Mushin Mind of No Mind.

* Mushin Mind of No Mind

Mushin Mind of No Mind: I have met very few people who understand this phrase, even from an intellectual ideal. Mushin Mind of No Mind should be the ultimate goal on the Path of Budo.

Much has been written about it, even on "woke" types of political propaganda websites like Wikipedia. [A once decent resource]

However like the Tao, the Tao that can be spoken is not the Tao. 

Mushin is very similar. But I will discuss where this is found on the path, and how to make sure your training in the martial arts includes this. We live in very odd times. And if there is in my opinion any hope for the Western Culture to rebuild and grow it lies on the path of Budo. And the teachers developed along that pathway. 

I just completed an article called Levels of Martial Arts Training in which at level 3 Mushin is the topic.  However I do not use the word Mushin.

Mushin Mind of No Mind

* History of the WBA [World Budo Alliance]

Every living person in their lives experience Mushin. However it is fleeting and most only get a glimpse of it. An example is when you are doing some project. Then suddenly you notice a massive amount of time has gone by unnoticed. This is Mushin Mind of No Mind.

Quantum physics has what is called an observer. And we as people are the observer. However most of the time we are so distracting that we observe nothing.  Mushin means you have become that observer. ANd that you are no longer distracted. 

Martial Arts training can lead to this if taught and practiced correctly.  However as you advance along the path this should become a more normal state of reality. When meditation was removed from most martial training in the west that path was cut off. I understand the "why" it was removed. However it changes the product dramatically. 

Mushin Mind of No Mind

In my Dojo teaching I begin this type of training early. While I do not teach meditation to the average student on the floor, I do teach disconnection from technique. Training in a meditative state of mind. 

Let's look at an example. How do you view someone attacking you? It is personal? 99.9 percent of the people will say it is very personal. But why? That is a distraction and distraction is taught in the western world. 

The truth is the reasons for an attack are none of my business. And I do not care what issues this "attacker" has. Therefore I simply consider the attack as an attempt for positioning. And I will gladly given the attack the position he wants. But he won't like how he gets it.  

Mushin Mind of No Mind - High Level Training

Does the reason for the attack have any baring on outcome? Only if you focus on it. Are distracted by it. Look at time as an example. In the "alleged" modern world you cannot get away from time.  It is everywhere. And aside from perhaps the idea you might need to meet someone, and for this it is a decent reference, does it really matter? People are obsessed by it. Try to manage it like this is possible. You have all the time there is. There will never be more. Perhaps if you stop wasting it on irrelevant things?

Myself I got to sleep when I am tired. And I eat when I am hungry. Plus I always get up before the sun. But I have no idea what "time" it is.  That focus keeps people trapped in a physical existence.

Martial Art training is beyond the physical. it is first Mind to Body, then Mind to Spirit

Teaching Mushin Mind of No Mind

* Mushin Mind of No Mind

How is this done. When I teach in the physical world I have no idea what I am going to do until I begin. I "may" have an idea of what I want to teach. But I really am not focused on this until the Uke attacks for the first time. The result is the teaching. No techniques at all. I am only teach concepts and principles. 

And the perfect technique is one that looks like a mistake.

But in order to experience this in martial art training, there must be a realization, that realization is all things are martial art training. Even when I walk my Huskies in the mountains I am not distracted. I am single minded in focus on what they are doing and experiencing. 

I see people so often when they walk a dog trying to get the dog to finish and go home. What is the hurry? Are you concerned you will be late to the grave? Or are you concerned you won't make you boss enough money? I wonder if at the end of the day all those career centric people will wish they spent more time at the office. I teach Martial Arts and enjoy it. If I did not I would not do it. 

Walking my Huskies is a great joy. Every sniff, every run.

Mushin Mind of No Mind - Martial Arts Training

Why do most martial artists full miss the experience of Mushin Mind of No Mind? Because they are result focused. Someone learning a Kata wants to learn it so they can get more rank and move on to the next Kata. Therefore they never experience the Kata, the movement.

People learn techniques and then fall in love with them. And if they cannot get the technique to work they blame the Uke. It hurts their ego. Techniques never work, they are not supposed to work. The purpose is simply to teach. 

I laugh when people say "only this works on the street" or "this does not work on the street" when in truth they are just identifying their own limitations. Better to shut up and concur them. 

Mushin Mind of No Mind in Conclusion

Mushin Mind of No Mind in Conclusion

All people, of all lifestyles, can experience Mushin.

If they choose to do so.  The  more often you experience the state, then more often you will experience the state. And that is one reason I love to write. 

Writing for me is in the ZONE of Mushin. To help you to understand this state of mind I recommend reading the article I wrote on the R.A.S Reticular Activation System

Come to a place of being HERE and NOW only! When you are in Mushin you will not believe what you can do! Thank you for reading Mushin Mind of No Mind.

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Form Bulider

If you are curious the image at the top is of the Bucegi Mountains of Transilvania Romania. 

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Mushin Mind of No Mind.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance