What are Centers? Hidden Teachings of the Masters of Old.

* What are Centers?

What are Centers? Hidden Teachings of the Masters of Old.  The Western Culture is dead, time to bury it. And in my view so is the Western Cultures view on martial arts. Or should I say obsession with sports?? 

The knowledge of the concepts of centers begins and ends for most martial artists with the idea you need to strike and protect the center line of the body.

What are Centers?: This is about 1% of what centers are all about. And it is far beyond any article on a blog to teach this concept.

Centers are an essential element in the study of Body Mechanics. There are centers for the self, for the opponent, as well as projected centers. Often times martial artists when they train are not aware at all of their centers. And this is reflects in their Kara and Self Defense also.

What Are Centers

Centers are a place on the body in which we focus our movement and balance. When we are out of our centers, then we are open to attack and counter attack much easier. 

When you are behind your center then there is control. Often times in the arts motion is not understood, which makes the defender vulnerable. Always remember, back in the day, the martial arts were not sports. Size at one time did not matter, and gender or sex also did not matter. It was only the knowledge, understanding of the knowledge and the training that mattered.

The martial arts world is very far away today from its roots. And if you study the history of the different martial arts you can see this. All the original martial art were not based on techniques, they were based on concepts.

Just like the book the Art of War is. Warfare is not based on a new tank or gun, but on strategies. I have even written a book on this called Kosho Ryu Street Strategies: The Art of Escape, But I have had people actually say to me there must be an easier way.

What are Centers? in Conclusion

What are Centers in Conclusion

What are Centers: The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result.

And this must mean I am insane as I have been beating this drum for 2 decades and most people play with the idea and move on.

If they moved on to learning I would be thrilled. But they rather retire to the local Pizza Hut or Facebook to discuss their glory days when they were champions. I did that tournament thing too. But I do not spend endless hours talking about it. 


I rebuilt a car engine once too and that does not matter either. What matters is learning all your life and sharing that knowledge with those who are heads up enough to want to learn more. 

Thank you for reading What are Centers? I hope you found value in this article.


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I hope you found this article called What are Centers of value.

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Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance