Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning. How to succeed!

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning. Many, many people dabble in the martial arts. I have been training now for almost 40 years and of the people I began with basically they are all gone. Some teach still, one or two, but that is to make a buck. Nothing wrong with that. But they do not continue to learn. And they have very strong prejudices about the arts. Comments like KATA is waste of time because it does not work on the street.And they say this while training ring fighters.

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning.

Very seriously for over a year now I have been focusing on being bilingual. Learning, and mastering an ancient romance language called Romanian. And it is based on a combination of Latin and Slovak languages. It dates back 1800 years. Much farther then 99% of the martial arts taught today. Very few are as old as they claim.

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning.

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning therefore I must:
  1. Learn the alphabet and words. Without learning the vocabulary I cannot move forward. Romanian is has a 32 letter alphabet, English 26 letters. In the martial arts this is the foundation, strikes, blocks, kicks etc.
  2. Grammar. Without grammar when you try to speak you look like a moron. Romanian's are very forgiving of mistakes and are always willing to help. I am not so kind when it comes to native speakers of English. Learn the language you speak. In the martial arts learn the KATA. This is the grammar of the martial arts! Without it YOU WILL FAIL eventually. 
  3. Reading. You have to learn to read the language. This is Kumite. The issues is there are about 34 different types of Kumite and martial artist learn and train with ONE or TWO. Then they think they have arrived. It will be years before I can read a quantum physics text book in Romanian. But since I have done this in English it isgoal!
  4. Writing. Writing in Romanian is a MUST for success. Both printed and something no longer taught in the failed western culture educational systems, cursive writing. And today you can add keyboarding to this. In the martial arts this is WAZA.
  5. Speaking. This is usually the reason people wants to learn a language. In order to communicate with others. And this is a process. In the martial arts this is Bunkai. Many students and teachers mistake Bunkai for being Kata interpretation. But that is ONLY one small aspect of it. Bunkai is communication of what you are doing.You cannot have Bunkai alone.
  6. Application: This is where the rubber hits the road. Application is NOT me talking with my Romanian wife. It is me, alone in the city getting things done when she is not there to back me up. In the martial arts application IS NOT the ring. That is a GAME. Application is when the knife comes out and you survive what is happening. Thinking that related to ANY sportis FOOLISH PERIOD.

Can you see a connection? Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning? if you cut something out, you will not succeed!

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning in Conclusion

Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning in Conclusion

But to master this beautiful language there are things I must do! This is because Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning.

As Hanshi Juchnik said to me in a phone conversion. Martial Arts is a life long study, not a belt rank. And a TRUE student wants to learn it all! I am a martial arts student. 

To me since Kosho is a study not a style, and the arts are a life path, learning Romanian is an extension of my Kosho training. And Martial Arts Training is like Language Learning!

I need it to survive and thrive in this country. People need the martial arts to survive the streets. You pray you never need it, but you are prepared if you do.

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A Disciplined Mind
* Grand Master Art Mason

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance