Zen Mind Martial Mind. The Art of Inner Peace.

* Zen Mind Martial Mind

Zen Mind Martial Mind: It is funny when I write an article, or offer a course on anything to do with Buddhist I lose followers. I also get very interesting emails from people saying "i thought you were a Christian." And I have never once defined my belief's to anyone. But first Zen or any form of Buddhism is NOT a religion PERIOD. And it does not matter what some "intellectual" says. To be a religion there would need to be references to God and creation. It is a philosophy.

And religion is not the focus. The focus of Buddhism is the Mind. To control the mind and remain centered in all things. 

This helps you to shift through lies and propaganda, which today runs crazy. In the western culture lies are now considered to be virtuous. Small lies are still lies, there is no degree of bad. 

Zen Mind Martial Mind - Dualism

We live in a dualistic existence. And the world of Yin Yang. I wrote a book a while back called Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory. It is beyond this article to explain this very deep and detailed subject.  Zen in a nutshell is about mastering the mind to remain in balance. And It is not about peace or violence. It is the balance that exist between those 2 parts. Because no matter how much wishful thinking people have. Or how often they say "it is the 21st century and people should be better," none of that is realistic.

Peace is and always will be kept at the end of a sword. And the withdrawal of the sword since the middle of the 20th century is why we have escalated to the current level of evil in our world. The sin of apathy was the vehicle. 

Hence, it is because of the lack of the Zen Mind Martial Mind and a belief that consumption, greed, and lies are the way to happiness.  Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Zen Mind Martial Mind

Training in the martial arts, when it is a study of the self, a path of life will lead you to become balanced. But unlike the lies of the western culture this is not an instant or guaranteed result. There is no car, amount of money in a bank, house or boat that will make you happy. Power and career will not do it ether. Only the conquering of the mind. Which was the original purpose of Martial Art training. It was never about winning a fight. No one ever wins a fight. 

I hear often in the industry that is today the martial art world that "this person is the best fighter in the world" or "I am an expert in this style or system." One of my favorites is "I am a Black Belt."  Like it actually meant something.  I had one former student and friend who made similar comments. He is where he is. But thinking this idea or statement of understanding and positioning, of the self above something or someone else, is false. When in truth the Black Belt of any rank is simply a signpost along the Path of Budo

Bragging about rank is like me saying I am in Bucharest today. It has no meaning at all. Only ego makes you believe it is important. 

Zen Mind Martial Mind

The Zen Mind Martial Mind tells me to improve myself using the vehicle of martial art training. This self improvement then is shown to others as a "way" by my actions in life. 

Very importantly this is "living through humility by example." And then for me is too teach other about this path. Note I am saying "about" this path, not "teaching this path." All paths are personal. My path I walk alone. And the Zen Mind Martial Mind tells me that as an irrevocable, self evident truth. 

Zen Mind Martial Mind - Martial Art Vehicle

As I stated, for me the vehicle is to walk the path is the martial arts. That vehicle can take many forms. But I can only talk about mine. As I have been walking this path for 2/3rd's of my life. 

And something I found along the way was that some vehicles break down. My first study of Kul Sul Hapkido as an example. When the learning stopped because the teachings ran out, the vehicle stopped. I had to get out and look for a new vehicle. Or never progress again.  Most of all I needed something complete and endless. A true study. 

The problem today as people get letters behind their names they believe they have arrived. And most importantly they have not. Some of the stupidest people I met along the path of life have the most letters behind their names. They truly cannot see the forest for the tress. Titles become more important than learning for some. 

What answers can I offer you on the path of life? So, I have NO ANSWERS only questions. I am wise because I know that I know nothing.  And I can however share the questions. 

Therefore I am offering my vehicle to others. Most of all the study I am involved in within the martial arts is Kosho Shorei Ryu which is not a style but a true study.

 The study of natural laws. This is an endless path and will not break down like other arts along the way. If I do not stay in the vehicle, it is my fault, not Kosho's. Formal training from me in Kosho, and when I say formal I mean live in person then visit my Wolf Den Dojo. This page will provide more information on this subject.

Zen Mind Martial Mind in Conclusion

Zen Mind Martial Mind in Conclusion

To progress along the path of life or the path of Budo requires time and dedication. The benefits of martial art training comes takes time, a lifetime.

And it also teaches the greatest purpose or meaning in life comes from being of service to others. 

While I make a living teaching Kyusho Jitsu I provide more content and "service" free to students that anyone in the field I am aware of. My Dojo was and is run based on service to the student.

There is no higher purpose.

I hope you enjoyed this article on the Zen Mind Martial Mind.


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Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance