
Category Archives for "News"


The Strength to do NO Harm. How to handle violence.

The Strength to do NO Harm

The Strength to do no Harm.  The other day I sent out an email asking "what would you do if?" in regard to an attack scenario. And I had a lot of people respond directly to me. With some great answers.

But I also made a qualification to this attack. You could not escape because you had a child or another loved one with you.

That eliminates things like calling for help. You must respond immediately. 

The highest form of any martial art is to escape. We do not have the right to do harm to another living being. But, sometime the choices of the attacker reduce our choices.

So the idea of escape is to do as little harm as necessary so the police can then do their jobs. Today people like to do harm and often times over mere words. We must develop the Strength to do NO Harm in a world that loves to do harm.

The Strength to do NO Harm

To react violently to words is a great weakness. I always recall when I think of this the movie Road House in which one of the bouncers asks Swayze "what if he calls my mama a c**ks**ker?" And Swayze responds, "well is she?" Brilliant writing.

They are only words used to control someone. Think of how people are manipulated today especially by words. If we have the Strength to do NO Harm then we cannot be manipulated. 

To do harm is our ego in control. There are times when you have to do harm, but you need to only do enough to end the threat. This is legally and morally. Yeah, I know morally, today that word is bound in political BS.

Their term "the greater good" means what is good for them, not society. 

Would it not be wonderful to be able to take control of any situation? It requires work to do this! Natural Laws application, training and most of all controlling the EGO which in 2023 is running wild in the masses.

And then if you end up in a situation you cannot walk away from you use a combination of natural laws, and the natural laws that are pressure points to end the threat, and walk away. This knowledge means you can use responsible force

The Strength to do NO Harm

There is a saying in Kosho Ryu to "show the attacker his wrong doing." This is accomplished by the frustration of the fact they can do nothing successfully to you because your skills shut them down every time! 

How is this done? 2 courses, that is all. Introduction to Kosho Ryu, and Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu. Now this is 2 courses provided you are training in a style of martial arts. And having Kyusho knowledge will also enhance this result! Because Kyusho like Kosho is a study not a style of martial art.

However I am assuming you are trained in a style of martial arts also. Not someone right off the street with no training. 

The Strength to do NO Harm in Conclusion

The Strength to do NO Harm in Conclusion

To stand and fight is foolish and a function or EGO. And it goes with that adage "live by the sword."

The cemetery is full of tough guys. I know many from my younger days. We need to write a new paradigm in this dystopian world and that is develop the Strength to do NO Harm. 

I our world today many who have taken oaths to do no harm have done nothing but harm. If you look at the political class especially you see this clearly. Doctors injecting people with experiment chemicals under the lie of the "greater good" but in truth to line their pockets with kickbacks and payoff. The system is corrupted to the core. Like ALL the political class is. 

Alleged teachers in universities brain washing kids on their political belief systems yet not doing their jobs.  Teaching histoicallt FAILED ideolgies to destroy an already broken world. These "people" are not what I consider to be intellectuals. Only brainwashed fools.

Why do I say this? The number of kids who cannot spell, do math of even think for themselves, and yet think they can save the world when they cannot even control their own lives. 

My children would NEVER be a school in the western culture today. 

The Strength to do NO Harm to a true virtue, not virtue signalling like is seen all over anti-social media and the FAKE news for profit.


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Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

Thank you for taking time to read The Strength to do NO Harm. I hope you found it of value.  If you did consider sharing it with like minded people.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Way of Peace or Way of Violence. Finding the way to a better world.

Way of Peace or Way of Violence

Way of Peace or Way of Violence? Finding the way to a better world. I had a comment on a Facebook post the other day about how the world has become more dangerous. The comment caused me a lot of reflection.

And it was basically "the world is not more dangerous. It is more peaceful. And peace is the only way." I responded in kindness because while she was wrong, perhaps naive, she is also very right.

Way of Peace or Way of Violence

I explained to her I am a man of peace. And I am a man of peace. Anyone who knows me in the real world knows this for a truth. But I understand that in order to be peaceful one MUST understand violence. Denial of it is dangerous. This is part of the yin/yang theories taught.  Way of Peace or Way of Violence are two halves of the whole.

I recall once a few years back I was on a crowed bus going into town. The bus stopped suddenly and with the forward motion, as many were standing, I stepped HARD on a man foot. He was NOT happy. I touched him gently on the should and said "Îmi pare foarte rău!" or I am VERY sorry. The anger melted and he nodded his head in appreciation.

His anger came up quickly, and I responded quickly. I do not know him, or what his life/day have been like. How we react or respond to our day is based on the person we are. And as martial artists it is our responsibility to become a better person each and every day.

Way of Peace or Way of Violence

Way of Peace or Way of Violence: There are many out there who seem to believe they have the "right" to do harm. And yet get very upset when harm is done to them. This is simply the law of Karma, cause and effect. What seeds we sow so shall we reap! This is inescapable!

To "show the attacker his or her wrong doing" is the highest form of any martial art. It is not self gratification but rather to be humble. This lady's comment on that post where thought provoking. I wonder if she knows the found of her martial art Morihei Ueshiba had known great violence in his life? And had taken life due to circumstances, yet can be called a man of peace!

Likely not. Few study history. But in this history is an understanding of the Way of Peace or Way of Violence

We need a new paradigm in the martial arts world. Not one of rank, promotions, halls of fame or victories in rings, but rather victory of the self. Self control and compassion beyond anything seem today. Taking charge of our own lives for the better of all mankind. 

To stand and fight or to escape?

If I wish to show the attacker his wrong doing then to escape doing a little harm as possible becomes the goal. Not to do harm to stroke my own ego as to what a great fighter I am.

Conclusion - Way of Peace or Way of Violence

Way of Peace or Way of Violence in Conclusion

I am a warrior, my sword is sheaved until I have no choice but to use it. My ego does not give me any rights. And yes this woman's comment left me in deep thought. Perhaps that was her intent. I will never know. But like all of life she was both correct and incorrect depending on perspective.

I do not believe my comment back influenced her. And it is funny because while I recognize the high level of violence today in the world I live in a very non violent place. Way of Peace or Way of Violence is a path we can choose from by our day to day actions and thoughts. 

Thank you for reading Way of Peace or Way of Violence. Please share this article if yu found value in it. 


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Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Narcissism and the Martial Arts, why this is so dangerous!

Narcissism and the Martial Arts

Narcissism and the Martial Arts, ego has gone off the rails! If you do not believe me look at the I LOVE ME sites of many martial artists on social media.

 Yes you do need to self promote when you are running a school. It is a personality based business. But there are limits.

Narcissism is a dangerous mental illness.  Lets look at the definitions.

narcissism /när′sĭ-sĭz″əm/


  1. Excessive preoccupation with or admiration of oneself. synonymconceit.
    Similar: conceit
  2. A personality disorder characterized by self-preoccupation, need for admiration, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.
  3. Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development.

Narcissism and the Martial Arts

Now as I am writing this I do have one person in mind particularly. But I will not mention names. Just to suffice it to say that because of the nature of social or anti-social media as I call it, it become easy to fall into this trap. 

And I am sure this is done on purpose also. And I also see a lot of people share and pushing this content. An example is some of the stuff of instagram. Images of young girls doing vertical kicks. It looks more like a porn ad. 

Is this the image these martial arts really want to portray? 

Narcissism and the Martial Arts

Narcissism and the Martial Arts is a real thing, and it is bad for the arts, period.  I will get "friend requests" from people who simply wish to build their "friends list" like this is something real?

I stopped taking them. If I send someone a request it is because i want some communicate, not so I look good because I have so many friends I do not know in real life.  Today I take NO requests and delete people all the time. If we have never had some kind of communicate you will be gone.

Narcissism and the Martial Arts

Remember this is a serious mental disorder and you should not play the game. I simply never communicate further is I believe I am dealing with a narcissist. There is no point. They lie so much they believe their own lies. Sounds like the majority of politicians doesn't it?

Martial art training is a personal experience, a selfish end. We do this to improve. It is not a group activity.  I need NO validation on what I am doing from anyone else. My teacher is the except to that statement.

I do not care what the slaves of Facebook say or think.

Narcissism and the Martial Arts in Conclusion

I was recently attacked in a FB group of Tae Kwon Do guys. It upset one of my long time students when he saw this. And of course he told me, and engaged them. Why would I care what a bunch of TKD guys think??

Facebook is not martial arts training. Unless you are a narcissist looking for gratification.

This has been an editorial article called Narcissism and the Martial Arts. This is my opinion only. Agree or disagree all is fine. 


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* Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

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Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

Take back your peace of mind during these woke dystopic times! 

I hope you enjoyed Narcissism and the Martial Arts. Please checkout our History of the Martial Arts page also.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Art of the Calm Mind, controlling reactions to life.

Art of the Calm Mind

Art of the Calm Mind, the way to see through a world of lies and deception by both sides. Welcome to an important editorial article here are the World Budo Alliance.

Why do I say this?

Because every person has been and is being programmed by the "power that want to be" to have a strong emotional reaction to the things they are bring "told" are happening in the world.

They show you some FAKE video, get some actors to tell stories and tie people up in knots destroying their health and well being. people must develop, must learn the art of the calm mind to survive today. 

Art of the Calm Mind

Someday, like the last few or so I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. There are many people who depend on the decisions I make daily for their lives. And I am OK with this, I chose this path.

However if my mind is not calm, I do not understand the art of the calm mind, I will make bad decisions and these will affect many lives.

The LIES that CNN or other propaganda networks sell stories about war, disease and push a political agenda. So are these things you can fix yourself? Then why do you consume these lies? If it disturbs your peace then you are destroying your immune system, which is what they want. 

Western medicine is about selling drugs, not health!

Art of the Calm Mind

People have been taught to worry. Let's take a look at worry for a moment. There are 2 types of things people worry about. 

1) Things you have control over and can fix
2) Things you have NO control over and cannot fix.

In regard to number one, if you can fix it then why are you worried? Fix it and move on! Mind you then you MUST disciple your mind to take action. But you have been brainwashed, programmed NOT to take action but rather to sit in a chair, consume the lies and drink yourself stupid. Am i wrong? 

Number 2 you have no control over. Therefore worry is totally pointless! They tried to create a world war out of Ukraine, and everything they said about the situation was bullshit. And now Israel is the NEW WWIII propaganda machine.

Can you fix this? Then why are you worried? I promise you 99% of what they are telling you are lies. Because they have ALWAYS lied to the public!

Art of the Calm Mind in Conclusion

Art of the Calm Mind in Conclusion

Take back your mind, disciple your mind. Stop consuming things you do not need, save as much money as you can.

And to those in Canada, you do not need Tim Horton's!

Make your own coffee and put it in a thermos!

Take your LIFE BACK and your MIND BACK. Fix your life, and the hell with the rest! If everyone took care of their own world we would live in a great world. OH, yeah, turn off social media. It is designed to destroy society. Unless you have met the person, shaken their hand, they are a delusion. 


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A Disciplined Mind
* Grand Master Art Mason

Hi, I'm GM Mason.

Grab a free copy of my new eBook called A Disciplined Mind! 

I hope you enjoyed this article call art of the calm mind. Some will not like the things I have said at all. But that is OK if you made you think. And there is little to no independent thinking going on in the world today.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). How to WIN!

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) part 2 of a series on Defending Against Martial Arts by Grand Master Dave Degrouchie. 

In my first part of this 6 part series, titled “Defending Against Martial Arts”, I spoke about how like all things evolve, so does assault and violence.

I will repeat some points in each part of the series to make sure we stay on point.

As mentioned, everyone and their dog has, or can, train in the popular styles of today that rule the MMA world. Many folks have trained in gyms, online, through seminars, books, etc. All of it, is available to everyone now.

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

And forget the silly argument of “unless you train in-person with a notable expert, you don’t know…”. Horse shit. True, there are polished aspects you may not attain, but the bulk of understanding and proficiency? Yes, you can get via video, books, and seminars. And many have. Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu continues

My point, is the knowledge is all over the place for the easy taking, MMA has become the go-to validation, for anyone who wants to role play being a tough guy or super hero, and as a result, there are many skilled folks walking the street. Many are nut cases. Today’s thug, is very skilled, and well trained.

It is true, that if you know nothing about an attack or weapon coming at you, you can’t defend against it. If you know nothing about the mechanics of a punch, you will never understand using distance and body positioning to nullify range, and you will be hit, always.

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

In order to recognize BJJ when it is being used against you, this article and the ones to come on other styles, will only serve as a validation of points made. It can’t teach you anything by itself. So study. Get your hands on some training material. I recommend a white to purple belt program.

This is where most of the people walking around today are at, or have been at in their training. The brown belts are a bit more rare, don’t know a lot more technique than the purple belts, but are more polished via competition. The black belts, are pretty much a much more polished version of the brown belts in that they have competed often, won often, and can teach winning strategies to others.

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

To say you have to have the understanding of a BJJ black belt to recognize when BJJ is being used against you and to attack it’s success mechanisms is ridiculous. But, you should have been exposed to some degree, to the curriculum from white to purple. Not to the point where you can pass a belt exam. Just to a point where you can connect the dots on what makes it work, coupled with what I am writing here.

Your next step, will be to practice anti-BJJ type of techniques. For example, do not wrestle with the arm coming around your neck from behind to avoid a choke. Rather, turn your face just a bit and notice how close your mouth is to the forearm. Bite. Don’t let go. And so on.

BJJ’s existence and war chest, is all on the ground. If you are standing, they want to take you down. They want to work from the top, they want to stay close to you, and want to limit your ability to move while underneath. They want to achieve a strong position, then apply submission. This would be a choke or joint manipulation of some sort.

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Should they be on the bottom, they want to make sure you can not gain a stable position, they want to create space between you and them, they want to be very mobile off their back, and they want to attack you based on what you offer as you try and steady yourself, and position yourself.

So, let’s break this up into 3 parts in the article Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.: The takedown, BJJ on top of you, and BJJ under you. 

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

The Takedown: BJJ will want to hit you low, preferably below the hips. The taller you stand, the more effective they will be when they come at your legs to grab and take you off your feet. Don’t stand face to face, and keep your distance. Move to the outsides often. You will need to understand both shooting, and sprawling in order to effectively recognize, and interrupt a skilled BJJ practitioner’s attempt to take you down. This can’t be covered here. Find resources, study, and train.

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

BJJ on Top: They will want to be like a 2nd skin when on top. This is because they need to nullify your ability to move when you are on your back. It allows them to transition positions quickly, effectively, and tight. It is from a good tight position, that submissions are launched.

You want to keep them from getting tight. This is done by understanding what is known as “posting”. In brief, posting is where a person’s weight is being supported. When you stand on your two feet, you are posting on your two feet. If you are on top of someone, and your weight is on your hands and knees, then that is where you are posting.

If there is no post, there can be no control of balance or distance. If there is no control of balance and distance, there can not be any effective position, or submission. Don’t wrestle, attack the post points of the person on top of you. Move your hips a lot, use your feet to kick/push their posting knees when they are scrambling on top of you trying to be tight. Push down on their shoulders and push them down towards your feet, stick your fingers in their eyes.

More on Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu now!

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu continues

Distance is your weapon on your back against a skilled BJJ person. When they are on top and you are on your back, do not allow their hands to rest on either side of you any higher than your hips. If they get higher, they are already too tight. Imagine a fence at your hip level. Do let any part of them get past the fence. When they post with their hands on either side of you push at the wrists to cause them to lose that post.

Grab an open hand as they are distracted in the scramble, and break a finger off. They do not train in a way that protects their small joints as they live in a world where that type of thing is not allowed in training, thus never addressed or paid any attention to. Remember: If we do not know about a threat, we can’t know how to defend against it. Their fingers, ears, and eyes, are often unguarded targets. They are not all that aware of those areas as they scramble.

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

BJJ On the bottom: The opposite rules apply here. They want to create distance between you and them. They do this by moving their hips and shoulders with great skill. They will want to keep you light and swing their hips out to the sides, or post up on one of their hands fast so that their shoulders are not pinned beneath you. Stay close and heavy, and smash your forehead into their nose often.

Do not post your hands on either side of them at the fence level. They know how to grab and rip the arm right off. Rather, post your hands past their shoulders, they can’t grab well from there. However, be aware of your own posting. If you are putting your weight up there as well, they will shrimp their hips out to the side, and be on your back faster than you can blink.

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu continues

This is bad, and even the most skilled BJJ practitioner has major issues dealing with anyone that takes control of their back. Should this happen, don’t wrestle. Keep your focus on one of their arms as that is all you need to control. They need both arms to close a choke on you. The arm you are controlling you will need to break fingers and bite into. Focus on that.

Simple truths: BJJ succeeds by getting you off your feet. Once that is done, it needs to control your movement and the distance between the two of you on the ground. To do so, BJJ relies on controlling distance/mobility, posting, positions and submissions. If you understand what makes distance/mobility work, and posting work, and you can attack those 2 aspects so that they never succeed, there will be no positioning, hence no submissions.

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Reality check: All of this, is not easy. BJJ is F’N intelligent. Practitioners know how to bait you into moving certain ways that you can’t even see, but they can. If you try to out-grapple them, you lose. You don’t know all the shit they do from the ground. And, when you try to out grapple them, you are not noticing mobility, space, posting…..but they are!

Many of their movements are designed to get you to move a certain way in reaction, or post a certain way in reaction. They are chess players. You will need to attack their intelligence as well, and this is done with the shock factor that comes from BANG!!!!, head to the nose or CRACK!!!!, finger bent back….but again, not easy.

Always remember, in combat, fighting fire with fire, almost always results in the better fire winning. Don’t grapple a grappler. Know the signs of grappling, know what makes grappling work, and attack those things. And like any encounter, the longer the fight lasts, the less chance you have of winning as the attacker gets more determined and upset and driven.

Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Disclaimer: This article Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is not an attack on BJJ. Just like talking about defending against punches is not an attack on people with fists. Truth is, like any system, BJJ has skilled honorable practitioners. It also has just as skilled, assholes. Such is the way with anything on planet earth. Let’s not get emotional and broken hearted.

Thank you for taking time to read Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Train hard, stay safe, be happy.
GM Dave.

Dave Degrouchie


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Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

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I hope you enjoyed the latest article called Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu from Grand Master Dave DeGrouchie!

Personally I really enjoyed Defending against Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! Great job GM!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Self Defense from Lies in a world lacking values!

Self Defense from Lies

Self Defense from Lies in a world lacking values. And I am being KIND. But that may stop soon! I know I am sick of this BS. Personally I believe we are at war, and it is an information war. 

I wrote an article on this and Linkedin banned my account. But it is no loss!

A psychological operation designed to wake the masses up to the corruption that has been running the world for centuries.

Why do I say this?

For one reason because the threats of the BAD players, while causing people much stress have not come to light. And they will not either! This is because the operation has worked, and the majority are awake. AND like myself, most people will NOT COMPLY to their demands. PERIOD. 

Self Defense from Lies

How does this apply or matter to the martial arts world? Simply, it has become consumed by things that do not matter. Like the endless weekend Hall of Fame awards, and of course SPORT. 

Recently I saw a view videos circulating of street attacks. One woman in the USA, Chicago, walking along a fence. A young man comes up from behind beside her, jumps and punches her in the side of the face knocking her down.

His friends come and they beat her half to death. I did not follow the story and I do not know if she is till alive or not.

Another in Philadelphia of a man and his son attacked by a gang. So, what does this have to do with Self Defense from Lies? Because many, most martial artists today believe that MMA, or UFC etc is the real thing. And that I am a touch guy attitude will GET YOU DEAD on the streets.

Why do I say this?

Because it has always been true. Give me the greatest ring fighter alive today and I will pick his fight, and he will DIE. When I was growing up there were many tough guys, and the majority are retired to the cemetery today. 

Live the the sword, die by the sword. Believe their lies, die from their lies.

Self Defense from Lies

I am a man of peace. In truth if you believe the lies of the western culture, I am an OLD man. More propaganda!

Now could these attacks have been prevented? Perhaps, but perhaps not. But one thing I can tell you is these victims were not prepared for what happened. They existed in a fake world, not aware of the surroundings, or the potential for violence in this corrupt, lying, evil world.

And that , like the MMA ring fighter, is living reactionary, in a world that requires you to be prepared. Self Defense from Lies is an understanding.

Self Defense from Lies in Conclusion

Self Defense from Lies in Conclusion

I see it all the time. The martial arts egos pretending the can handle anything. When in truth they are indoctrinated into systems designed for failure. 

Because the dystopian powers that be allow commercial martial arts to exist because most of it, not all, are impotent. 

Now I am not saying sport, AKA a game, does not have a place. But it is foolish to believe it is anything but sport.

Thank you for reading Self Defense from Lies. If you have a moment checkout or FREE course page from the World Budo Alliance. 


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I hope you enjoyed reading Self Defense from Lies.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning. How to succeed!

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning. Many, many people dabble in the martial arts. I have been training now for almost 40 years and of the people I began with basically they are all gone. Some teach still, one or two, but that is to make a buck. Nothing wrong with that. But they do not continue to learn. And they have very strong prejudices about the arts. Comments like KATA is waste of time because it does not work on the street.And they say this while training ring fighters.

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning.

Very seriously for over a year now I have been focusing on being bilingual. Learning, and mastering an ancient romance language called Romanian. And it is based on a combination of Latin and Slovak languages. It dates back 1800 years. Much farther then 99% of the martial arts taught today. Very few are as old as they claim.

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning.

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning therefore I must:
  1. Learn the alphabet and words. Without learning the vocabulary I cannot move forward. Romanian is has a 32 letter alphabet, English 26 letters. In the martial arts this is the foundation, strikes, blocks, kicks etc.
  2. Grammar. Without grammar when you try to speak you look like a moron. Romanian's are very forgiving of mistakes and are always willing to help. I am not so kind when it comes to native speakers of English. Learn the language you speak. In the martial arts learn the KATA. This is the grammar of the martial arts! Without it YOU WILL FAIL eventually. 
  3. Reading. You have to learn to read the language. This is Kumite. The issues is there are about 34 different types of Kumite and martial artist learn and train with ONE or TWO. Then they think they have arrived. It will be years before I can read a quantum physics text book in Romanian. But since I have done this in English it isgoal!
  4. Writing. Writing in Romanian is a MUST for success. Both printed and something no longer taught in the failed western culture educational systems, cursive writing. And today you can add keyboarding to this. In the martial arts this is WAZA.
  5. Speaking. This is usually the reason people wants to learn a language. In order to communicate with others. And this is a process. In the martial arts this is Bunkai. Many students and teachers mistake Bunkai for being Kata interpretation. But that is ONLY one small aspect of it. Bunkai is communication of what you are doing.You cannot have Bunkai alone.
  6. Application: This is where the rubber hits the road. Application is NOT me talking with my Romanian wife. It is me, alone in the city getting things done when she is not there to back me up. In the martial arts application IS NOT the ring. That is a GAME. Application is when the knife comes out and you survive what is happening. Thinking that related to ANY sportis FOOLISH PERIOD.

Can you see a connection? Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning? if you cut something out, you will not succeed!

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning in Conclusion

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning in Conclusion

But to master this beautiful language there are things I must do! This is because Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning.

As Hanshi Juchnik said to me in a phone conversion. Martial Arts is a life long study, not a belt rank. And a TRUE student wants to learn it all! I am a martial arts student. 

To me since Kosho is a study not a style, and the arts are a life path, learning Romanian is an extension of my Kosho training. And Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning!

I need it to survive and thrive in this country. People need the martial arts to survive the streets. You pray you never need it, but you are prepared if you do.

Thank you for reading Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning.


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A Disciplined Mind
* Grand Master Art Mason

Hi, I'm GM Mason.

Grab a free copy of my new eBook called A Disciplined Mind! 

I hope you enjoyed this article called Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Being Disciplined is NOT Boring

Being Disciplined is NOT Boring

Being Disciplined is NOT Boring, yet so few are! I am putting this article together after a bout 8 hours of work today. And the reason I am doing this now is I have been inspired by the lack of understanding most people have.

To have been in the martial arts as long as I have requires disciple. It is far easier to stay home on a Friday night and watch some ridiculous show on TV, than to go to classes for 3 hours and train.

Being Disciplined is NOT Boring

The only time I was ever home on a Friday night was if the Dojo was closed that day. And yet people consider this kind of life undesirable.

I am in the process of extensive learning of the Romanian language. And I have good reasons for doing this. First I call România home. Second my lady and her family all speak the language. These are called anchors, reasons for doing something, for learning. A way to keep motivated. 

So today I spent 3 plus hours in formal study. I finished off with a podcast from the company called the "inner circle" in which the founder of the web company, Innovative Languages, talked about routines for success. Now this man has studied language for a hobby also.

He like to learn one per year to proficiency. And he is remarkable! In these podcasts he discusses the path to success, great! He talks of goals and routines. Perfect.

BUT I have never heard him speak of living a disciplined life. His life, while successful sound chaotic. He would be even more successful if he was highly discipled. Being Disciplined is NOT Boring.

Being Disciplined is NOT Boring

It could because people believe that being disciplined is hard. But in truth everything is equally hard. Let me explain.

It takes a lot of work to be successful in the world. It is hard. But it is just a hard to be a failure. And you would be shocked at how close each extreme really is to the other. Failures suffer because they fail. Hard workers, discipled people also suffer in a sense because they must at some point sacrifice to achieve their goals.

This is very true in the martial arts because input equals output. You get out of the arts what you put into them. And while I stopped running a Dojo in 2015 I have zero regrets for dedicating my life to it!

Being Disciplined is NOT Boring

The same is true of the language learning path. I am at about an intermediate level, and it requires sacrifice to be there. Now my "doamnă" and I speak at about a 30/70 mix right now. 30 Romanian, 70% English. If I know the word in Romanian she uses it. If I do not she uses English. She is fully bilingual. That will increase to 100% Romanian over time.

What is the benefit? I can speak with and understand her family members and friends without translation. Plus dealing in the world requires this. But, I could if I was lazy and undisciplined just hide behind her. 

SO what does this mean to the martial arts?

Being Disciplined is NOT Boring in Conclusion

Being Disciplined is NOT Boring in Conclusion

Very simply put. Learn it all! We tend to be prejudice towards certain areas of the arts and avoid them.

I have know many who do not like Kata, therefore they avoid Kata and thus miss out.

Do you know the history of your martial art? Here is the history of Hapkido for me, and Kosho Ryu also. To do it all requires disciple, and being disciplined is NOT boring.


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Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

Thank you for taking time to read Being Disciplined is NOT Boring. And I have a special gift for you for reading. A gift from dear friend Lee Milteer on dealing with adversity. Follow the link to download now!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Perseverance Never Give Up. Why most people quit too soon!

Perseverance Never Give Up

Perseverance Never Give Up! When I was young, in my teens and early, early 20's I was a quitter like the masses are today. I believed I was a failure at the things I was doing. Why? Because I bought the LIE of the western culture and instant gratification. Told "you cannot do that."

Now 40 years later I am the farthest thing from a quitter possible. I am coming up on 40 years in the martial arts, and founded my own Dojo and system

At 56 I moved to a foreign country without knowing the language. Today at 63 I am in intense study of the Romanian Language. All things the masses are afraid of doing. Using AGE as an excuse for everything!

The age excuse makes me laugh. A pathetic reason. If you look at the history of the martial arts, study it you will understand why. 

What do I speak of? Perseverance Never Give Up!!!

Perseverance Never Give Up

Statistically speaking history will show people tend to give up just before they make it, reach that goal! In business we see this all time! And in truth if you wish to succeed you need to fail faster. Do not be afraid to trying new things and fail.

I throw things up against the wall every day to see what sticks. Most things do not. And that is cool! I learn. 

Recently I offered one of my mail list, or about 700 people a very special FREE gift. This was a video from dear friend Lee Milteer. The video was dealing with adversity, and today people are facing serious adversity!

Typically, or in the old days before the BULLSHIT of 2020 about 10% of the people in that list would click to download something like this. I have seen it as high as 30%.

Today, as of this writing, 24 hours after the email went out only 11 people have downloaded it. That is 0.016%!! Now either they do not have any problems, which is not possible, or they simply cannot deal with the times. Perseverance Never Give Up!

Perseverance Never Give Up

The BS they have planned for the coming fall simply put I WILL NOT COMPLY to. I did not in 2020 either!

In order to succeed in any martial art you must have perseverance. It is the 4th Tenet of my Dojo Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors' Martial Arts Institute. Yet I am concerned it is a dying virtue.

And virtues are verbs, not nouns. It is an action, not something you can say like the political class pretend. Mind you they have no virtue at all. 

Where does perseverance come from? Something people today do not like! Disciple!, specifically self disciple.

Successful people are will to do things the average person is not will to you. Yet, they complain when someone is successful in life.

What time do you get up each day? What time do you sleep? How long do you sleep? Do you wander through each day or do you have a plan? I get up at 2:00 and work online. Then around 4:00 after eating I spend about 90 minutes to 120 minutes in language study. 

And this is everyday without exception! Then I have the rest of the day for family, friends other activities. But I put in about 10-12 hours per day of work.

In conclusion Perseverance Never Give Up

Perseverance Never Give Up in Conclusion

Why do I do this? Because I know what must be done! And I enjoy doing it! Living a very discipled life is awesome. But, friends who "drift though life" will not like you very much!

So why this article? If you want a better life self disciple is an important aspect to achieve it.  

Let's take a look the tenets of my Dojo.

  1. Integrity
  2. Courtesy
  3. Self Control
  4. Commitment
  5. Perseverance
  6. Indomitable Spirit

And they go in order. Living religious by these tenets will change anyone's life for the better. Thank you taking time to read Perseverance Never Give Up.


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* Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

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Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

Take back your peace of mind during these woke dystopic times! 

I hope you enjoyed this article called Perseverance Never Give Up!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

It’s about Learning Martial Arts, not Belt Rank

Learning Martial Arts

It's about Learning Martial Arts, not Belt Rank. How long have you been a martial arts student? Do you look in a mirror at your belt and pat yourself on the back with pride? Or do you seek knowledge. To try to perfect what you are doing?

If you look at the history of martial arts, and the masters of old you will learn something. It was about study, training, learning. Tell me what rank was Morihei Ueshiba? 

He was 100% one of the greatest if not the greatest of the 20th century. Yet rank is not spoken about. Everyone knew his was great without the rank.

In truth the belt rank system was designed for Judo competition, not self gratification.  While I really like the belt rank system, things always seem to go off the rails these days.

People seeking rank for pure self gratification, no connection to learning Martial Arts.

Learning Martial Arts

Back a few years ago after I resurrected the World Budo Alliance I had someone contact me about promotion in Karate. Well that is NOT what the WBA is about. However when he told me I need to do this, and for FREE too, to be humanitarian I knew what kind of person I was dealing with.

No further communications will happen with and myself. Go in peace. I have no interest in this.

Now I have been TEACHING martial arts for about 38 years. I began teaching as a Green Belt in my system. And I have run a Dojo. But NOT ONCE has any student coming in the door, and there have been thousands, ever ask me my RANK much less if I was a Black Belt. And in the last years I did not wear a black belt. 

Learning Martial Arts

Learning Martial Arts should be the priority, not a piece of paper. There is just too much focus on that. Back a few years ago in a phone conversation I had with Hanshi Bruce Juchnik his first question to me was if I was after rank.

And while I do have rank in Kosho Ryu, I am not interested in more. It has to me become meaningless. It is all about the learning and the passing on of the Mitose teachings. Here is a history of Kosho Ryu you might enjoy.

When I told Hanshi I was ONLY interested in learning he became very interested in talking to me. I have been studying ALL his teaching now for a long time. And the benefits have been great!

Learning Martial Arts

Today the focus of the martial arts is not in learning Martial Arts but for the purposes of sport. Sport is a game, and does have a place, but it is not nor should it ever be the focus on the arts.

Once again, that is ONLY about ego, and the martial artists should become ego less, not egotistical.

I am concerned at what I do see in the martial arts today. It has become a commodity, and that is just BAD. And after the LIES of 2020 with so many Dojo's forced to close their doors permanently I have concerns about the future of the teachings.

Plus the BITE is gone now from the arts due to the teaching of children and sport. I am still teaching the real thing, but there are not many these days. And the benefits of learning Martial Arts are so great this will be a big loss for the world.

Learning Martial Arts in Conclusion

Learning Martial Arts in Conclusion

It should never be about rank but about learning.  In 2020 I resurrected the WBA but my schedule has just not allowed me to do justice to the project to make it what it once was.

And it will be a while before I can focus on its growth. 

So why this article? Because I hope in reading this you will put learning before rank.

Life is about learning and growing. When we stop doing this life is finished. Educate yourself in all things you can. Do not indoctrinate yourself in anything. 


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* Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

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Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

Take back your peace of mind during these woke dystopic times! 

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Learning Martial Arts, not Belt Rank. Please checkout our list of FREE stuff from this link.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason
World Budo Alliance