
Monthly Archives: March 2024

The Guardian’s Path: How to preserve the Essence of Martial Arts

The Guardian's Path

The Guardian's Path: How to preserve the Essence of Martial Arts is an article about how the martial arts may soon disappear if we do not change directions.

In a world where the lines between tradition and modernity blur, the martial arts community stands at a crossroads. 

The essence of martial arts, with its rich history and deep philosophical roots, faces the challenge of remaining relevant in a society captivated by the instant gratification offered by social media and the spectacle of sport fighting. It is within this context that the role of the "Guardian of Martial Arts" emerges as a beacon of hope, a title that I have come to embrace through years of dedication to the craft and its teachings, the Guardian's Path.

The Wisdom of Masters

During a recent enlightening conversation (Bunkai) with Master Phil Welch, a topic that often surfaces in our dialogues, we delved into the core of what martial arts signify. Our discussions are not mere exchanges of knowledge but profound explorations of the philosophical underpinnings of martial arts. It was in one of these discussions that the legacy of O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba was brought to light—a legacy that transcends the mere concept of victory in competition, embodying the true spirit of martial arts: a journey of self-discovery and mastery.

Confronting Misconceptions

The incident that sparked our conversation was a query on social media about the number of "championships" won by O'Sensei, highlighting a prevalent misconception: the reduction of martial arts to sport fighting. This viewpoint overlooks the depth of martial arts, relegating it to the realm of competition rather than recognizing it as a comprehensive discipline that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual development. As Guardians of Martial Arts, the Guardian's Path, it is our duty to challenge these misconceptions and to preserve the integrity of our practices.

The Cultural Shift

This misunderstanding is symptomatic of a larger cultural shift, where sport and even science have been elevated to the status of dogma. Such trends signify not just a departure from the essence of martial arts but also a broader decline in cultural values, a topic I've addressed previously regarding the "death of western culture." As we witness these changes, the question arises: What can we do to counteract this trend?

The Guardian's Path - A Path Forward

In regard to the Guardian's Path, the answer is introspective. Change begins within each of us. As martial artists, our mission is to engage in continuous learning, to move beyond the superficial allure of social media, and to impart the wisdom we've acquired. The narcissism rampant in today's digital culture—exemplified by the exhibition of physical attributes for validation—stands in stark contrast to the principles of martial arts, which are rooted in humility, respect, and a commitment to personal growth.

Reviving Tradition through Learning

In an effort to inspire a return to genuine learning, I have launched special promotions aimed at encouraging individuals to disconnect from the distractions of social media and engage with meaningful content. Our latest initiative offers the "Kosho Ryu: The Awakened Mind" eBook, making it accessible to those committed to deepening their understanding of martial arts. This effort is a part of a larger commitment to uphold the wisdom of ancient traditions, in the belief that understanding our history is crucial to avoiding the mistakes of the past.

Conclusion: Embracing Our Legacy

Guardian's Path in Conclusion

The Guardian's Path: As we stand at the crossroads of history, the lessons of the past beckon us to heed their warnings.

The erosion of cultural values and the neglect of our martial heritage threaten to lead us astray. 

Yet, in embracing our role as Guardians of Martial Arts, on the Guardian's Path, we find a path forward—a path that honors the legacy of those who came before us and that paves the way for a future where the essence of martial arts continues to enlighten and inspire.

Thank you for taking time from your day to read The Guardian's Path: How to preserve the Essence of Martial Arts.


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Thank you for taking time from your day to read this article The Guardian's Path: How to preserve the Essence of Martial Arts.

Have a great day!

O zi bună!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Defending Against Boxing. Never mess with a boxer.

Defending Against Boxing.

Defending Against BoxingDefending Against Martial Arts, part 4 of 6: Defending Against Boxing an article by Grand Master Dave DeGrouchie Founder World Budo Alliance.

Mike Tyson once said “Everyone has a plan…until they get punched in the face..” Truer words never spoken. Now days, the entire focus of my martial arts journey is learning, and training. I do it for fun, recreation, and fitness.

Defending Against Boxing

Religiously, I train Monday-Friday, at 3:00pm. Being the owner of a full service Janitorial company, does not allow free time in the evenings when one would normally hold classes. In truth, I would prefer it no other way. I taught for a couple decades, opened and closed countless times, and taught everything from traditional type martial arts, to MMA, Boxing, and other disciplines.

There once was a time that I would proclaim the evils of combat sports all dressed up in my GI and belt…..then fast forward about 15 years or so in my tenure as a teacher, and I am cornering one of my professional boxers…..Yeah, been to the moon and back a few times. Glad I did, as only through doing it that way, did I gain the ability to notice the stars. Anyhow, I’ll try not to stray too much off topic here.

Defending Against Boxing

What I did learn over my decades of training, is not only various forms of combat be it sport or self defense (vastly different of each other), but I realized many others have learned the same….thus resulting in today’s assailant, having a very high combat IQ with which to hurt others with. In my 6 part series started here on this blog: Defending Against Martial Arts, I dive into the subject of being able to recognize the working aspects of today’s well known combat systems, so that you can further study how to defend against them.

Today’s assailant probably knows how to Box, how to grapple, and so on. You need to be exposed to these systems in order to know what makes them work. It’s not about going skill for skill, as that will take years and better skill will win. It’s about taking out the tools that make the skill work. For example, take out a boxer’s knee, his boxing can’t be launched anymore. Bite a BJJ guy’s nose off, his BJJ isn’t so good anymore, etc.

Defending Against Boxing

Grabbing your coat lapels is out, Ippon Seoi Nage is in. It’s not 1984 anymore. Martial arts will not save you, because the attacker probably knows the best version of it, and is experienced in wanting to cause harm. THAT, is what you are up against now, and defending against THAT, is “Modern self defense”.

I will end with the same disclaimer I always end with. This is not an attack on boxing. This is an attack on the reality that just like pedophiles can be preachers, bad people can be boxers. 

Defending Against Boxing: Boxing is fast, smart, and always in motion. Lot’s of pressure. Case in point, I once conducted a seminar with another traditional martial arts club. Great guys, great ability. But, boxing was not part of their syllabus. When it was my turn to take the floor, I covered working the jab, in motion. I taught the piece, gloved everyone up, and the training began. High ranking black belts that were gods at their chosen systems, getting tagged in the face, turning their heads and trying to outrun my students who had about 3 months training behind them.

Black belts flapping in the chaos like the tails of scared dogs. No, they did not suck. They didn’t know how to deal with the pressure, and the panic response in their brains from getting tagged straight in the face, caused them to shut down, and lose control. I was deemed a lose cannon by the other teacher in the room. But anyway, if that group knew what made boxing work, they would have not been destroyed, and scared, in a controlled environment ( god help them if they ever face a real attacker).

If they knew, a boxer can never land from 4 feet away, or, hug the boxer like a lover, and his weapons are extremely limited…they would have been ok. Not better boxers, but they would have shut down what makes boxing work. That’s the ticket. That’s how you defend against today’s skilled assailant. Recognize what weapon they are using, take out it’s ability to work.

Defending Against Boxing Point #1: Train in boxing:
• This does not have to be in the form of joining a boxing gym. Watch videos, read books, watch fights. Train with a partner in what you see. Get a scrappy feel for what boxing is. This way, it will not be alien when you are faced with it from an attacker. You will see the signs.

Defending Against Boxing Point #2:
• Understand that range is what makes boxing work, and attack range. Not the boxing skill itself.

Defending Against Boxing Point #3:
• Be able to identify the universal human weak points such as knees, the groin, the eyes, the throat, etc. Bite when you hug, kick knees when in middle range,

Defending Against Boxing Point #4:
• Never be there to be hit in the first place.

Defending Against Boxing Point #5:
• Boxing is toe-to-toe. Learn evasive movement. GM Mason’s Octagon teachings, and Sabaki training of Ashihara Karate (which I am deeply invested in as a student at present), are great places to learn how to get the F**K OUT OF THE WAY!!

Defending Against Boxing In Conclusion

Defending Against Boxing in Conclusion

Today’s assailant is skilled folks. He or she has all the best training at their fingertips.

Headlocks are out, guillotine chokes are in. A haymaker is out, 5 punch combinations with in and out movement are in. 

Grabbing your coat lapels is out, Ippon Seoi Nage is in. It’s not 1984 anymore. Martial arts will not save you, because the attacker probably knows the best version of it, and is experienced in wanting to cause harm. THAT, is what you are up against now, and defending against THAT, is “Modern self defense”.

I will end with the same disclaimer I always end with. This is not an attack on boxing. This is an attack on the reality that just like pedophiles can be preachers, bad people can be boxers. 

Know the signs. Attack the science. Stay safe.
GM Dave

Dave Degrouchie


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I hope you enjoyed this article from GM DeGroucie on Defending Against Boxing. Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
International President WBA

* Grand Master Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Unveiling the Strength of Meekness: How To Walk The Path Least Traveled

Strength of Meekness

Unveiling the Strength of Meekness: In the Sermon on the Mount, a profound statement was made by Jesus: "

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth." This passage, located in Matthew 5:5 of the Holy Bible, carries a depth of meaning that, despite its popularity, is often overlooked or misunderstood. 

In an age where many believe we are witnessing the final chapters of our times, a revisitation of this concept, alongside the Revelations of John, has offered me profound insights into the essence of meekness within the context of martial arts.

The Misunderstood Virtue of Meekness

The common interpretation of meekness suggests a form of compliance or passivity, an individual easily swayed or dominated. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. True meekness is not about weakness; it is about the power of restraint, patience, and peace. It is the Strength of Meekness is the strength of a warrior who knows when to draw their sword and when to keep it sheathed, embodying the strategic wisdom of choosing battles carefully, as advised in the Art of War.

A Personal Reflection from Windsor, Ontario

My understanding of the Strength of Meekness  was vividly illustrated some years back at Cramdons, a local bar in Windsor, Ontario, that served as my place of relaxation. After teaching for hours, I sat quietly, enjoying a beer and watching a hockey game, only to learn that the patrons across the bar had been discussing me. The consensus was clear: they preferred not to engage with me. The reasoning was profound yet simple—they were wary of "the quiet ones." This incident underscores the true nature of meekness in martial arts: it is not the absence of strength but the disciplined presence of it.

Martial Arts: The Strength of Meekness

Martial arts transcend physical discipline; it is a journey toward embodying the virtues of meekness—patience, restraint, and peace. Achieving mastery in martial arts is not about quick victories or superficial achievements; it requires dedication, continuous learning, and an unwavering commitment to the path. It's a holistic approach that nurtures both the body and the soul, steering practitioners toward becoming true embodiments of the Strength of Meekness.

Introducing "Kosho Ryu Harmony in Motion"

In my quest to further explore and share these insights, I have authored an eBook titled "Kosho Ryu Harmony in Motion: The Essence of Martial Arts Mastery." This work delves into the intricacies of martial arts, offering readers a pathway to understanding and embodying the true essence of meekness and mastery. It's a compilation of lessons learned and wisdom gained from years of practice and teaching, aimed at guiding others on this fulfilling journey.

The book, currently offered at a special introductory price, represents an invitation to explore the depths of martial arts and the profound, often misunderstood concept of meekness. It is a call to those who seek to deepen their practice and understanding, to embrace the quiet strength that martial arts can instill.

Embrace the Journey

Strength of Meekness: Martial arts offer more than just physical training; they are a conduit for personal growth, peace, and the cultivation of true strength. In embracing the path of the meek, practitioners learn the value of restraint, the power of patience, and the virtue of peace. This journey is open to all who are willing to dedicate themselves, to learn continuously, and to share the wisdom gained along the way.

As we navigate the complexities of our world, the teachings of martial arts and the essence of meekness provide a beacon of hope and strength. It is a reminder that true power lies not in aggression or dominance, but in the quiet confidence of the meek, those who inherit the earth through their wisdom, patience, and strength.

Unveiling the Strength of Meekness in Conclusion

Strength of Meekness in Conclusion

Whether you're a seasoned martial artist or a curious beginner, the journey towards mastery and the understanding of meekness in martial arts is a profound one.

One you will want to take!

 "Kosho Ryu Harmony in Motion: The Essence of Martial Arts Mastery" serves as a guide and companion on this journey, offering insights and reflections that illuminate the path ahead. Join us in exploring the depths of martial arts and the true strength that lies in meekness.

I hope you enjoyed this article "Unveiling the Strength of Meekness" here at the World Budo Alliance


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Use the form below to ask!

Thank you and ave a wonderful day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

* Grand Master Art Mason

Triple Warmer Meridian , Vagus nerve and the keys to successful self defense.

Triple Warmer Meridian , Vagus nerve

The Triple Warmer Meridian, in my perspective, stands as the paramount conduit of energy within the body, particularly in the realm of self-defense.

Its unparalleled significance stems from a fascinating attribute: regardless of the location targeted on the body, activation of this meridian occurs bi-laterally, manifesting its profound influence across the entire system.

The underlying reason for this meridian, powerful effect lies in its intricate connection to the endocrine system, serving as a bridge to our emotional responses. This relationship is pivotal because any physical strike to the body inevitably triggers an emotional response, intertwining physical impact with psychological and emotional dimensions. Triple Warmer acts as a mediator in this process, amplifying the emotional reaction that accompanies physical confrontations.

Triple Warmer Meridian

Delving deeper into its potent points, certain pressure points along Triple Warmer, such as TW-17, hold a special significance due to their direct link to the Vagus Nerve. This connection is not merely anatomical but profoundly therapeutic, offering a gateway to modulating the body's response through specific, targeted interventions. The Vagus Nerve, known for its extensive role in regulating the body's rest and digest system, also plays a crucial role in our emotional and psychological well-being. By engaging points like TW-17, one can influence the Vagus Nerve's function, thereby affecting emotional equilibrium, stress responses, and overall physiological balance.

This intricate interplay between Triple Warmer and the Vagus Nerve underscores a holistic approach to self-defense, one that transcends mere physicality to encompass emotional and psychological resilience. The strategic utilization of this meridian, particularly through precise pressure points, offers a nuanced method of self-protection that harmonizes the body's physiological and emotional landscapes, unveiling a multifaceted approach to health and well-being.

Triple Warmer Meridian

There is a significant relationship between emotions and the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is one of the longest nerves in the body, extending from the brainstem through the neck and into the chest and abdomen. It is a key component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates the body's rest-and-digest or calm-and-connect responses, in contrast to the fight-or-flight responses of the sympathetic nervous system.

The vagus nerve plays a critical role in regulating various physiological functions, including heart rate, digestion, and immune system response. Importantly, it also influences emotional regulation, stress response, and social connection abilities.

Here are some of the ways in which the vagus nerve is related to emotions:

  1. Emotional Regulation: The vagus nerve helps to regulate emotions and mood. It sends signals from the brain to the body and vice versa, which can influence our emotional state. For instance, a higher vagal tone (the ability of the vagus nerve to activate the parasympathetic nervous system) is associated with better emotional regulation and a more positive mood.
  2. Stress Response: The vagus nerve plays a key role in the body's response to stress. Activation of the vagus nerve can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga that increase vagal tone can help manage stress and anxiety.
  3. Social Connection: The vagus nerve is involved in controlling muscles in the voice box and face. This has implications for social behavior and communication, as it affects facial expressions and vocal tone, which are important for social bonding and empathy. A well-functioning vagus nerve can enhance social connection and feelings of well-being through its role in nonverbal communication.
  4. Physical Health: Since the vagus nerve is involved in regulating the immune system and inflammation, its health is indirectly related to emotional well-being. Chronic inflammation has been linked to various mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety. By influencing inflammation levels, the vagus nerve can impact emotional health.

Vagal tone, a measure of the health and function of the vagus nerve, can be enhanced through various practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, physical exercise, and social connection. Improving vagal tone has been shown to benefit emotional and physical health, illustrating the close relationship between the vagus nerve and emotions.

Triple Warmer in Conclusion

Triple Warmer Meridian in Conclusion

I'm thrilled to announce my upcoming eBook called "Kyusho Jitsu and the Vagus Nerve", a comprehensive guide that promises to redefine the landscape of self-defense through the lens of ancient wisdom and modern understanding. 

This masterpiece delves deep into the power of Triple Warmer, unveiling the secrets to harnessing its unparalleled potential for protection and emotional balance. 

But that's just the beginning. My eBook goes further, teaching you the art of accessing pivotal pressure points, like TW-17, with profound effectiveness, transforming your approach to personal safety and wellness.

Read more about this important eBook called Kyusho Jitsu and the Vagus Nerve now! Thank you for visiting the World Budo Alliance. Membership is free and you can join from this link now


Do you have any questions about this or any other article? Perhaps about membership here at the WBA? Use the form below to ask!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason 

* Grand Master Art Mason
World Budo Alliance