Are you Prepared to Defend Yourself? What makes you think so?

* Are you Prepared to Defend Yourself?

Are you Prepared to Defend Yourself?

A new article from World Budo Alliance founder Grand Master Dave DeGrouchie. 

And in the world of martial arts, we train for various self defense scenarios.

What to do, how, what works best, etc. But what about dealing with a self defense situation? 

Getting attacked, dealing with aggression, and dealing with the amount of force you may have had to inflict on another, are huge areas of consideration.

Are you Prepared to Defend Yourself?

Most of all can you deal with that? It’s great to train deadly techniques in a dojo…but how about real life? Look at how you feel when people talk poorly about you, spread bullshit, and go out of their way to discredit you. These are emotional attacks. And they hurt. You care, and what people say about you, matters.

We want to train ourselves to a point where that isn’t so, but, in the interim, it is.

What about physical? What if an attacker chooses to come at you in public, in front of your children, etc. Traumatic? Of course! What part of your training have you dedicated to being a mental and emotional warrior, where that affect is diminished?

Are you Prepared to Defend Yourself?

Therefore have you taken the time to train yourself in the areas of dealing with stress, aggression, and it’s aftermath? You not only need to have the skills to deal with an attack in the moment, but also, the after effect.

This is an area so often overlooked. Once again, we learn, that self defense is a mental and emotional skill set, much more than physical.

And what about hurting another? Can you deal with that? When someone is bleeding, and in pain, and you have caused that….are you OK with that? Do you have the mental and emotional skills to deal with that? You might not.

In the most martial arts classes, we learn how to dish shit out. But, rarely how to deal with the after effect.
Even more importantly, do you have the mental and emotional expertise to not over react? Can you defend yourself legally, which is to only nullify the attack, and not go overboard?

I know how to kick someone in the throat” or “I am a BJJ warrior and can choke anyone out” is stupid. That’s not self defense. It’s "between-the-4-walls-of-the-dojo-games." There is a lot more to self defense, than the physical. Way more. Are you ready? Are you Prepared to Defend Yourself?

Are you Prepared to Defend Yourself? in Conclusion

Are you Prepared to Defend Yourself? in Conclusion

These are the items overlooked in the pursuit of what works best, for self defense.

I can answer that now, if you think self defense is just about effective physical technique: Bite ears, poke eyes, and twist fingers right off the F’n hand. 

Therefore no martial artist, MMA fighter, or steroid freak can do shit against that. But that does not matter. Are you trained mentally, and emotionally, to:

  1. Not get stupid in the face of a situation, and cause it to escalate.
  2. And if it escalates, still be in control of yourself?
  3. After the fact, have the mental and emotional strength to survive what you have been involved in? 50,000 reps of a job to the face in the dojo, will never teach you these things.

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Most of all this is a very important heads up article called Are you Prepared to Defend Yourself, from GM DeGrouchie. And I agree 100 percent with him. Therefore when it comes to self defense the majority of martial artists live in a fantasy!

Thank you for taking time our of your day to read are you Prepared to Defend Yourself. Also checkout my BLOG at Kyusho Jitsu World.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
Grand Master Art

Retired Dojo Owner . Founder: Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, Founder: Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Founder: Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

World Budo Alliance