Politics in Martial Arts – Survival Depends on Ending Division

* Politics in Martial Arts

Politics in Martial Arts: Welcome to the first article posted on the World Budo Alliance Blog. I was actually not planning on doing a blog with this website.

However I decided I would prefer to write articles on the martial art world in general rather then my Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance blog.

I think it is better to maintain the Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Point focus there.

Today I want to discuss a BIG problem, Politics in Martial Arts. This was the reason the World Budo Alliance was founded. To provide a politics free environment for the martial artist and school owner alike to flourish.

Politics in Martial Arts

Politics in Martial Arts has been around as long as I have been training. And that is coming up on 40 years now. I must assume it has been around for much longer than this also. I am guessing at this point as long as the arts have been in the western world. 

Today the entire world is obsessed with politics. You go on any Social Media platform and it is nothing but people arguing about their extreme ideologies. Yes at this time in history a discussion needs to be had. The world is on fire.  

But it is time to grow up, and agree to disagree on some points. The body count of this tyranny is now in excess of 250 million in the Western World. 

But on to the point of this article, Politics in Martial Arts. My first real up close observation of the politics was at a tournament shortly after I opened my school in 2000. I had just become a member of the World Budo Alliance which was a non political martial arts alliance rooted in eastern Canada.

It had become very popular and the mandate was the promotion and unification of the arts globally. Not to dictate policy, but to network martial arts instructors and teachers.

Politics in Martial Arts

I was attending a tournament with my students from Belle River where Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts first opened. This was an tournament sponsored by the International Tae Kwon Do Federation. Here i met a man who was very high profile in the ITF. I will not state is name as I have nothing good to say about him. 

At the start of the tournament my oldest son and I were requested to meet in the referee's meeting room. The man came in shook my hand. At the time he was a 6th Dan Black Belt, very personable. During the meeting he told his students, and being an ITF tournament they were all his students because he was the "head" of a certain demographic,  that they were going to see some "old style" movement an never to copy it. 

Politics in Martial Arts

Later we talked outside during the tournament. He asked me about my lineage and told me I was welcome to join his organization as long as I was willing to change to all of their methods. And he offered to swap certificates and give me a 3rd Dan in place of my 5th Dan. He impressed up me that their certificates were legitimate and mine was not. I asked him why he was not called "master" and he told me that there was only one Master and that was the General. 

I declined his invitation for many reasons. However when the general passed away on June 15th 2002 suddenly this gentleman was "master" and higher in rank. He deserved the title for sure, however is is too much politics for my liking. So what changed? With the General gone the power grab began.

So why was I as a Hapkido guy welcome in the ITF? Because my school was growing fast and it was a profit center. The ITF would get dues from the school and each student. I have no issue with the idea of dues, but I was not going to give up my sovereignty. Also I have left several great instructors over the years because of this issues. Plus I am not willing to work for anyone. 

Politics in Martial Arts can be death for an art. 

Politics in Martial Arts & Politics is Death

One of the most extreme places you see Politics of Martial Arts is when the founder passes on. Actually what has happened in the ITF is a great example. After General Choi passed away it fractioned terribly. 

Why did this happen? Well yes 100 percent egos! Let's look at more examples.

Politics in Martial Arts - American Kenpo

On December 15th 1990 when American Kenpo Founder Ed Parker passed away suddenly and all hell broke loose. American Kenpo fractioned into many different camps. And I can see that is logical from a demographic standpoint. however...

Most of all the division between the groups can be tasted. How did this happen? Yes ego for one, however because Park left much too soon, there was no clear person he designated to inherit the American Kenpo system. From what I read back in the early 90's his son stepped up to take over. But I have heard he was not qualified to do so. Bloodline cannot be the only factor. Kosho is a great example after Mitosi sensei passed away. His son was not qualified which is why Mitosi left the system to Bruce Juchnik, and there is documentation to show this! 

Yesterday I received a HIT piece on Juchnik. Very sad!!

Politics in Martial Arts - Aikido

Aikido is another great example. Every Aikido practitioner I have ever known has commented on the tension between the groups. Each claiming to be the only group following the teaching of O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba. From what I have been told by many long time Aikido stylists Ueshiba never taught all he knew to his students.

But it is so sad to see the in fighting and arguments. Such a beautiful martial art of great values. Unlike anything today. I would love to see unification here. Of the 2 main groups from my understanding one learned from O'Sensei and his early teachings, and the other his later teachings. Imagine of they came together?

Politics in Martial Arts - Kyusho Jitsu

Grand Master George Dillman is the undisputed head of Kyusho Jitsu. It has been about 10 years since I last spoke with GM Dillman. I have heard that he is for the most part retired, which I find hard to imagine. Therefore I hope he leaves a clear path for his teaching after he is gone.  Dillman has some great people under him. I would hate to see politics destroy what he has done.

And most of all when it comes to me I came from this system. However I left because I was never going to excel within its confines. Politics was the reason. 

My Root art

As you likely are aware I founded my own system in 2006. A lot of thinking and discussion happened before I moved forward. I have laid a clear path as to what I want for the art when I am gone. Most of all I would hate to see politics come into it, and former students trying to make a claim to the art itself. While my oldest boy has no interest, which is fine, my youngest boys does, and he will have 2 or 3 people to help in with this task. 

And Scott is qualified!

Politics in Martial Arts in Conclusion

Politics in Martial Arts in Conclusion

I have resurrected the World Budo Alliance for those interested in networking and leaving the BS of politics behind. Anyone who starts political issues here will be removed. Right now our membership is growing quickly. And this makes me very happy! 

I am not interested in world fame with this organization, only providing a home for martial artist who wish to preserve the teachings, expand their own knowledge and grow as people. If we have 10 members or 10,000 all is good.

The world is abscessed by politics today, and Politics in Martial Arts is a death sentence for it. 

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance