true failure is when you quit. Most people with hit a plateau and decide to stop. Language learning has many such plateaus and Romanian is a very challenging language because many things cannot be translated very well.

Therefore you must learn the concepts of the language, like how a child learns to speak. They have no reference point sometimes. An example the concept of the word "Dog" meaning this animal I am playing with. A child knows the concept, not the word. 

 Kosho Ryu is full of concepts also. All true failure, which is quitting comes from lack of disciple.

If you look at people, especially in the western culture today you see they do not live discipled lives. And it now shows in relationships, their children and their health. Manifesting in the anger and frustration seen today. 

They want no responsibility. People want everything handed to them and if they do not get what they want they suffer and cry victim. And therefore they fail.

Niciodată să nu spui niciodată

Niciodată să nu spui niciodată which means "never say never."  This is one of my favorite saying and means to never give up on something you want in life.

Successful people are willing to do the things other are not will to do. 

And this includes perhaps not watching TV on a Friday night and being in class training. The reason i speak of this of course is because I had one Black Belt student who was skipping Friday night classes to watch that comedy "the big bang theory."

Or as I call it the "BIG LIE Theory."

The Comedy network at that time had an ad talking about the "comedy network, time well wasted." No thank you, time is far to important to waste. 

Șansa favorizează mintea pregătită

Another of my favorite saying, "șansa favorizează mintea pregătită" which means "chance favors the prepared mind." And this is directly related to the idea that Discipline is the Key.

A discipled mind sees opportunity where an undisciplined mind misses everything. 

And as i relate this back to Kosho Ryu I must address that the majority of martial arts taught to day are reactionary in nature. An undisciplined mind reacts to the environment. 

A disciplined mind is prepared, and therefore responds, not reacts. Discipline is the Key again. And Kosho Ryu is a "preparatory" martial art first, reactionary second. 

Discipline is the Key

I wrote a book recently called Kosho Ryu: The Awakened Mind. And this is my slowest selling book ever. Why? Because it screams put your ego aside, study and disciple yourself.

Those are not things people want to to hear. 

Today people conflate many things incorrectly to other things. As an example that disciple means ridged and unhappy. And this is the furthest thing from the truth.

The life I am living and building is exactly the life I want. It is a process!

This is because I understand how the world works beyond the lies of modern times. And that book above is how I have done it.  I possess an awakened mind.

Discipline is the Key in Conclusion

Discipline is the Key in Conclusion

Many things are about to change dramatically in this world.

And those not prepared with fail and struggle in the new world.  

Nothing can stop what is coming. And it is NOT what you think it is.

No one person can change the world. But if you change yourself. Take control of your life you makes things better!


Because you stand as an example for other to follow. And then change becomes exponential. That is how you change the world.

I live a discipled life based on values. Some disagree because their values are NOT MINE. And those who are in my life are like minded.

Those not like minded may go in peace.


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Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

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Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

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I hope you enjoyed this article called Discipline is the Key. Bookmark this site and return often. Also checkout our FREE WBA courses!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

What you Focus on EXPANDS, EVERY TIME!

* What you Focus on EXPANDS

What you Focus on EXPANDS: If you change your focus you change your life. This is NOT a fuzzy saying BUT FACT. And not "their" facts either. What you Focus on EXPANDS! 

One of the greatest benefits of martial art training is the ability to see life clearly. But that is also a choice. In truth what you focus on expands. This is how the brain works. Here is an article I wrote for the WBA blog a while back explains the REAL science of this. Not to be confused with the pay for play lie-ence of the mainstream. 

What you Focus on EXPANDS

But, you can choose to focus poorly and undo all the good of training. Because it is more then just street defense. Rather it is a journey of the self, a deep look inside to see who you are, and just how powerful you are. This has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with physical training. Your power is NOT linked to how big your muscles are, or how far and fast you can run. That is the vehicle used to look inside. But that vehicle can you your Kata also. Actually that is best. 

When you reach this state you become "hungry" for more. You may have a title like master, but it hold no real meaning to you. It is about what you are still learning, what you still have to learn. How to challenge yourself, and win every time. 

What you Focus on EXPANDS

If you are caught in the FAKE world going on today. This very BAD movie, with endless contradictions, then you feel powerless and believe that their is a political solution to problems caused by the same people you think can resolve them. The masses believe otherwise because they are fools. But, that is also changing very fast now. ALL of this is by design. And if you pay attention to REAL history, what they do not want you to see then you find out that an obsession, addiction to politics is always followed by the failure of the culture.

Then a rebuilding process with those who survive. I know of one man who totally disagrees with me, that is fine. But he SUFFERS and I do not. And I deal in the same world. The dots I see show a big change coming. He sees only darkness. Life has a cycle, and nothing can stop the cycle. But "men" believe they can. Again, FOOLS. 

What you Focus on EXPANDS in Conclusion

What you Focus on EXPANDS in Conclusion

How do I KNOWBecause I can see clearly and connect the dots. That comes from decades of martial art training. And thus far the things I have said would happen, have happened. 

I offer many courses to help you keep learning. 

And the investment is SMALL compared to what I had to invest, But whether you learn from me or someone else please keep moving forward. The world is changing and we MUST have excellent focused and strong people to lead, to rebuild and move on. And that is NOT the cowards you see in reality today. 

My suggestion is Kosho Ryu, because it is a study of natural laws and motion. The Introduction to Kosho is the best way to begin. Here, below are some of the newer content.

1) Kosho Ryu Revisited Series
2) Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu
3) Hapkido Black Belt Certification Course (So cheap right now I am embarrassed, plus it includes grading!)

Thank you for reading What you Focus on EXPANDS.

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Self Control – What makes Idle hands the devils playground?

* Self Control

Self Control - What makes Idle hands the devils playground? An interesting statistic, on average only 2% of the population lives a life of self disciple and self control.

That is a staggeringly low figure. But it explains a lot of what is seen in the world today. When I visited Canada in 2020 I was shocked that I saw the massive amount of body weight the average person had gained. 

One former student of mine added at least 10 kilo to her body.  I would estimate the average person added 20 pounds during the 5 years I was away. I have lost weight in the last few years. Why? I saw the contents of the things being sold as "food." Why we are becoming farmers.

Self Control

My former Dojo has tenets for the students to learn and follow as a way of life. They are as follows:

  • Integrity
  • Courtesy 
  • Self Control (Self Disciple)
  • Commitment
  • Perseverance
  • Indomitable Spirit

Do you see ANY of these practiced by the general public? Here is Romania I do, but I have witnessed very little of this in the west. Which is one of the reason I say the western culture is dead. And the best part these people, with zero on the value scale complain about hard lives. Do you see the connection?

I am NOT special. I am just a man. But, because I am not indoctrinated, and can think freely. Therefore I accept that all things good or bad that happen in my life are my fault. And because I am discipled, I do the things that need to be done to be successful at what I do. I also for the same reason understand I do not know everything, and therefore work to always be learning.

Self Control

Self control is lost in society today. One great example is emotions. People have zero control of their emotions, especially anger. One example recently was when Trump was on CNN begin interviewed by a female anchor. I am not putting down her name because I do not watch CNN, nor do i care who she is, or who she thinks she it. To me, working a CNN makes you a liar by default.

Now love Trump or hate him does not matter. However this pathetic woman is now suing him because he hurt her feelings. This is so pathetic!  But this shows the lack of self control when emotions cannot be controlled, but instead weaponized. I wrote a book a few years back called Mastering the Triple Warmer Meridian which explains how to exploit people like this in a self defense situation. 

Self Control - Are you strong or Weak?

This woman, as an example shows how week and yes pathetic humanity has become. Any person can become strong. But due to the narrative and evil of the powers that be it is now virtuous to be weak. Yet, these alleged leaders are very weak, and cowards. 

And guess which group of people is committing all the crimes? The weak or the strong? If you say strong, you are wrong! The pathetic weak are committing the crimes. Open your eyes and look.

To become strong requires a decision. One to stop being manipulated by the media, the governments, and society. The second to learn to think for yourself! Turn off Facebook, this is like drinking for a toilet. And no, these 500 or more people on your list are not your friends. Many are not even real people.

Go to the Dojo and train, and no you are not going to catch some disease by having contact with people. In truth just the opposite! Stop believe their lies, and it is ALL LIES.

Self Control in Conclusion

Self Control in Conclusion

I am a recluse. I was approached recently by a man who wished to work with me personally. Sorry, that is not ever going to happen. My path is different.

I have a small group of students I teach personally. 

That may expand by one or two over time.  Hard to day. 

Remember in a time of great chaos control of the self is the key to successfully weather this storm. And it is a storm.  Many people like me are opting out of society. This means it will be up to those left to fix the mess once the storm of lies, crimes and evil has passed. 

Change favors the prepared mind. The discipled mind always succeeds. Thank you for reading this article on Self Control.


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Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

Remember to checkout our Martial Arts History Pages. And thank you for reading this article on Self Control. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

The Art of Learning. What successful people do!

* The Art of Learning

The Art of Learning - When in Rome do as the Romans do. I am a high school dropout! And I am proud of that too! Why? Because it required me to motive myself to LEARN. All my life I have pursued knowledge.

But about a year ago I had an epiphany. And it came on a phone called with Hanshi Bruce Juchnik. He asked me "Are you looking for more rank or knowledge?" "I want knowledge, I have enough rank" I replied. 

"Then remember everything you can learn is martial art training." And he was right!

If you are learning IT, that is still part of your training. Therefore anything you learn, learn it well. Do not play, do or do not do. Do not dabble in things. Put yourself in fully, and see who things change for you. 

The Art of Learning

What am I doing right now? Immersing myself in the Romanian language so I can be fluent by January 1st 2024. I require this for my citizenship exam.  Will I make it?

Yes I WILL. I spend about 90 to 120 minutes per day in formal training, and then immerse myself in the language for about 8-10 hours with music and conversation of different types. I have been doing this everyday since October now.

And of course I have martial arts related things to do also, like this article. I "got by" before this, but that is not enough for what I want to do. Build a Dog Rescue requires a very different skill set. 

It is all a process, all the Art of Learning

Here is an example of some of the music. This is Romanian traditional music performed by a woman I have a great deal of respect for, Loredana Groza.

I met her in Brașov not knowing who she was. She simply loved my Huskies. And she had no interest in telling "who" she was either. The reason was humility, she was performing that evening. 

She was so kind, and her love of animals was obvious.  As a modern performer artist, since the late 80's she has dedicated part of her career to bringing traditional music and values to the young. With great success I might add. 

The Art of Learning and Disciple

The art of learning, it is about discipline to learning and training. Success in anything comes from doing things the "average" person is NOT willing to do. Would you dedicate yourself to learning something like I am? Be a white belt always! 

The average person today spends their time on Facebook seeing if people like their posts, or watching lying new media, living in fear. And of course complaining about how hard things are. Yet taking no other action to rectify the situation. 

What is the answer? TRAIN, then train harder so you can learn more, and train harder. Take care of your family, protect them, teach them, and get out of fear.

The Art of Learning in Conclusion

The Art of Learning in Conclusion

The Art of Learning: I am not special, I am disciplined and willing to do what I need to do to be successful. But not like many today. I will NEVER violate my values to make a BUCK. 

Are you like me? Then recommit to your training and learn everything you can! 

When you view your martial art from all aspects of life things become very different.  And very clear. When you view it only as something to be achieved you cheat yourself. Rank does not matter. it is only about the art of leaning.

It has only existed about 100 years. And winning in tournaments does not matter either. Shortly after no one will care any longer. 

But the affect you can an incredible affect on other by living, learning and training BY EXAMPLE, everything by example. 

Loredana has a BIG effect on my life. Why? Because when I found out who she as I decided to look into the music of the country.

It is NOT because she is beautiful Romanian women are all beautiful. My significant other is gorgeous. 

But that part of my life is unseen. Thank you for reading The Art of Learning.


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Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

My new book, the 24 Hour Diural Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu, for those who wish to master pressure points. They are few, be one of them! And checkout our Martial Arts History page here. History is important learning.

Thank you for reading the Art of Learning

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Death of the Dojo. What is the Future of Martial Arts?

* Death of the Dojo

Death of the Dojo. What is the Future of Martial Arts? We live in a time of unprecedented, in all of history, corruption of not just government, but all aspects of education, medicine, law, and business.

