Humane Self Defense. How to be prepared are you for a sudden attack?

* Humane Self Defense

Humane Self Defense: Most martial artists believe they are ready to handle anything on the streets.

When the truth is they have no idea of the potential consequences during and after the attack takes place. When the ego becomes involved things can get deadly very fast.

I was in one serious, very serious situation back in 2006. Fortunately it all worked out fine. But preparation is the key. I was expecting an problem and was prepared. 

Chance favors the prepared mind!

Humane Self Defense

One skill you must possess is the ability to see the threat level. And this is because you as a martial artist are like a police officer, you can only use reasonable force to end the threat. If you do more than this you are GOING TO PRISON FOR A LONG TIME. And if you say you do not care, you are lying. And lying is one of the root causes of the failure of the Western Culture. This is also a violation of the tenets of any real martial art. Next you must be able to deescalate a situation before it goes very bad! 

And of you are a teacher you should be teaching deescalation.

Most of all if you are teaching self defense courses for non martial artists teaching about Humane Pressure Points is the best idea. Most people do not have within them what it takes to defend themselves. There is a complete reprogramming needs to be done. However you can teach something that allows the defender to get away with as little damage done as possible.

And what I have seen taught as self defense today is ridiculous. Yet the "instructor" will brag about all his accomplishments. What a pile of shit! Your accomplishments mean nothing. No one cares! The question is, what can you do for the student? That is what matters! 

Humane Self Defense - Truth

The truth is that most martial arts today, and for the past 5 decades at least have been focused on sport, not self defense. And there is nothing wrong with that as long as the instructors and students are honest about it. I know zero of the sport aspects of the martial arts. When someone came to my former Dojo in Canada looking for competitions I sent them to Hanshi Albert Mady.  He is and was the best I have seen to make champions. 

Humane Self Defense is a very important aspect of any self defense training. Because self defense is not fighting. Those who like to fight in bars cannot make a self defense claim. 

Self Defense is about self preservation, doing as little harm as possible unless there is not another choice. All life is precious, until it decides not to be. And this type of training, while specific courses like my Humane Pressure Point Tactics do help, are not a full solution. Complete training and study in a complete martial art are required. 

v in Conclusion

Humane Self Defense in Conclusion

I am going to offer a solution for you below, While there are some great systems in the wild and well worth learning, they are not street worthy. I was in fact so frustrated with dealing with martial artists in regard to self defense I took the product below off the market, and stop writing on my blog about self defense. 

The egos drove me crazy. Today as all the things I predicted have come true these same people have come to be requesting these course.

So after much deliberation I am offer them here. And the price is outstanding.

 However the self defense field is no long my personal mandate. Complete martial art training, study and the path of budo is my focus. You can checkout my Wolf's Den Dojo to see what I am up to. 

Thank you for reading Humane Self Defense.

* Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.


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I hope you enjoyed Humane Self Defense. And have a look at our page on free courses from the World Budo Alliance. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance