True Victory is Self Victory

* True Victory is Self Victory

True Victory is Self Victory: The martial arts is NOT about winning a competition, it is not about getting a high rank. The truth is the arts are about conquering the self, not something external. True Victory is Self Victory

In our world today, which is backwards to say the least people have lost any sense of "true north." The mainstream's narrative that victim-hood is virtuous is not only ridiculous but nauseating also. 

They encourage people to be weak and pathetic, as opposed to helping them become strong and develop a meaningful life.

And people buy their crap.

True Victory is Self Victory

The martial arts, when taught correctly help a person to develop not just a strong body, but a strong and focused mind. When I ran a Dojo long ago I accepted no "excuses" for failure. You fail more often in life than you succeed. I recall once losing a fight in a tournament and giving my instructor an excuse. He looked at me and said "ever notice winners never complain?" How true that was!

I am a firm believer in equal opportunity, but not equal outcome. When you have this disease of mind seen today, the "woke virus" as it is rightfully called you will see failed lives. Everything in life is equally hard for everyone. And every person has different challenges. 

You cannot speak of another when you have not walked in their shoes. True Victory is Self Victory and the martial arts, its physical training, its philosophy and concepts can help anyone conquer the greatest enemy they will ever stand up against. And that enemy is themselves, the opinions, the excuses, and the limited thinking. 

True Victory is Self Victory in Conclusion

They encourage people to be weak and pathetic, as opposed to helping them become strong and develop a meaningful life.  And people buy their crap, in Conclusion

Is life hard? Have the times gotten to you? Then train HARDER! True Victory is Self Victory, and that is for all people, no exceptions. Are you an excuse maker or a problem solver?

I strongly encourage you to double down on your training in these trouble dystopian times.  

Everything happens in cycles and nothing is forever. Unless your focus is bad. Then you are caught in a world of your own making. 


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Thank you for taking time to read this article on True Victory is Self Victory. Please checkout our Preservation of Martial Art History project. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance