
Monthly Archives: January 2022

Do No Harm – Know your Responsibility in Training

* Do No Harm

Do No Harm - Know your Responsibility in Training. One of the mandates of the World Budo Alliance is to bring the like minded martial artists and teachers together.

Doing so, networking and supporting each other can clear up the misconceptions many in the general public now have on the industry once again.

Because we as both teachers of the martial arts, and I hope lifelong students, need to understand is because we have the ability to do harm to others does not give us the right to do so. And this includes the barbarism that much of sport has become. It is discussing to see a man sitting on another punching his bloody face to a pulp. With people screaming for blood. How is this good for society? What is it teaching the children? If you think that is cool we have NOTHING to talk about. 

Do no Harm

The world today is insane, with masses of people with serious mental illness, attacking others. This includes the media like CBC, CNN and BBC. There was once a time you could trust a doctor to DO NO HARM, but today a large number of these sellouts violate their oath for money. Hospitals in much of the west have become KILL CENTERS for the evil pharma industry. I personally know now 11 people who have been murdered by the lies and incompetence of this industry. Why do I say murder? Because they covered it up.  And I do not mean Facebook friends either, real people. Facebook is a lie destroying the fabric of society. Aside from posting article in my Kyusho Jitsu groups I do not do Facebook. Facebook is and should be irrelevant

And also Police, who take an oath to uphold the law and protect the people yet beat woman on the streets in protests. They forgot their oath to do no harm for money, power or blackmail. The police work for the people not the government. And government officials are civil servants not leaders. They are no different than someone picking up trash on the streets. But those picking up trash are better human beings. 

If you fall to blackmail you have lost your humanity. Perhaps if you lived a life of morals and values, something like your keepers' do not believe in, there would be nothing to blackmail.

We as Martial Artists - Do No Harm

This situation today needs to stop. And it can be us as martial artists to start the wave. Stand up for what is right, leave your ego and "i am a touch guy" crap at home. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR RANK, YOUR TITLES, YOUR HALL OF FAME BS. The only one who cares is YOU! I don't brag about my past. 

Live a life of moral values. Lead by example.

And take not just the oath to do no harm, but to always tell the truth. Or at the very least never lie.

Do No Harm in Conclusion

Do No Harm in Conclusion

Please understand I am talk from what I have seen.

I left an organization, but no I will not tell the name, who promoted and try to make a hero out of a man who was charged with molesting 2 of his 11 year old female students.  Sorry but NO.

Plus he was an untalented clown. We all makes mistakes, but what he did is not a mistake. And can never be tolerated. Martial Artist must hold themselves to the highest possible standard. I hope you will join us. 

I hope you enjoyed Do No Harm.


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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Learning the Language of Budo. Correct teaching on the Path

* Language of Budo

Learning the Language of Budo: I am an English speaker. I am also learning to speak Romanian. And I am not doing this as a mind expanding experience, which it is. But rather because if I am going to live in the country I should speak the language. It is also required for citizenship.

Plus any opportunity to learn is beneficial to your health and general well being. 

I do not believe in the paradigm of the West of sitting in front of a TV all day. 

While this is not an article for me to bash the failed and useless educational system in Canada I am going to call out English speakers in one way. Learn the definition of the words you use. 

As an example the work "phobia" means "an irrational fear of."

Because I disagree with someone or their ideology does not make me phobic.

The the same with the word conspiracy. A conspiracy is a plot between two or more people to carry out an illegal activity. Therefore Conspiracy Theory is a "belief there is a plot to carry out an illegal activity." It does NOT mean PARANOID or being WRONG. If correct then it is Conspiracy FACT

People who use words incorrectly to me look foolish. Especially when they have lots of meaningless letters behind their names.

Language of Budo

* Language of Budo

I come from a Korean root art. During my training Korean words were used and tested upon. While I taught this was pretty cool I really did not understand the reasons why it was done, other then tradition.  Grand Master, Mr Chung Oh, my root Grand Master, spoke pretty decent English, so language was not really an issue. 

So why Korean?

The Japanese arts are very good at teaching the terminology to their students. But as time goes by this is disappearing. And I have been guilt of it too! When I opened my school in 2000 I continued the teaching of Korean. And I had a BIG test for it at Black Belt level.

But I got lazy and stopped. And it was not because I decided, and wrongly so, that there was no benefit to this. I was just being LAZY.

Benefits of Language of Budo

What are the reasons and benefits to the Language of Budo

Recently I was watching a video of Hanshi Juchnik teaching a Kosho Ryu class. He caught one of his instructors teaching ONLY in English. Upon asking the man "why" he did this.

He was honest, he said "because it is easier."

Hanshi then replied, "I know, but you are cheating both yourself, and the student of the chance to THINK." ( Like Kosho, in the west, a lost art of itself ). 

Learning the Language of Budo in Conclusion

Language of Budo in Conclusion

I hope if you have abandoned the roots of your art when it comes to language you will add it back. You will benefit and so will your students. The issue faced by martial art teachers is turning customers into students, and then keeping them as students.

In a commercial school or Dojo customers pay the bills, students grow up to keep the teachings and the tradition alive.  I hope you enjoyed this article on Learning the Language of Budo.

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* World Budo Alliance

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Thank you for taking time to read this article on Learning the Language of Budo. If you enjoyed it I hope you will return. You can learn more about the World Budo Alliance from this link.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Mind Of A Martial Artist a Thirst For Knowledge

* Mind of a Martial Artist

Mind Of A Martial Artist is a Thirst For Knowledge: One of the many great philosophical things Bruce Lee taught to the west was that "All knowledge is Self Knowledge."

This saying dates back thousands of years but Lee brought it back to the forefront on the early 1970's. 

Oddly, but not surprisingly, Lee is attacked by modern martial artist because of his philosophies. 

It is sad because these men and women MISS THE POINT of training. It is not about a championship or trophy. Most of all it is a journey of life. A hunger for more knowledge. Most martial artist today are stuck. And this is because of BIG EGOS. If you are not always learning and moving forward with your training you not still, you are regressing.

20 years of martial art training and its benefits can be lost in week when someone stops their progress.  The Mind Of A Martial Artist is a thirst For knowledge.

Mind Of A Martial Artist A Thirst For Knowledge

Today many martial artists are what I call "technique bound." Then you hear all sorts of whining stating that the "martial arts does not work on the street." No, it is not the martial art you study. YOU ARE THE FAILURE. But today the failed Western Culture is all about blaming others for your failures, and demanding equal outcome without doing the work. This is just so PATHETIC

What is technique bound? It is believing a technique or WAZA works.  And this is because of incomplete teaching systems where the teachers refuse to continue their own learning because they "think" they know everything. EGO.....

* Mind of a Martial Artist


Where does Waza come from? The truth is that waza comes from the concepts of the art in question. 

Concepts are the mother of all Waza, techniques, kata and kumite.

Yet the average martial artist wanting to be a tough guy ignores this. They want a quick, guaranteed fix. One with little or no effort, just gratification. 

Mind Of A Martial Artist

And it is youth that makes them think this way. In the west OLD PEOPLE are a burden and to be locked away in a home so that their children can make money and consume. Now this is not every person in the west, but a very large percentage.

This is from a LACK of values. Values come from a philosophy, and philosophy is the mother of concepts. The Mind of a Martial Artist should be looking for wisdom from their elders and the masters of old. Not virtue signalling about how GREAT they are and how they know more than all these others. 

My mother was my mentor in life. She passed away at 96 with all her mental facilities in place. And she was very wise, the wisest person I have ever known. But this came from her endless thirst for knowledge. Very importantly she believed she knew nothing. My son Scott and I took care of her in her final years. 

The way it is supposed to be.

Mind Of A Martial Artist - Seeking Knowledge.

* Mind of a Martial Artist

I hear the excuse for lack of study and training all the time. This was one of the things that caused me to sell and walk away from my Dojo in 2015. I can recall one Friday night teaching a very special Kosho class and seeing one of my Black Belts, who's excuse for not attending was "no time" on Facebook.  But this night she made the mistake of posting on FB about staying home to watch "the big bang theory."  She went from student to customer. My desire was for students not customers.

When someone is honest with themselves " I have no time" means I do not want to something. 

I train everyday. That does not mean that I necessarily do Kata. No, it means I understand that my martial arts training, like Zen, exists in everything I do. I also study and train concepts each and every day. Sometimes for hours, other times for minutes. And I take quiet time to reflex and be thankful for all I am and have learned. 

Today people seeking out martial art training often want "sport" or an activity for fitness. That is fine, but that is not what I wish to teach. Therefore I stepped away from commercial schools. 

Mind Of A Martial Artist in Conclusion

Mind of a Martial Artist in Conclusion

I resurrected the World Budo Alliance for many reasons. One of the most important was to bring the martial arts community together to further the teachings.

I am not interested promoting sport. And sport people do not need my help anyways. 

I want to network together like minded people interested in learning more and sharing their knowledge with others. I hope you enjoyed this article on the Mind Of A Martial Artist

I hope you will join us


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* Kosho Shorei Ryu

Free Kosho Ryu Basics Video

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Thank you for taking time from your schedule to read this article on the Mind Of A Martial Artist.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Zen Mind Martial Mind. The Art of Inner Peace.

* Zen Mind Martial Mind

Zen Mind Martial Mind: It is funny when I write an article, or offer a course on anything to do with Buddhist I lose followers. I also get very interesting emails from people saying "i thought you were a Christian." And I have never once defined my belief's to anyone. But first Zen or any form of Buddhism is NOT a religion PERIOD. And it does not matter what some "intellectual" says. To be a religion there would need to be references to God and creation. It is a philosophy.

And religion is not the focus. The focus of Buddhism is the Mind. To control the mind and remain centered in all things. 

This helps you to shift through lies and propaganda, which today runs crazy. In the western culture lies are now considered to be virtuous. Small lies are still lies, there is no degree of bad. 

Zen Mind Martial Mind - Dualism

We live in a dualistic existence. And the world of Yin Yang. I wrote a book a while back called Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory. It is beyond this article to explain this very deep and detailed subject.  Zen in a nutshell is about mastering the mind to remain in balance. And It is not about peace or violence. It is the balance that exist between those 2 parts. Because no matter how much wishful thinking people have. Or how often they say "it is the 21st century and people should be better," none of that is realistic.

Peace is and always will be kept at the end of a sword. And the withdrawal of the sword since the middle of the 20th century is why we have escalated to the current level of evil in our world. The sin of apathy was the vehicle. 

Hence, it is because of the lack of the Zen Mind Martial Mind and a belief that consumption, greed, and lies are the way to happiness.  Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Zen Mind Martial Mind

Training in the martial arts, when it is a study of the self, a path of life will lead you to become balanced. But unlike the lies of the western culture this is not an instant or guaranteed result. There is no car, amount of money in a bank, house or boat that will make you happy. Power and career will not do it ether. Only the conquering of the mind. Which was the original purpose of Martial Art training. It was never about winning a fight. No one ever wins a fight. 

I hear often in the industry that is today the martial art world that "this person is the best fighter in the world" or "I am an expert in this style or system." One of my favorites is "I am a Black Belt."  Like it actually meant something.  I had one former student and friend who made similar comments. He is where he is. But thinking this idea or statement of understanding and positioning, of the self above something or someone else, is false. When in truth the Black Belt of any rank is simply a signpost along the Path of Budo

Bragging about rank is like me saying I am in Bucharest today. It has no meaning at all. Only ego makes you believe it is important. 

Zen Mind Martial Mind

The Zen Mind Martial Mind tells me to improve myself using the vehicle of martial art training. This self improvement then is shown to others as a "way" by my actions in life. 

Very importantly this is "living through humility by example." And then for me is too teach other about this path. Note I am saying "about" this path, not "teaching this path." All paths are personal. My path I walk alone. And the Zen Mind Martial Mind tells me that as an irrevocable, self evident truth. 

Zen Mind Martial Mind - Martial Art Vehicle

As I stated, for me the vehicle is to walk the path is the martial arts. That vehicle can take many forms. But I can only talk about mine. As I have been walking this path for 2/3rd's of my life. 

And something I found along the way was that some vehicles break down. My first study of Kul Sul Hapkido as an example. When the learning stopped because the teachings ran out, the vehicle stopped. I had to get out and look for a new vehicle. Or never progress again.  Most of all I needed something complete and endless. A true study. 

The problem today as people get letters behind their names they believe they have arrived. And most importantly they have not. Some of the stupidest people I met along the path of life have the most letters behind their names. They truly cannot see the forest for the tress. Titles become more important than learning for some. 

What answers can I offer you on the path of life? So, I have NO ANSWERS only questions. I am wise because I know that I know nothing.  And I can however share the questions. 

Therefore I am offering my vehicle to others. Most of all the study I am involved in within the martial arts is Kosho Shorei Ryu which is not a style but a true study.

 The study of natural laws. This is an endless path and will not break down like other arts along the way. If I do not stay in the vehicle, it is my fault, not Kosho's. Formal training from me in Kosho, and when I say formal I mean live in person then visit my Wolf Den Dojo. This page will provide more information on this subject.

Zen Mind Martial Mind in Conclusion

Zen Mind Martial Mind in Conclusion

To progress along the path of life or the path of Budo requires time and dedication. The benefits of martial art training comes takes time, a lifetime.

And it also teaches the greatest purpose or meaning in life comes from being of service to others. 

While I make a living teaching Kyusho Jitsu I provide more content and "service" free to students that anyone in the field I am aware of. My Dojo was and is run based on service to the student.

There is no higher purpose.

I hope you enjoyed this article on the Zen Mind Martial Mind.


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* Kosho Shorei Ryu

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Thank you reading this article on the Zen Mind Martial Mind. Please consider joining us here at the World Budo Alliance

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

R.A.S Reticular Activation System. Program the Mind for Results

* R.A.S Reticular Activation System

R.A.S Reticular Activation System: Back many years ago I did an article on Facebook about the R.A.S and how it controls your reality.

Today, for the benefit of complete martial art training I am going to expand on this.

First what is the R.A.S Reticular Activation System

Most people experience the world though the input of their five senses. 

At any given moment there is somewhere in the neighborhood of two million bits of sensory information trying to make its way into the subconscious mind. And this is actually a low ball number. 

Of that information the subconscious mind can only process about 40,000 bits of incoming data per second.

Therefore the data that comes in the mind has to be filtered, to decide which data is important and which is not.

Unimportant data gets filtered out by a bundle of nerves situated at the core of the brain stem known as the Reticular Activating System or R.A.S.

R.A.S Reticular Activation System

* R.A.S Reticular Activation System

However the R.A.S can be programmed what to filter information by the conscious mind.

And this is what is of interest and importance to us as Martial Artists.

As the Buddha stated "we are what we think," the RAS is thus programmed by our predominate thoughts.

This is the reason, as an example, if you have a desire to own a certain type of car, and owning that car becomes part of your predominate thoughts, you begin to see that car everywhere.

I recall in 1979 when I was looking to buy a Corvette I saw Corvettes everywhere, wherever I went. The R.A.S Reticular Activation System was filtering my thoughts and giving me the results I was looking for. 

Another example is when people have negative self talk about failure. They continue to fail because the brain will provide the conditions this negative talk is requesting. Once the talk is changed, the reality changes with it.

The subconscious mind gives you the results without discrimination.

Your Perception equals your Reality

The average person has over 76,000 thoughts per day and better then 90% of them are negative. Yet they wonder why their reality is undesirable. This is why the saying above that your "perception equals your reality" is true.

It is hard wired into your brain. How the Reticular Activation System works.

* perception equals your reality

And this is also why people are easy to program and why Cognitive Dissonance is so very prevent in the majority of society.

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term that describes the feeling of discomfort when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions: 

ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions. 

Reticular Activation System

People have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions or adding new ones to create a consistent belief system.

This is what causes people to stop thinking critically and accept lies told to them. They will even fight to defend the lies.

When you engage in negative self-talk your RAS filters out your environment so that it aligns with your beliefs. What you say becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You must become aware of the way in which you are talking to yourself.

Anytime you tell yourself you can’t do something, something is hard, it or that it’s not going to work you are programming your mind to give you reference experiences that are in alignment with these beliefs.

If you tell yourself you can’t catch the ball, then you mind will go to work on not being able to catch the ball. Your thoughts actually structure the experience you have of the world around you. 

Then not only is "your perception equal to your reality" but "your opinion equal your illusion" of what is factual and truth about yourself and your environment. We are what we think.

Martial Art Training - Reticular Activation System

Now I am not going to talk to you about goal setting here. Yes the R.A.S is the part of the brain programmed to achieve goals. However it is also needed in daily training in martial arts. If that is, you wish to take your training to a different level. 

People have been programmed today to FOCUS on things in their environment that are not important AT ALL. Billboard littering the countryside pushing the failed Western Culture ideology of consumption for consumption sake.

And because your R.A.S Reticular Activation System has been programmed to look for this garbage you miss most of your environment. You are no longer AWARE of your surrounding. Even if you think you are.

Martial Arts awareness training falls SHORT because they do not understand how the brain works. People exist in a perpetual state of tunnel vision due to the non stop focus on this programming or external stimulus.

They are programmed to focus on the unimportant and miss the important. 

You must train to use your peripheral vision, and see everything. Relax the mind, and therefore stop the adrenaline rushes and reprogram the R.A.S for the desired results.

Learning to use what I call "soft vision" also increased the sensitivity of the other senses like hearing and smell. 

Reticular Activation System - How is this done?

First I am going to suggest a Free Video on Kosho from this link. There will also be a form below to download as well. This type of training teaches you to understand the visual plane.

To learn not to focus on the attackers incoming fist but instead see movement. Do not look at the face, but learn to soften your vision by looking at the knees as example, thus allowing the peripheral to see motion. 

You therefore respond to the attackers motion and not react to a punch. This is a lost teaching of the masters of old. Learning when to move above just what to do.

Everyone learns what to do, but not when to do it. 

Martial Arts are taught wrong on purpose but the training is not evolved as it was intended. Understanding the Reticular Activation System starts the process to continue properly learning and results.

Reticular Activation System in Conclusion

R.A.S Reticular Activation System in Conclusion

This is a complex subject but one I have dedicated over 2 decades to understanding. Martial Art training is a Body - Mind - Spirit experience. A true lifelong path. 

But MIND is the center. Everything revolves around MIND not body as many teach today. 

Technique comes from concepts. But today the focus is on technique and not the concept that gave birth to it. Thank you for reading my article on the R.A.S Reticular Activation System.

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* Kosho Shorei Ryu

Free Kosho Ryu Basics Video

Fill out the form below, and confirm your email address and receive a FREE video on Kosho Ryu basics. 

You MUST confirm your email to receive the video! Read my Privacy Policy Here

Thank you for having read about the Reticular Activation System. You should also checkout my new book which is dedicated to this topic. It is called Kosho Ryu the Awakened Mind

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Importance of the Walking Cane in Street Defense

* Walking Cane in Street Defense

Walking Cane in Street Defense: Today I want to address some defense tactics in reference to the Walking Cane.

Back in 2000 because of my Dojo Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts membership in the World Budo Alliance were privileged to mean Grand Master Mark Shuey of Cane Masters.

GM Shuey is a lifetime member of this organization. 

Walking Cane in Street Defense

My oldest son decided after an incident with his grand mother at a Chapter's Book store in the dystopian city of Windsor Ont, where a young PUNK tried to kick her cane out from under her, that we needed to add the Cane Masters system to our program. He contacted GM Shuey for help. And GM SHuey was very happy to help.

This also caused us to reach out to the seniors centers, as well as the MS society to work with too.  And Cane Masters is a great system also! I highly recommend the system for all martial artists despite the fact I have created courses myself on Hapkido Cane Defense.  So how important is Walking Cane in Street Defense?

Walking Cane in Street Defense

Weapons have a great tradition in the martial arts. As an example the farm implements used in Okinawa. These were weapons of the times. And are still practiced today. But times have changed and new implements of self defense are needed. You are going going to walk the streets with a Tonfa.

And in my view the Walking Cane therefore leads the way. Now do not get me wrong, I love knives. But carrying one can be very problematic. And depending on where you live a Gun may or many not be an option for you. Gun Laws vary and penalties for violation are harsh.  Anyone can carry a cane, and there is nothing any alleged "authority" can do about it. This is why Walking Cane in Street Defense matters more today than ever.

Walking Cane in Street Defense

Most of all, no matter if you wish to deny it or not, the streets are getting more and more dangerous day by day. Especially in the BIG cities like dystopian Chicago, and the most corrupt mayor since Young in Detroit. The root cause is overreach by the vehicle of corruption. But this has caused a rise in serious mental illness among the general population. The deliberate destruction of society is why. 

A large percent of society have simply lost their minds, programmed by the evil media to an extreme. Recovery will take decades. 

Therefore this makes Walk Cane is the perfect tool for protecting yourself.

Most of all as we are aging and the body changes, well lets just say we will all need a cane eventually. I used to be able to kick well above my head. Today I like my feet on the ground! While I do not need it for support walking I love my cane!

Walking Cane in Street Defense in Conclusion

Walking Cane in Street Defense in Conclusion

I am hoping you will consider bringing the Cane into your training. Plus you can carry a cane anywhere including planes and courtrooms.

No one can legally question you either! This is an invasion of privacy and MUST NEVER BE TOLERATED.

This makes the Walking Cane very powerful. I have a new Cane Book called Kosho Book of Cane which you can look at. Or my Hapkido Cane CourseMastering the Cane Course etc. But also do checkout Cane Masters.

I hope you enjoyed this article on Walking Cane in Street Defense.

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I hope you enjoyed this article on Walking Cane in Street Defense. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Path of Budo Lying. Always Tell the Truth

* Path of Budo Lying

Path of Budo Lying. Always Tell the Truth. Today the world is upside down. Evil runs wild and unchecked and has done so a very long time. And evil in our world is not a small number of people.

When the masses find out just how evil the world really is many will not survive. The experiment of the Western Culture is a failure.

And I would challenge anyone to tell me anything left of value in it.  Today lies are considered to be virtue. 

And very sadly, millions still wish to believe those lies. 

Because being wrong is more than their egos can handle. Martial Artists, if they follow the Path of Budo should be different. 

Path of Budo Lying

People lie, and they lie now for many reasons beyond just personal gain. Look at the low life world of politics. These "civil servants" lie to those who pay their salaries without consequence. Sorry but the president of a country is NOT AN AUTHORITY, he or she is a civil servant.  We MUST STOP tolerating liars!

Path of Budo Lying. Always Tell the Truth or at least never lie!! This is a phrase I read a few years back in Dr Jordan Peterson's book called 12 Rules for Life. "Always tell the truth or at the very least never lie." And funny he is consider by the LIARS of the world to be an extremest because he talks about morals, values and finding meaning in life. In other words self improvement.  ONLY a FAILURE, a LIAR, a loser would consider that to be an extreme.

We as a society have tolerating lying far too long. I look back to "comedies" from yesteryear and especially today too. So many of them are based on a structure of people lying to each other. Conditioning that masses to accept LIARS.  Why do you think it is called "programming?" And how is this funny?

The 70's comedy Three's Company comes to mind. When lying non stop is entertainment, society is broken. I do not know what airs today as I do not consume garbage. 

Path of Budo Lying - Martial Artists

Sadly the martial arts world is no exception. Many grossly exaggerate their claims within the arts to make themselves look better or feel better. Pathetic boys and girls, very pathetic. But I cannot change this. No one can. People have an illusion or should I say delusion that they can change the world. 

But no one person can. You can only fix yourself. And I am not interested in calling out anyone! I am just asking martial artists to STOP. In the Path of Budo there cannot be any liars. It violates the teachings. 

There is only one thing any of us have control over and that is ourselves. And that is not an easy task. Walking the path means we must stop falsehoods, and supporting those who do lie. I have no issue with calling someone a liar to their face. 

We are in a dark place right now, and thus this article "Path of Budo Lying." But if each person were to work diligently to make themselves better people the world would change quickly. And it is soon to change for the better. But lies slow the progress. 

And we as martial artists and teachers have the ability to influence our students be living in a virtuous way, to always tell the truth or at the very least to never lie

"Living through humility by example"

Path of Budo Lying in Conclusion

Politics in Martial Arts in Conclusion

At the WBA we are hoping to unite the martial arts world regardless of style or background.

To spread the teaching and most importantly the Path of Budo.

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Together we can work to make the world better, by the example of our own lives. I hope you enjoyed this article called Path of Budo Lying. Always Tell the Truth.

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Values found on the Path of Budo

* Path of Budo

Values found on the Path of Budo: As I am sure you have noticed the world is on fire. Each day things across the Earth get worse. But not everywhere. We are here, at this place in time for a reason. Those reasons are GREED and APATHY [Sloth], two of the Seven Deadly Sins.  And I hope since you are reading this you realize that something is very WRONG.

But the good news is that the tide is beginning to turn.  We are witnessing the death rattle of the Western Culture, and I hope you realize this. Because with this dies the corruption that created it. The Western Culture is a failure and must die. And us, as martial artists are followers of the Eastern Culture, one of values and ethics. It will survive this.

Path of Budo

The true path of Budo is our way back. Teaching the martial arts based on ethics and values to people who are honestly devoid of these.  While I was in Canada was appalled by what I saw and heard. In 5 years people have added 20 pounds to their already overweight frame. 

And they have opinions on things without any research, only vomited out the BS they see on Facebook or watch on CNN. I will not call them sheep because I like sheep. Sheep are smarter than many I met while there. 

They have allowed families to be destroyed over lies and virtue signalling. Today we see what many people are really like, exposed to light. 

There is something they people] do not understand. Once you give away your values you have NOTHING left. Yet people sell their values off for "things" and alleged power. It is simply pure GREED. And those who do not sell their souls for consumption, more things, are apathetic and say "what can I do?" Giving away their power from fear. 

Martial Art training is about using the MIND! Using the mind to control the body and make it do amazing things. This results in not only the development of the body but more importantly the MIND. And then taught in a VALUES based systems not only develops the mind, but creates a better person. In the body, mind and spirit unite.

If every person were to work on making themselves better, being in charge of their own lives, stopping making excuses. The world would be a thousands times better place. The path of Budo also leads to critical thinking. Where people stop believing the lies of the people who have always lied to them. Those motivated not by humanitarianism but profit. [greed]

World Budo Alliance

I brought the WBA back to life to unite the martial arts world under the banner of preserving the teachings. And to spread the teaching to make a better world. Martial arts is not a tournament or tough guy competition. Not about EGO. It is a life path itself. 

I hope you will consider joining us on this journey. As the war we are in comes to a conclusion it will be time to clean up the mess. Martial Art teaching and training will become the greatest humanitarian project of all time.

In Conclusion

Path of Budo in Conclusion

I hope you decide to join us. The WBA is not a money making project. It is about spreading the teachings of martial arts and the values at their core. You can join and list your Dojo here.

This site will grow over time. We are going to be offering many FREE courses also. Stay tuned for more. 

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Thank your for your time!

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
World Budo Alliance