Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become? How to save the values of the arts
Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become? How to save the values of the arts forfuture generations to benefit in life from training.
I think the world has for the most part awakened. The extreme views of the seriously mentally ill are now seen clearly. And this is ALL a repeat of history. Evil is now considered good by many, and laws are being made to protect evil. But this is not going to stand and is falling as I write this.
Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become?
I saw a spokesman from Disney the other day made me feel sick. An attempt to destroy children, brainwash children into this WOKE evil ideology. I never took my kids to Disney or let them watch their movies. Because my father told me the truth of that EVIL company when I was a CHILD. What this man spoke of is geneocide. This man needs to be put on trial, convicted and executed for crimes against humanity. Doing your job is not an excuse for enabling EVIL. No amnesty for those who hurt children. And disney HURTS children!
Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become?
So, have we enable enough violence in the world? Or are we still going to protect those pushing violence and SEX on children? And martial arts is GUILTY of enabling violence and sex also. And then we wonder why their is so much crime, so much killing can we still stand by and do nothing? The politcal class blames the weapons. What a JOKE. An obession with politics is the root of all evil and has always been the downfall of countries and cultures. How long will we people still believe them when history PROVES beyond any doubt the results?
What do martial arts movie portray? The higher values of training? The lifelong path of learning? How it can be a the most positive or the best thing you can do for a child?No, I see so many complain about ranks given children. And while I agree this can be an issue, what do you think a black belt is? Something sacred? NO!!!! The study is what matters. Rank is a 20th Century construct! For JUDO competition. Do not make it into something is not.
What have we become?
In regard to Martial Arts Teaching. What is competition? Compete with what? The ONLY thing I need to compete with is myself. To be a BETTER man today then I was yesterday. And if you look at the woman in my life I must be doing something right.
She is AMAZING. And while you do not know this she has been with me 13 years. But I keep my private life private. Not like these pathetic celebrates so many worship who are worthless. Oprah on Epstien island? No shock there! I thought she was phoney in the 1980's because her lies did not add up to truth!
I am a man of peace, but I was not always. However time and experience changed me. I discovered that there is a message I must push forth. That messages is to "do no harm." There would come a time when harm is done. But the fault would lie completely on the attacker and not me. And if you train properly, realize that martial arts is a journey and not a destination you can do the same.
Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become?
James Mitose called Kosho Ryu "God's Art" because it is an art of peace. And also an "old man's art" because you get better with age. Not what is taught today in Dojos which is mearly an activity for the young. There is nothing wrong with this, but many instructors do not have the experience to evolve their martial arts teaching.
I would love for you to join me in the peaceful revolution in the martial arts. Going back to the OLD ways which by the way WORK, and not the new progressive lies that are a failure and have destroyed the world.
Martial Arts Teaching in Conclusion
Introduction to Kosho Ryu is the starting point. If you use the promotion code "kosho" at the checkout you get 50% off for a limited time.
And if you are a pressure point person consider Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu also. The same offer applies.
Learn this and TEACH IT. Let us take the martial arts BACK to a value / morallly based path of life. Not an egotistical parade of self glorification.
Thank you for reading Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become? I consider this to be an important time in our martial history. Martial Arts Teaching done correctly can be a way back. Or it can disappear to time in a new world.
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I hope you enjoyed this article called Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become? Martial Arts Teaching is what we do and we must protect the integrity of the arts.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!
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