I believe that we have arrived at a time of the death of the Dojo. Not the end of teaching, but rather the commercial martial art school. So, let me explain. 

First we MUST take a look at the education system, or lack thereof in the Western Culture. It has become totally USELESS. But it has been this way for a very long time.

Death of the Dojo

Today if I had school age children they would NOT BE ALLOWED in the corrupt and WOKE school system seen today. They are taught perversion, by perverts. And you can call me bigot a thousand times over and it does not matter. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Their names mean less than nothing to me!

And a large number of parents think this way also. But there are problems with this. Because the martial art industry also has a large number of very dark instructors committing many crimes against the student. And I have been seeing this growing for decades. 

Do you believe the parents who no longer trust the education system will trust you? Dream on! I would not today put my children in ANY activity I was not directly involved in myself.

Death of the Dojo

It is going to be time to PROVE your worth to the community you practice within. For one, right now, by standing up against this corruption. It is time to choose sides. And this has nothing to do with politics. Politics is a lie anyways. This is right vs wrong, good vs evil. Not making a choice is a BIG choice! I want nothing to do with fence sitters. 

Myself, I would NEVER leave my child alone with anyone ever again. When the politician, law makers and educator tell you pedophilia is just a sexual choice then there is NO COMMON GROUND for any discussion. I believe this is a crime against humanity and should be punished BY LAW to the extent of the death penalty. I do not consider these "people" to be no longer human. The same for the martial arts instructors who have committed these crimes.

Death of the Dojo in Conclusion

Death of the Dojo in Conclusion

I believe the teaching of martial arts will return to the old ways. You will seeing smaller Dojo's, family teachings again.

And a balanced approach to teachings without the obsession seen today with sport. Martial arts is a journey of life, not a trophy or a rank.

Everything in balance, extremes are always unhealthy for all aspects of life. Thank you for taking time to read this article. Checkout the Dojo I am building in Romania here. Checkout our History of Martial Arts here.  Thank you for reading this article on the Death of the Dojo. We can change this prediction.

It is time to go back to the old ways, and this includes society in general. 


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* Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

Free Report!!

Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

Take back your peace of mind during these woke dystopic times! 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Not just the Dojo – How to Understand the Purpose of Training

* Not just the Dojo

Not just the Dojo: Many try martial art training, but view succeed at any real level. Not just the Dojo! How to understand the Purpose of Training. 

I have been asked recently why I am signing my emails and articles in Romanian.

After all I am an native English speaker. Because there is an illusion that martial arts training is relegated to physical movement. And in truth martial arts is not just the dojo, but all aspects of life.

Not just the Dojo

The origins of the arts are from India, then to China. They are also heavily influenced by the study of Buddhism. It is important to understand also that Buddhism, while the "intellectuals" call it a religion, it is NOT. They do not speak of God. It is rather a philosophy of life. One that has sadly been tarnished in this day by a few evil men.

I will add at this point I am not now, nor have I ever been a Buddhist. However I did spend many years in study of the philosophy. And I happen to agree with a lot of what is taught. Other aspects I think are worthless. However, that was all also martial art training.

As I am writing this message, doing copy writing, I am training in the arts. These are language skills. And as a martial artist I know that the ability to communicate well is essential. Communication allows for deescalation of bad situations to avoid violence. And to do not harm is what training is about. Hurting people is really easy.

Not just the Dojo

So I hope you can see now why my intensive study of Romanian, "limba romana" is still the study of the martial arts. One of the teaching of Hanshi Juchnik, and the first thing he asked me when I spoke to him was "are you interested in learning, study or do you just want rank?"

I am into the study, the path, the journey. I have enough rank for a lifetime. Kosho Ryu is really a study. And this is why I have created so many courses and books on the subject. Not to get rich, my audience is not that big, nor are these the times for that, but rather to inspire people to continue to learn!

Not just the Dojo in Conclusion

Not just the Dojo in Conclusion

So, what can this study consist of? Where can you begin? One very important thing to study is the history of your root martial art.

History has been ignored for decades, which is why the world is in the state it is. 

Thank you for taking to read this article called "Not just the Dojo." People limit by nature the purpose of the arts. As an example self defense, this is a bi-product of training. The purpose is much, much higher. Study and learn all your life. Never stop! Train hard so you can train harder, then train harder.


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Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

I hope you enjoyed the article called Not just the Dojo. Above there is a form if you have any questions you wish to ask.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.”

* Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” – Sun Tzu

 What is your strategy? Most martial artist train in tactics right? But never in a strategy! 

And this was the reason why I wrote the book called Kosho Ryu Street Strategies: The Art of Escape, because without a SOLID strategy you will lose. 

Strategy without tactics

Those who study pressure points, Kyusho Jitsu with me are learning tactics. And this method that can be used to cause pain, disable, knockout and even cause death in an opponent. Yet, alone this will not yield the results you need. Youth tends to cause people to believe that the things they can do are forever.

And in truth the human brain does not stop development until about 25. Thus the final aspect of development is the part of the brain that understand consequences of actions. Today I see people in their 50's have not figured this out yet.

So you can see why youth believe because the won a fight or two they will be victorious when it really matters. Sadly there is no truth to this. Now while Kyusho Jitsu is about tactics, Kosho Ryu is about strategies. Do you see how they compliment each other. Finish the Yin/Yang?

Strategy without tactics

If you study any sport martial art that is also tactics. And while intimidation is a strategy it does not work on everyone. So it is a BAD strategy. There is always someone stronger and better. Therefore a great strategy becomes “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” – Sun Tzu.

Life is a journey, and so is the path of martial arts training. I began my training in my early 20's, when youth was on my side. At this time in life you appear to be strong. Now in my early to mid 60's I no long appear to be young. However I have trained in the martial arts as a lifelong path. Therefore I am far more prepared, strong now, than I was in my 20's. Yet I may appear to be weak.

Strategy without tactics is a waste.

Strategy without tactics in Conclusion

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. in Conclusion

Sadly a large majority of martial artists today as they age relegate themselves to talking about their 'glory days.'

They talk endlessly about victories of the past. My glory days are still to come! I have great memories, great victories in the past. 

But I do not buy the western culture propaganda about the path of life. And the idea of "retiring" out to pasture, alone.

I continue moving forward. The way it is meant to be. Time will someday take it tole. I am in the winter of life. However that time is not hear yet. And how we thing is so powerful!

Join me on this journey. There is a free course below to get you started. Thank you for reading Strategy without tactics.


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Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

Thank you reading Strategy without tactics. I hope you enjoyed it. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war!

* Victorious warriors win first

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war! “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” – Sun Tzu

This is a great quote from Sun Tzu from the Art of War. What does this mean? This refers in the martial art world to your training. Are you in study of a reactionary system or a preparatory system?

"while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” This is reactionary, and this is what the majority of arts taught today are. They teach you to react to what the attacker is going to do. This puts you at an immediate disadvantage. Now there are some today who are training with the idea of "preemptively" dealing with the opponent. That is reactionary too!

Victorious warriors win first!

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war." This is the core of a preparatory system, a complete system like Kosho Ryu. Kosho Ryu can be traced back as far as 600 ACE, with it's current roots to 1235 ACE. The complete system of study endures today because it works!

Complete martial arts training is learning that all aspect of life are training. Preparation is not just physical it is also mental and spiritual in nature. It includes all aspects from healing to destruction. Thus the term complete martial art.

Victorious Warriors win first - Your Style

Always remember martial art training is not about winning something! It is about continued and never end self improvement. Therefore you must continue to learn more and develop. The training should never become stagnant. And for many this is exactly what happens.

Kosho Ryu stands for continuous learning. It is complete because the student will see something from another art and learn it, if it resonates with him or her. Can you see how powerful this is?

And this is not for the purpose of RANK either. Many martial artist get caught up in the illusion that rank makes the martial artist, when it truth the martial artist makes the rank.

Victorious Warriors win first in Conclusion

Victorious warriors win first in Conclusion

I hope you can see the importance in what I am referring to here. How important it is to understand that you can never know everything. And this is why continuing to learn is critical. 

The martial arts of old are in danger of extension because of the obsession of sport today. 

And that is all sports. People make heroes out of these people and I have no idea as to why! 

Sport is and always will be a FAD. 

Train hard, so you can train harder and learn more. Thank you for reading Victorious Warriors win first.


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Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

I hope you enjoyed this article called Victorious Warriors win first!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Sun Tzu Teachings. What Secrets are you missing?

* Sun Tzu Teachings

Sun Tzu Teachings: What Secrets are you missing? “Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” Sun Tzu. 

This is a quote from the Art of War by Sun Tzu. And while martial artist learn these quotes they rarely if ever apply the information in real life and training. Martial Arts, pretty much all of them lst their bite a long time ago. And in this dystopian world this is the reason training is still allowed. Think about that for a few minutes.

Sun Tzu Teachings

The ultimate victory is to not have to fight. But you cannot always talk yourself out of trouble, especially today. And you cannot always run. Sometimes the environment and conditions you do give you this option. Most martial artist train to stand in the line of fight and just fight it out.

That might have worked when you were a kid, and does work in sport, because it is sport. You must learn to escape. And you escape by learning, training and applying the natural laws that govern this world. And the opponent cannot ignore these laws.

Sun Tzu Teachings - To Escape

To escape does not necessarily mean to run. And to be honest that may initially be hard to do.  And if you are not alone then to run is hard. To escape the attack, and manipulate the opponent into a place they can do no harm is far superior. And then if needed, because there is no other choice you can do damage. ANd to the degree needed to end the assault.

Sun Tzu Teachings in Conclusion

Sun Tzu Teachings in Conclusion

This is the first in many article that will examine this essential text and address it's relevance for today's street.

Below there will be a free course for you to begin to learn more about the art of escape. 

This is essential learning today. There are no heroes when it come to fighting. And no one ever wins a fight. Thank you for reading about Sun Tzu Teachings. Also checkout my Kosho Ryu, the art of escape courses


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* Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

Free Report!!

Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

Take back your peace of mind during these woke dystopic times! 

Thank you for taking time to read this article on Sun Tzu Teachings. I hope you enjoyed it, There will be more in this series soon.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Environment and Self Defense is NOT what you think!

* Environment and Self Defense

Environment and Self Defense is NOT what you think! Therefore today I am going to go into detail on how the environment effects self defense and lessons not learned from the Art of War. 

So, when you are training how much time do you spend in study and training directly of your environment? And I know some people do, but most only look at the environment from the standpoint of what can be placed between you and your opponent. 

Most of all there is so much more than this.

Environment and Self Defense

Therefore it is most important to understand that environment will dictate how the attacker behaves. And you can use the environment to predict what the opponent will do and how they will move. Therefore this is very powerful information! 

And the Art of War is a very important publication that martial artists love to talk about. But, they do not ever apply its teachings. And important to realize is that the majority of what is taught as self defense is opinion based on EGO and winning a few fights. Hardly a credible way to build a system! But that is typical of the western culture. 

Environment and Self Defense - FAKEbook

And as an example all of the "truth tellers," and I am one who try to expose the evil on Facebook. Facebook is the belly of the beast! Most important to note that whose employees WILL FACE TRAIL for election fraud, treason and crimes against humanity. And the clock is running. Nothing will stop what is coming. 

Therefore, how do you fight Facebook? From outside. STOP USING THE PLATFORM and they will go bankrupt! That is the Art of War! Not getting slaughtered in their backyard and bragging about it! 

History proves stupidity!

And if I look back at the 20th century there are many examples of not using or understand environment. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler decided to invade the USSR and got his ass handed to him! Why? Because his soldiers were not trained for that environment. But like the megalomaniac's today pretending to be elected officials, but their fall is coming. Another example was when the feared army of the USSR invaded Afghanistan and got destroyed. They were not prepared to fight in the mountains!

And history will always repeat itself. Why? BIG EGOS!

Environment and Self Defense in Conclusion

Environment and Self Defense in Conclusion

Therefore I study and teach natural laws. Because they never change, and govern all! And you would think that people, martial artists would flock to learn! Not a chance! They are 100 percent sure their SPORT will save them.

Good luck with that! If you are interested in learning to train in reference to environment follow this LINK. Thank you for reading Environment and Self Defense.


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Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

Most of all thank you for taking time to read Environment and Self Defense. 

Have a great day!

Multumesc pentru timpul acordat si o zi buna!!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Meastru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
World Budo Alliance