Discipline is the Key to Success in all things.

* Discipline is the Key

Discipline is the Key is success in every aspect of life. Yet in the modern times 99% of people lack disciple in their lives in any form.

You can see in their driving, the eating habits and their behavior online. 

Discipline is the Key

And without it, you may have limited success, but it will be limited. Then failure will come. And this is followed by absolute failure when you quit.

Martial Artist like people in the military should be the most discipled people. Especially among civilians. But is it true? At one time long ago it certainly was. But I do not see much evidence of this today.

So let's talk about disciple from my life perspective.

Discipline is the Key

I was having a long conversation one day with the daughter of my landlord Georgiana. She had notice that at the time I was up from 2:00 in the morning. We talked about my schedule of the day. 

Her comment was "wow, with your disciple you will always be successful." I have a strict routine I follow, right down to what and how much I consume in a day. And I do not allow others to take me from my path. Because Discipline is the Key.

She is also a well discipled woman.

In martial arts training Discipline is the Key. If you are missing classes because you had a hard day, then eventually you will fail. And with the attrition rate in the martial arts you can see how true this is.

Discipline is the Key - Learning

Martial Art is about ever ending learning. And this is not just about a new Kata or Waza. if you believe martial arts are a life path then all things become part of this.

As I have mentioned if you follow me I am in intensive learning of the Romanian language. And to do this requires disciple, serious disciple, dedication and commitment.

I spend all day listening too Romanian music, and about 90 minutes per day in formal training. This does not include discussions with others in the Romanian language.  And this is accomplished by a set routine.

I do the same things day in and day out without exception. There are no days off. And I do not burn out either. How long have I been doing this? a long time. I am not sure how long really.

So how is this "martial art" training, or as I would more directly put this Kosho ryu? I am developing my mind, my focus and memory, plus other things with this training. How can that not be martial arts?

Discipline is the Key - Failure

The only true failure is when you quit. Most people with hit a plateau and decide to stop. Language learning has many such plateaus and Romanian is a very challenging language because many things cannot be translated very well.

Therefore you must learn the concepts of the language, like how a child learns to speak. They have no reference point sometimes. An example the concept of the word "Dog" meaning this animal I am playing with. A child knows the concept, not the word. 

 Kosho Ryu is full of concepts also. All true failure, which is quitting comes from lack of disciple.

If you look at people, especially in the western culture today you see they do not live discipled lives. And it now shows in relationships, their children and their health. Manifesting in the anger and frustration seen today. 

They want no responsibility. People want everything handed to them and if they do not get what they want they suffer and cry victim. And therefore they fail.

Niciodată să nu spui niciodată

Niciodată să nu spui niciodată which means "never say never."  This is one of my favorite saying and means to never give up on something you want in life.

Successful people are willing to do the things other are not will to do. 

And this includes perhaps not watching TV on a Friday night and being in class training. The reason i speak of this of course is because I had one Black Belt student who was skipping Friday night classes to watch that comedy "the big bang theory."

Or as I call it the "BIG LIE Theory."

The Comedy network at that time had an ad talking about the "comedy network, time well wasted." No thank you, time is far to important to waste. 

Șansa favorizează mintea pregătită

Another of my favorite saying, "șansa favorizează mintea pregătită" which means "chance favors the prepared mind." And this is directly related to the idea that Discipline is the Key.

A discipled mind sees opportunity where an undisciplined mind misses everything. 

And as i relate this back to Kosho Ryu I must address that the majority of martial arts taught to day are reactionary in nature. An undisciplined mind reacts to the environment. 

A disciplined mind is prepared, and therefore responds, not reacts. Discipline is the Key again. And Kosho Ryu is a "preparatory" martial art first, reactionary second. 

Discipline is the Key

I wrote a book recently called Kosho Ryu: The Awakened Mind. And this is my slowest selling book ever. Why? Because it screams put your ego aside, study and disciple yourself.

Those are not things people want to to hear. 

Today people conflate many things incorrectly to other things. As an example that disciple means ridged and unhappy. And this is the furthest thing from the truth.

The life I am living and building is exactly the life I want. It is a process!

This is because I understand how the world works beyond the lies of modern times. And that book above is how I have done it.  I possess an awakened mind.

Discipline is the Key in Conclusion

Discipline is the Key in Conclusion

Many things are about to change dramatically in this world.

And those not prepared with fail and struggle in the new world.  

Nothing can stop what is coming. And it is NOT what you think it is.

No one person can change the world. But if you change yourself. Take control of your life you makes things better!


Because you stand as an example for other to follow. And then change becomes exponential. That is how you change the world.

I live a discipled life based on values. Some disagree because their values are NOT MINE. And those who are in my life are like minded.

Those not like minded may go in peace.


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Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance