
Monthly Archives: October 2022

Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study?

Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study?

In Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study?? How deeply do you explore what is happening? Or do you only look at the surface?

Martial arts are not just about physical training. It is a MIND to Body and Mind to Spirit development.

So how deeply are you looking at what you are doing?

I taught in a Dojo for over 30 years. There was my first teacher who opened a location for me to teach in. And then I opened my own Dojo in 2000 and it all was an amazing experience. But making great students is hard work. And not because of physical demands either. Martial Art Training. What is the Depth of your Study?

Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study?

How do most students train in a martial art system? They learn something new to get past it, and learn something else. Look at Kata as an example. My system has way too may Kata. Why do i say this? Because the student does spend enough time beyond memorization of movement, and polishing it up to look good.

Do they understand what is happening? In Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study?

Some will interpret an Kata or movement in a Kata, and then this Waza, and it is a Waza become a doctrine. The problem is that is one seize fits all. No two attackers move exactly the same.  These interpretations, while good need, to be discarded as soon as they are learned. 

And martial arts Waza or Technique tends to be about what the student want to do, or what the teacher wants to teach, and not about what the attacker is GOING TO DO.

Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study? - Kumite?

Now many will not like this. Kumite is not an answer to anything. It is SPORT. And while is has its place it is not how real life is. To focus on this as anything other than a small part, maybe 10% of the total picture is a mistake.

And all Kumite, and there are many different kinds, are the child of Kata. And therefore inherently not the answer to any question. They are themselves a question. 

Why do people wish to focus on something and then make a God of it it? I recall many years ago being in New Brunswick to train with World Budo Alliance founder Dave Degrouchie.  He taught some brutal Waza at the seminar. But then told all in attendance, "now remember this is unless. You must create variations to be successful." And that is true learning! He understands the real essence of training!

Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study? - Kata

How often I have had students tell me "they know" the Kata. WOW, I do not know them. I have memorized them. But I still find new things locked inside! Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study?

Are you looking for a promotion or to actually learn and understand? So, what should the depth of study be? As deep as you can possible go, and then revisit the subject more.

There is ONLY ONE martial art. And that is the art of study. The style or signature is secondary.  All martial arts, systems have something of value to learn.

Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study in Conclusion

Martial Art Training. What is the Depth of your Study? in Conclusion

I encourage people to study. And try not to make Gods out of anything. Also to try not to develop prejudice within the training. Learn and let it go. When someone tries to tell you they have "guaranteed techniques" they are liars. Nothing is guaranteed. These people are legends in their own minds.

The object is to learn and train. And then train harder and learn more. Dedicate time to your training and stick to it.

The benefits are for a lifetime! Thank you for reading Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study?


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Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Martial Art Training what is the Depth of your Study!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Highest form of Martial Art, what would this be?

* Highest form of Martial Art

Highest form of Martial Art:  The other day I received a comment on a post I have linking my pressure point blog on Linkedin. Now I will be honest, I am not a BIG fan of Linkedin.

It is very "woke" and predatory. But I guess that says the same thing right? Anyways the comment was "thank you for the information, but do you think this suites who you are?"

The article referred to painful pressure points of the face

Highest form of Martial Art

To my mind this is essentially calling me violent of nature, or a fraud for posting the information. But you see that kind of thing a lot in "society". People will read a few lines of text, or watch a 2 minute video and judge who you are.  I had a man on Facebook attack me over my cane teachings,

Now he apologies when he realized he was dead wrong. However you can perhaps see why i would love to see all Social Media go. It simply does not serve us, but like a drug destroys lives. 

Highest form of Martial Art

But this leads me to the question at hand. What is the primary focus of my teachings? The Art of Self Defense.  That is not beating someone up in a ring. I would like to see that go too. Nor it is about preemptively hurting someone you think might hurt you. When I was much younger I did think that way. 

I teach the Art of Escape first. It is not better to do no harm? To end the conflict without violence or harm to yourself or the other person? This to me is the Highest form of Martial Art

And then if this cannot be accomplished to only do what is necessary to end the conflict? As an example if some throws a punch at me, and I move, then taking control of the arm. Pressing hard at HT-02 and dropping the man to the ground, screaming in pain, have I done harm? Or taught a lesson? There would be no permanent damage from this pressure point activation example.

Could this be done? Possible, when you move correctly and on time. in other words the Highest form of Martial Art.

Do No Harm - Highest form of Martial Art

At its highest form the martial arts should be about escaping, doing no harm. The desire to harm another person without true just cause is a function of pure ego. It is time to become better than this. 

I truly believe in my student creed to "to only fight to protect my life and lives of others." I do not see winning a trophy or revenge in there do you? Many in this "modern" failed society will disagree with me. But karma will be there's. It was Jesus who said "to live by the sword is to die by the sword." That is a modern paraphrase of the quote, non the less true.  I teach a martial art of peace. And it is not about me, but the teachings. Only do harm if there is no other option available. And sometimes that is the case.

Highest form of Martial Art in Conclusion

To my mind this is essentially calling me violent of nature, or a fraud for posting the information. in Conclusion

Highest form of Martial Art: I have been working for a long time to bring the values back into the martial arts. I am not bashing competition, I am however bashing the "fight club" mentality.

You can include sport in your teaches, but do not make it mandatory nor the focus of what you do. 

As long as safety, honour, etiquette, and sportsmanship are a focus. But honestly I have not seen that in decades. 

Perhaps you consider what I am saying to be harsh? But do you think we are currently going in the correct direction? The issue we have worldwide with corruption is not solely the fault of the corrupt. But our fault for allowing it to happen in the first place. And for what end? Smartphones, another car? Allowing our children to be indoctrinated in an EVIL ideology.

Time for the martial arts to grow up, come of age and take it proper place in society. If you are interested in what I teach there is a free course below you can join.

Thank you for reading the Highest form of Martial Art.


Use this form to ask  an questions you may have.

Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

I hope you enjoyed reading the Highest form of Martial Art.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Be a Professional Martial Art Student

* Be a Professional Martial Art Student

Be a Professional Martial Art Student

There is nothing more important in my view as education, learning. And I am not talking about the indoctrination camps of the western education system.

I am a high school dropout because I saw no advantage to staying. And I was learning NOTHING that would be of value to me as an adult. 

Plus, I was right too. And I have never regretted that decision. 

But I continued to learn, real learning. Here are some of my studies aside from martial arts.

Be a Professional Martial Art Student:

  1. World Religions and Philosophies
  2. Auto Mechanics
  3. Fitness industry
  4. Marketing, business,etc
  5. Languages
  6. Computers, Hardware, operating systems like Linus, Cyber threats etc

Be a Professional Martial Art Student

This is not everything, but you get the point. Now martial arts is a study I have such a great passion for. And Kosho is truly a life long study because it is about nature. The natural laws that govern how the body works.

In other words it is also an extension of my Kyusho studies, but far beyond that! And how this can be applied to not just martial movement and training but also real street self defense

But to do this requires dedication to yourself, There are sacrifices to be made. Perhaps it means skipping that Starbucks coffee to purchase education material? Personally I made great financial sacrifices for my education. Or giving up the "programs" on TV that are polluting your mind. Do you really need to be entertained? 

Especially turning off those who lie endlessly like CNN. Liars lie, and can never be trusted again. Logging off Facebook and Instagram. And doing something positive for yourself, and therefore for your family and loved ones.

Be a Professional Martial Art Student in Conclusion

Be a Professional Martial Art Student in Conclusion

Everyone benefits when people develop themselves. No one benefits from being owned by social disease media. Facebook in my opinion has destroyed the failed western Culture. Their censorship, their manipulative setup, their support of tyranny has destroyed longtime friendships and families. 

Yet people still spend hours per day there. They could be educating themselves.

There is one thing in life you have in great abundance, TIME. You have all there is, there is no way to get more. When someone says "i have no time" that means they do not want to do something.

I never bother with those people. Then there are others I call "time vampires" who want to waste your time "chatting" on some application. Sorry, NO I do not chat

Consider this please...

I hope you will join me on this journey

Thank you ofr reading Be a Professional Martial Art Student.


Please use the form below to ask!

Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

I hope you enjoyed reading Be a Professional Martial Art Student And please visit our Preservation of Martial Art History page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
World Budo Alliance