Self Defense Encounters. What happened with the Gypsy?

* Self Defense Encounters

Self Defense Encounters. What happened with the Gypsy? Back a few years ago, in about April 2020 I was a bus headed into town [Brasov] to do some shopping.

I ended up getting on a earlier bus, which is not to my advantage as this was 7:10 and the store did not open until 8:00. But I got on anyways.

This bus was crowded with about 25 or so men going from their village into the city to work. 

Self Defense Encounters

This is a group of people know in the west as "Gypsies", however correctly they are "Roma" people. But I will take a moment to teach some facts to overcome a false narrative in the west.

The Gypsies are originally from North India and migrated to Europe via the middle east. They are called Gypsies because it was first believed upon entering Europe they had come from Egypt. They entered Romania in the 1400's.

Romanians, and this is an ENGLISH term traces their ancestry back almost 2000 year to the native Dacians and the Romans who invaded the country. Romanians are perhaps the last direct decedents of the Romans, with the exception of naturally the Italians.

The Romanian language and Italian have many similarities, but are not the same language. Romanian has a Slavic influence to it. It is a beautiful language and a challenge to learn. I am fortunate to be immersed in it.

Self Defense Encounters

Now I point this out only because the Roma are only about 3.4 percent of the population, so no Romanians are not Gypsies as the incorrect stereo type states. And I do not suggest saying that to a Romanian either.

There is also slanderous statements going around that Romanian women are "easy".  And that is FAR from truth. To my mind they are the most beautiful women in the world, but easy NO. Stereotypes are simply another form of EGO.

The world today loves to make judgement based on 'feelings.' But the truth is FACTS do not care about your feelings. 

My world, the majority of friends, and MY PACK are Romanian.

Back to the story of Self Defense Encounters.

One gentleman on the bus for some reason took exception to me being there. I was standing sideways looking out the window. He came an punched me in the shoulder, then stepped back like he was egging me to engage.

I glanced around and saw all his friends holding their noses. I realized I had no allies here. I replied to him that I did not understand his words. He was speaking his language, I did not understand it. It was not Romanian.

A few minutes later he repeated his action. I positioned my self in such a way as to remain behind my chosen center, in this case my right shoulder, and use the 4 Wall Concept to restrict his motions. 

Self Defense Encounters

He got off the bus before me with his friends. It was funny because he slapped the window to try to intimidate me. I was not intimidated to begin with. My life was not in real danger, unless I did something stupid.

And this is because I ONLY fight if there is NO OTHER option. If he escalated on the bus it would go bad as half the bus was Romanians, and they would not have backed him. And they were watching.

If escalated the "Brasov politia" would have become involved and it would have gone bad for him. 

Self Defense Encounters

But i took the higher ground. Why? Because it is the right thing to do. Escape first, fight second. I did see him again a few months later in town. Our eyes locked and he turned and walked away. Perhaps he had a BIG fight with the Mrs's that day. Who knows, and it does not matter. 

This is a very uncommon story for me in Romania. I have had much more, many more BAD encounters in my former country of Communist Canada.

I can walk down the streets of even Bucuresti (Bucharest) at 2:00 am and be safe. Try that in Winnipeg. I love 3:00 am walks with the Huskies in the city. I am often stopped by people still out wishing to meet them.

Self Defense Encounters is part of many people lives. It is how we deal with them that matter most.  

Self Defense Encounters in Conclusion

Self Defense Encounters in Conclusion

Self Defense Encounters: So why the story? Because the martial art I study is Kosho Ryu, and it is a STUDY not a style. I have been in study of Kosho longer then anything else. 

At one time, not that many years ago, I would have engaged this man, but study calmed my mind. 

And I do not judge this man's culture, Roma, based on him. I have met MANY very kind Roma people in Brasov. 

Was he and his friends prejudice against me because I am a foreigner? Perhaps, but that is really not my business. Nor do I care. Others opinions and reaction to me are not my business, it belongs to them only.

So today you received a Kosho Ryu lesson. First you learned truth and facts, not narratives about my chosen country, the country I love.

About another resident culture within the country, and about conflict and how Kosho teaches preparatory arts and not reactionary art. I was prepared. But have you started the journey yet?

Thank you for reading about Self Defense Encounters.


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Thank you for your time reading Self Defense Encounters. What happened with the Gypsy? Please also checkout my History of the Martial Arts page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Grand Master Art Mason

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Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance