What you Focus on EXPANDS, EVERY TIME!

* What you Focus on EXPANDS

What you Focus on EXPANDS: If you change your focus you change your life. This is NOT a fuzzy saying BUT FACT. And not "their" facts either. What you Focus on EXPANDS! 

One of the greatest benefits of martial art training is the ability to see life clearly. But that is also a choice. In truth what you focus on expands. This is how the brain works. Here is an article I wrote for the WBA blog a while back explains the REAL science of this. Not to be confused with the pay for play lie-ence of the mainstream. 

What you Focus on EXPANDS

But, you can choose to focus poorly and undo all the good of training. Because it is more then just street defense. Rather it is a journey of the self, a deep look inside to see who you are, and just how powerful you are. This has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with physical training. Your power is NOT linked to how big your muscles are, or how far and fast you can run. That is the vehicle used to look inside. But that vehicle can you your Kata also. Actually that is best. 

When you reach this state you become "hungry" for more. You may have a title like master, but it hold no real meaning to you. It is about what you are still learning, what you still have to learn. How to challenge yourself, and win every time. 

What you Focus on EXPANDS

If you are caught in the FAKE world going on today. This very BAD movie, with endless contradictions, then you feel powerless and believe that their is a political solution to problems caused by the same people you think can resolve them. The masses believe otherwise because they are fools. But, that is also changing very fast now. ALL of this is by design. And if you pay attention to REAL history, what they do not want you to see then you find out that an obsession, addiction to politics is always followed by the failure of the culture.

Then a rebuilding process with those who survive. I know of one man who totally disagrees with me, that is fine. But he SUFFERS and I do not. And I deal in the same world. The dots I see show a big change coming. He sees only darkness. Life has a cycle, and nothing can stop the cycle. But "men" believe they can. Again, FOOLS. 

What you Focus on EXPANDS in Conclusion

What you Focus on EXPANDS in Conclusion

How do I KNOWBecause I can see clearly and connect the dots. That comes from decades of martial art training. And thus far the things I have said would happen, have happened. 

I offer many courses to help you keep learning. 

And the investment is SMALL compared to what I had to invest, But whether you learn from me or someone else please keep moving forward. The world is changing and we MUST have excellent focused and strong people to lead, to rebuild and move on. And that is NOT the cowards you see in reality today. 

My suggestion is Kosho Ryu, because it is a study of natural laws and motion. The Introduction to Kosho is the best way to begin. Here, below are some of the newer content.

1) Kosho Ryu Revisited Series
2) Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu
3) Hapkido Black Belt Certification Course (So cheap right now I am embarrassed, plus it includes grading!)

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance