
Monthly Archives: January 2024

Without Respect the Martial Arts are Nothing.

Without Respect the Martial Arts are Nothing

Without Respect the Martial Arts are Nothing. We are living in strange days. Respect in the martial arts is dying. And that began in the late 1980's as sport became the focus.

Today UFC/MMA is a 3 ring circus. Posturing, tough guy / tough chick images and barbaric ring behavior. But this is what always happens in sport. Ego and money dictate the outcomes.

Sad, very sad.... the world has learned nothing. 

Anyone remember the Philadelphia Flyers of the early 1970's? No wonder enrollment has been declining for decades.

But it also exist in the young martial artists who are not addicted to sport. They think with their 10 years or so of training they know everything. I was not that way. My first teach would have dropped me had I been disrespectful to him or anyone in the arts. Without Respect the Martial Arts are Nothing.

Without Respect the Martial Arts are Nothing

I recent had a mesage from the SON of a former teacher of mine. When I met this kid he was a small child. Today he is the new crowned KING of what he does. He said to me in a message "if you want to continue to learn call me. Do what is right." Wow, just wow. Ego over the top, and he knows nothing of what I have been doing all my life in the martial arts, including long before he was a thought in the mind of his parents.

And I am kinda shocked his teacher has not cut him off at the knees. No, we will never work together. I left his father for a reason and what I see in him is FAR WORSE. 

Without Respect the Martial Arts are Nothing! I wish this kind of thing was isolated. But it is not. 

In my Dojo we have a student creed and tenets. It seems this idea is lost today. Back in 2003 I met Grand Master Joon Rhee. He asked me if my Dojo had tenets, creed and a moral code. And of course I did. he say "without these martial arts is simply barbarianism." And what I see often today this simply that.

Of course you need to follow the tenets now just memorize them.

Without Respect the Martial Arts are Nothing in Conclusion

Anyone remember the Philadelphia Flyers of the early 1970's?  in Conclusion

I think my generation has failed a lot in the passing on of the teachings and life lessons in general with youth.

The behaviors I see are disgraceful and truly saddening. The world needs a new paradigm. One of respect and courtesy.

Had this young man approached me correctly we still would not have worked together. But I would at least feel respect for him which I do not. 

I myself cannot fix the world. And I am not sure I would even try. But I can personally move forward with proper attidudes and motivation. As for comment of "continue to learn" I have studied his teachers teaching for a long time. And have trained daily in it for 24 years as of now.

And I would NEVER comment or communicate to a senior in such a manner. 

If you have a moment checkout our History of the Martial Arts page. Maybe a history lesson would do some good for many who lack awarness and understanding. 


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A Disciplined Mind
* Grand Master Art Mason

Hi, I'm GM Mason.

Grab a free copy of my new eBook called A Disciplined Mind! 

Thank you for your time and have a great day!

Grand Master Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Defending against Judo. What is the best way to win?

Defending against Judo

Defending against Judo, a new article from WBA Founder Dave DeGrouchie. Defending against Judo, is part 3 in my 6 part series on defending against Martial Arts.

To rewind a bit, why defend against Martial Arts? Should we not be focusing on defending against the street thug, or mentally unstable maniac?

Yes. This is 2024.

Today’s street thug and mentally unstable maniac, is quite likely a Judo instructor, or an avid BJJ practitioner, or a polished boxer, etc. In part one of this 6 part series, I spoke about how all things on earth, evolve. Evolution does not just apply to good things, but bad things as well. Medicine is more advanced than ever before due to research, trials, etc. Assault has evolved as well, due to the availability, and popularity of MMA, BJJ, Kickboxing, etc, and the modern reality that all of it is available to everyone. Defending against Judo is a facinating subject! Read on. 

Defending against Judo

More on Defending against Judo! Whether an individual trains in person at a gym or dojo, or invests hours and money on online programs, attends seminars, etc, knowledge at it’s highest forms are available to all. It is a fact, that many ill intentioned individuals, or nut cases if you will, have experienced martial arts/combat sports training. In order for self defense to be modern, we have to look at the modern threats. Once upon a time, armed samurai were a threat in feudal Japan. Thus, Japanese JuJutsu was aimed at being effective against the armed samurai, when a defender was unarmed.

That was then. Now, attackers are skilled in many ways, especially in the popular systems of today. The popular systems of today, are what most MMA practitioners are doing. Exposure and research on those systems is needed by any serious self defense practitioner. In part 2 of the series, we took a look at recognizing and defending against BJJ.

Today in part 3 of Defending against Judo, we take a look at being able to recognize Judo when being used against us, and how to defend against it. Being better than the attacker at their own system, is not the answer. The answer, is being able to attack not the skill, but the foundation and science of what makes that skill work at all.

Defending against Judo

Defending against Judo: Judo works, by using a person’s movement against them. It does this by breaking balance, and taking a person off their feet. Done well, the techniques of Judo are only partially done by the Judo person. If they are skilled, they will cause you to move in ways, that aid up to 50% of the throw. But no matter how skilled, the Judo person needs the technical elements to be there. Some of those technical elements are:

1- Grip. They need to be holding onto you. They are great at grip, and very strong. Unless you have trained specifically at how to avoid grips, and know what grips there are, you’re not going to break their grip, or stop them from gripping onto your collar, sleeve, wrist, or anywhere else they want. Best way to defeat grip, is to not be in range to be gipped in the first place.

Study gripping. Know how to recognize it. Be out of the way, and do not try to go grip for grip with the Judo person if they grab a hold of you. If they can grab onto you, you are too close. However, if you are at this point, get real. Some call it dirty, I call it real. They grab your lapels, you grab their ears. Or, grab their cheeks in both hands and squeeze with all you got. Fish-hook your thumbs in both corners of their mouth, and pull as hard as you can in separate directions. Tear their mouth in two. These are just examples. Study grip, stay real, and see the opportunities.

2- Breaking Balance: To understand this a bit better, you will need to study aspects relating to center, how the head dictates where the body goes, and what throws/sweeps a Judo practitioner will likely attempt based on where your balance is broken. Leaning backwards or to the sides? Know the sweeps you are now vulnerable to in order to be on the lookout and defend. Leaning forward? Expect higher throws over the Judo practioner’s hips and shoulders. Study Judo’s throws and sweeps so you can see where you can bite, pull hair, poke eyes, stomp knees, etc, when certain throws and sweeps are attempted.

3- Entry: As with anything, range is always the dictator. If you are too far away, Judo-ing you is not so easy for your attacker. He/she is going to need to focus more on getting you in range, than what he/she is leaving open as he/she does so. See the targets. Judo happens in close range.

Getting in this range is what Judo practitioners call “entry”. Once entry is achieved, you’re in shit. Most of the throw is already happening. And, the skilled Judo practitioner has used grip to grab hold of you, break your balance, and is now in control. Bad news. But, if you keep an open mind, see the unguarded targets, you can defend. Grab a handful of your attacker’s hair as he/she is doing a shoulder throw on you. It will take a considerable amount of steam out of the technique.

Defending against Judo continues.

Disclaimer: As with anything, if you don’t study a subject, you can’t know anything about it. My articles don’t arm you with anything. All of them, are meant to turn on a switch, and get you thinking. The only thing I could possibly accomplish, is getting you to realize that it is vital that you have an understanding of what today’s skilled assailant is armed with.

And, that even the most “potent” systems out there, are done by humans who have to follow certain technical steps to successfully execute their attack. They are not super heros. The magic of self defense skill, is knowing the technical aspects of these systems, and attacking that.

Defending against Judo in Conclusion

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!  Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!  Al vostru în arte, Mare Maestru Art Mason in Conclusion

To defend against Judo, you need to not be reachable for starters.

Should you become reachable and the Judo attacker gets a grip on you, this can be a good thing if you are in control of yourself mentally.

If you are, you will be of calm and open mind enough to know if he/she is occupying their own hands grabbing onto your sleeve, lapel, or collar, they are not guarding their eyes, throat, ears, hair, etc. Act fast, because they will use their grip to dictate what direction you go in, and attempt to break balance, and then enter for technique execution.

Kick knees, the groin, as this will interrupt their footwork needed to gain entry. If they are close enough to throw you, immediately headbutt, pull hair, gouge eyes, etc. Know how Judo works so that you can see the signs, and know how to attack the science that makes it work. Do not fight fire with fire. You will lose very fast.

Train hard, stay safe.
GM Dave.

Dave Degrouchie


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I hope you enjoy Founder Dave Degrouchie's article called Defending against Judo. Also checkout the previous article in defending against BJJ. If you have a moment checkout my new Kosho Ryu International website.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become? How to save the values of the arts

Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become?

Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become? How to save the values of the arts forfuture generations to benefit in life from training.

I think the world has for the most part awakened. The extreme views of the seriously mentally ill are now seen clearly. And this is ALL a repeat of history. Evil is now considered good by many, and laws are being made to protect evil. But this is not going to stand and is falling as I write this.

Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become?

I saw a spokesman from Disney the other day made me feel sick. An attempt to destroy children, brainwash children into this WOKE evil ideology. I never took my kids to Disney or let them watch their movies. Because my father told me the truth of that EVIL company when I was a CHILD. What this man spoke of is geneocide. This man needs to be put on trial, convicted and executed for crimes against humanity. Doing your job is not an excuse for enabling EVIL. No amnesty for those who hurt children. And disney HURTS children! 

Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become?

So, have we enable enough violence in the world? Or are we still going to protect those pushing violence and SEX on children? And martial arts is GUILTY of enabling violence and sex also. And then we wonder why their is so much crime, so much killing can we still stand by and do nothing? The politcal class blames the weapons. What a JOKE. An obession with politics is the root of all evil and has always been the downfall of countries and cultures. How long will we people still believe them when history PROVES beyond any doubt the results?

What do martial arts movie portray? The higher values of training? The lifelong path of learning? How it can be a the most positive or the best thing you can do for a child?No, I see so many complain about ranks given children. And while I agree this can be an issue, what do you think a black belt is? Something sacred? NO!!!! The study is what matters. Rank is a 20th Century construct! For JUDO competition. Do not make it into something is not. 

What have we become?

In regard to Martial Arts Teaching. What is competition? Compete with what? The ONLY thing I need to compete with is myself. To be a BETTER man today then I was yesterday. And if you look at the woman in my life I must be doing something right.

She is AMAZING. And while you do not know this she has been with me 13 years. But I keep my private life private. Not like these pathetic celebrates so many worship who are worthless. Oprah on Epstien island? No shock there! I thought she was phoney in the 1980's because her lies did not add up to truth!

I am a man of peace, but I was not always. However time and experience changed me. I discovered that there is a message I must push forth. That messages is to "do no harm." There would come a time when harm is done. But the fault would lie completely on the attacker and not me. And if you train properly, realize that martial arts is a journey and not a destination you can do the same.

Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become?

James Mitose called Kosho Ryu "God's Art" because it is an art of peace. And also an "old man's art" because you get better with age. Not what is taught today in Dojos which is mearly an activity for the young. There is nothing wrong with this, but many instructors do not have the experience to evolve their martial arts teaching. 

I would love for you to join me in the peaceful revolution in the martial arts. Going back to the OLD ways which by the way WORK, and not the new progressive lies that are a failure and have destroyed the world.

Martial Arts Teaching in Conclusion

Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become? in Conclusion

Introduction to Kosho Ryu is the starting point. If you use the promotion code "kosho" at the checkout you get 50% off for a limited time.

And if you are a pressure point person consider Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu also. The same offer applies.

Learn this and TEACH IT. Let us take the martial arts BACK to a value / morallly based path of life. Not an egotistical parade of self glorification.

Thank you for reading Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become? I consider this to be an important time in our martial history. Martial Arts Teaching done correctly can be a way back. Or it can disappear to time in a new world. 


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Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

I hope you enjoyed this article called Martial Arts Teaching. What have we become? Martial Arts Teaching is what we do and we must protect the integrity of the arts.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason
World Budo Alliance