Why Kosho Ryu? Why Now??

* Why Kosho Ryu? Why Now??

So, Why Kosho Ryu? Why Now?? The question that is on the mind of many.

Why after all these years am I now bringing out Kosho teachings so seriously? There are a few reasons, so let me go over them with you now. 

First as I am sure you have noticed. The world is on fire. And it is the world, everywhere. Over my lifetime the morals and values of people have decayed to almost nothing. 

Why Kosho Ryu?

Most importantly we are seeing the results we see today.

Long time friendships and families destroyed over A LIE. You are a fool if you do not see this! And I mean this statement. These people only cared of the themselves to begin with. Now you see the real person. Most of all when you question these people they get angry! Should tell you something.

But that being said I believe that the values taught in some, but not all martial arts are a way back. And I believe in the teaching of Kosho, so Kosho Ryu is a way back because it is an Art of Peace. The art of escape, to do not harm unless there is NO other option. Sadly this is not main stream martial art thought.

Why Kosho Ryu? Why Now??

Second, people need effective self defense. The information out today is the usual one size fits all quick fix. Or the illusion that sport martial systems offer the solution. And again I say illusion. Most of all Kosho is no quick fix. However you can learn to escape effectively, quickly and in a short time.

This world somehow 'believes' in instant. I hear people every day with the "when is this going to happen" mantra. You must give time to time. I know of one man who is very concerned about self defense. He wants me to say something he will agree with and all will be well. Over 4 years ago I pushed him to train, but he has done almost nothing. Yet he wants results. 

There is nothing I can do to help this man. His ego is too big, even though he is a coward. Funny how that works.

Wolf's Den Dojo - Why Kosho Ryu?

And finally I am looking for people who may be interested in serious Kosho Ryu study. Beyond distance learning, at my Wolf Den Dojo over the years to come. Today I am thrilled to announce that Master Philip Welch, a long time student of mine is joining me in Romania for this project. This is very exciting.

He is a livelong martial arts student having experience in Aikido, Hapkido with me, Kosho Ryu and Kyusho Jitsu. Plus other attributes. 

The world will need dedicated martial art teachers in the future. We have enough coaches now. Sport is not the way. In truth I do not believe these barbaric, tough guy competitions will not be allowed to continue in the coming world. It is time to renounce violence as sport. I cannot believe people think watching someone beat someone's in the face is entertainment. This is a very sad reflection on what is left of society. So see why Kosho Ryu?

Why Kosho Ryu? in Conclusion

Why Kosho Ryu? Why Now?? in Conclusion

Some of what I say may see harsh. But in this world of comforting lies truths must be told.

If Kosho sounds like something of interest to you then checkout my Introduction to Kosho Ryu. Part of the Kosho Core Concepts Series.

If you are totally new to Kosho Ryu, the Art of Escape, the art of Peace there is a free course below. So why Kosho Ryu? Why now? I think you can see my reasons.

Thank you for reading Why Kosho Ryu?


If you have any questions please use the form below to ask. I respond within the day usually.

Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

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I hope you enjoyed this article Why Kosho Ryu.  

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance