The Art of Learning. What successful people do!

* The Art of Learning

The Art of Learning - When in Rome do as the Romans do. I am a high school dropout! And I am proud of that too! Why? Because it required me to motive myself to LEARN. All my life I have pursued knowledge.

But about a year ago I had an epiphany. And it came on a phone called with Hanshi Bruce Juchnik. He asked me "Are you looking for more rank or knowledge?" "I want knowledge, I have enough rank" I replied. 

"Then remember everything you can learn is martial art training." And he was right!

If you are learning IT, that is still part of your training. Therefore anything you learn, learn it well. Do not play, do or do not do. Do not dabble in things. Put yourself in fully, and see who things change for you. 

The Art of Learning

What am I doing right now? Immersing myself in the Romanian language so I can be fluent by January 1st 2024. I require this for my citizenship exam.  Will I make it?

Yes I WILL. I spend about 90 to 120 minutes per day in formal training, and then immerse myself in the language for about 8-10 hours with music and conversation of different types. I have been doing this everyday since October now.

And of course I have martial arts related things to do also, like this article. I "got by" before this, but that is not enough for what I want to do. Build a Dog Rescue requires a very different skill set. 

It is all a process, all the Art of Learning

Here is an example of some of the music. This is Romanian traditional music performed by a woman I have a great deal of respect for, Loredana Groza.

I met her in Brașov not knowing who she was. She simply loved my Huskies. And she had no interest in telling "who" she was either. The reason was humility, she was performing that evening. 

She was so kind, and her love of animals was obvious.  As a modern performer artist, since the late 80's she has dedicated part of her career to bringing traditional music and values to the young. With great success I might add. 

The Art of Learning and Disciple

The art of learning, it is about discipline to learning and training. Success in anything comes from doing things the "average" person is NOT willing to do. Would you dedicate yourself to learning something like I am? Be a white belt always! 

The average person today spends their time on Facebook seeing if people like their posts, or watching lying new media, living in fear. And of course complaining about how hard things are. Yet taking no other action to rectify the situation. 

What is the answer? TRAIN, then train harder so you can learn more, and train harder. Take care of your family, protect them, teach them, and get out of fear.

The Art of Learning in Conclusion

The Art of Learning in Conclusion

The Art of Learning: I am not special, I am disciplined and willing to do what I need to do to be successful. But not like many today. I will NEVER violate my values to make a BUCK. 

Are you like me? Then recommit to your training and learn everything you can! 

When you view your martial art from all aspects of life things become very different.  And very clear. When you view it only as something to be achieved you cheat yourself. Rank does not matter. it is only about the art of leaning.

It has only existed about 100 years. And winning in tournaments does not matter either. Shortly after no one will care any longer. 

But the affect you can an incredible affect on other by living, learning and training BY EXAMPLE, everything by example. 

Loredana has a BIG effect on my life. Why? Because when I found out who she as I decided to look into the music of the country.

It is NOT because she is beautiful Romanian women are all beautiful. My significant other is gorgeous. 

But that part of my life is unseen. Thank you for reading The Art of Learning.


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My new book, the 24 Hour Diural Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu, for those who wish to master pressure points. They are few, be one of them! And checkout our Martial Arts History page here. History is important learning.

Thank you for reading the Art of Learning

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance