
Monthly Archives: November 2022

Everything is a Study: When Training is about Life

* Everything is a Study

In martial arts everything is a study: When Training is about Life we look past just time in the Dojo & realize training is 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and 365 days per year. 

When martial arts becomes a path of life then everything becomes training.

It is not just about going to a Dojo and training for an hour, then going home. All things become training.

Modern Orwellian times are the same. It is a lesson of self control, and to survive requires indomitable spirit. Many succumb to the pressures of the times, give in and regret it. There is a saying in Kosho "to accept is to be enlightened." And this is true. This does not mean tolerate or given in however.

Everything is a Study

Important to note is stress for people is off the charts. Because they have been programmed by media. Rather they should accept that things have changed, and then focus on training to prepare for what may or may not be coming down the pipe. I do not watch social media, or certainly not legacy media. They have lied all my life. And I disassociate completely. No liars in my life PERIOD.

But people give power to this. And because they do not understand that what you give power to expands, they suffer and the power grows.

Everything is a study. An opportunity to learn. The time of the warrior is returning. But they hope they have programmed the fight out of you. I was in a conversation yesterday with a dear friend Lee Milteer. She is a world renown motivation speaker and author. Her new book was declined for advertising on Amazon because it contained the word "guidance."

Everything is a Study

They will not allow something spiritual in advertising. I refuse to support any of these "companies" personally. And I am sorry I ever put my work on Amazon, but I stopped when I discovered their crimes. Therefore I will not give it power. Yet people are addicted to a company doing the evil things they are doing. But their end is close.

To become numb to the times is not what I refer. I refer to acceptance, and then movement. To study and understand, and learn protect the self. Have you read the art of war? I not you should!

I am suggesting a book to help you deal with these ridiculous times. It is called Inner Budo: The Path to Healing Violence. And it was writing by a long time student and friend Master Philip Welch. Most of all Master Phil is also now part of the Wolf's Den Dojo Project.

Yes in martial arts Everything is a Study.

Everything is a Study in Conclusion

Everything is a Study in Conclusion

I hope you will reflect on this article called Everything is a Study. We have been told education comes from the school system.

Yet the school system does not do anything other then indoctrinate and not educate. 

In Communist Canada they do not even teach their children to write any longer. Keyboarding is fine! If I was still Canadian, and had children they would never set foot in a school in that country. 

That is a travesty. It is up to us as martial artist to look at like as continuous learning. And then teach other this value to our students.

Thank you for reading Everything is a Study.


If you have any questions please use this form below to ask.

Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

Thank you for taking time from your day to read this article called Everything is a Study.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Do you WANT More from your Martial Art Training?

* Do you WANT More from your Martial Art Training

Do you WANT More?  Are you looking for more from your martial art training? Are you tired of reviewing the same Kata, and preforming the same Waza over and over again?

If you are then this is because you are caught in the 5 year cycle as I call it. Today, GOOD martial art systems have curriculum, materials to teach, based on training 2 times per week, for 5 years. And this is a GOOD martial art system. 

Do you WANT More?

How do I know this? Because I ran a commercial Dojo first for my instructor, and then my own Dojo for about 25 years. I have seen many taught by 2nd Dan Black Belts good for about 18 months. 

But my Dojo had teachings for about 15 years. Today the coming Wolf's Den Dojo has an endless potential for study. Not 5 or even 20 years. There is no end to possible martial art study.

Recently I have had 2 different emails addressing this topic. Actually more but I want to reference 2. The first was a thank you for actually TEACHING things and not showing off and talking about them. The second was where to begin.

Do you WANT More from your Martial Art Training?

Let's discuss the first email. Yes I teach the martial arts. I am not interested in the BIG ego trips I see today.  But that is just par for the course of things in the Western Culture. And I have become very much against the culture in the last decade. 

Do you want more? Let's review what most martial artists are doing in their Dojo.

  1. Performance of Kata. Is it done the same way each time?
  2. Waza training. A specific set of waza for each belt level.
  3. Kicking drills. 
  4. Sparring drills. Usually some time of "free" sparring. I am not sure why it is called "free." Like the illusion the West if Free?
  5. Rinse and repeat weakly

And then teachers struggle to keep students interested and training. Eventually all students quit and leave the teaching standing alone with a big lease payment. Does this sound familiar?

Do you WANT More - What else is there?

Now some school will do "Bunkai" which is actually just an interpretation of Kata done either by the teacher or passed on down the lineage. Real Bunkai would be a discussion, not another set of Waza.

What should be? Do you discuss or train:

  • Concepts and Philosophy of the art?
  • Real Bunkai on the Kata in the system?
  • History of the system?
  • Understanding the 32 different types of Kumite?
  • What Body Mechanics is?
  • The list is endless!

Do you WANT More in Conclusion

How do I know this? Because I ran a commercial Dojo first for my instructor, and then my own Dojo for about 25 years. I have seen many taught by 2nd Dan Black Belts good for about 18 months.  in Conclusion

Today the martial arts have lost their BITE. People believe it is an activity for children.

Tell me I am wrong? Now I am all for children training. But... not at the expense of the effectiveness of the arts themselves. 

Also please understand I am in favor of the commercial school.  I will never have a Dojo again open to the general public, but that is me. I am building a private dojo however. 

But it is up to the teachers to never think "they have arrived." Or that their system is complete. They should be still learning, and doing this is "living and teaching by example!" I have not stopped learning in my almost 40 years in the arts. 

And because of this I can teach someone longer than I will live to complete the training. That is a deliberate paradox.

So, where do you start? I have a free course below. But do the course. 1 out of 3 never confirm their email and start. I hope to work with you soon! 

I hope you enjoyed Do you WANT More from your Martial Art Training?


If you have questions or comments feel free to reach out this form. 

Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

Thank you for taking time to reach this article on do you WANT More from your Martial Art Training.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Martial Arts Training Today. What is the Reason it is ALLOWED?

* Martial Arts Training Today

In our Dystopian and Authoritarianism world, in regard to Martial Arts Training Today. What is the Reason it is ALLOWED?

Over the centuries martial art training has been outlawed by "governments" across Asia and other countries.

People would train in secret under fear of execution if caught. This is how the weapons of Okinawa came into being. The use of farm implements for defensive purposes.

Martial Arts Training Today

When did that tide turn? Do you believe it is because governments and rulers became softer? More civilized? No, it was during the advent of sport fighting because aside from entertainment for the powerful this made the arts impotent. And if you read the history, study it, these sports organizations were government controlled. You cannot fight in the Olympics in Tae Kwon Do without a Korean government certificate. Is this true for swimming? I was offered in the 80's a Kukkiwon Certificate. No thanks. I do not need any government to be in approval of what I do. 

And why in our overwhelmingly authoritarian world is martial arts allowed today? BECAUSE THE MARTIAL ARTS HAVE BECOME TOTALLY IMPOTENT, not a threat to any powers that be. If they were still effective we would be underground.

How did they succeed in making it this way? The promise of greatness in sport. Attacking man's weakness. Their EGO. Dividing us by style, when it all has the same roots. And while a "fighter" may win in a bar fight, they are NEVER an issue otherwise. In the martial arts world the WARRIOR class is gone. All martial arts taught today are a shadow of what they once were. But it does not have to be that way.

Martial Arts Training Today

And when it comes to the defense of MY PACK, I train and study the OLD ways. I cannot change the evil in this world, but I can make my world safer. What I have to offer will fit in ANY martial art style or system. And it will bring the effectiveness of old back to the training.

And it keeps the promise of old that age does not matter, size does not matter and sex does not matter. You get better with age. You do not retire to posting pictures on FAKEbook of the glory days.

Those continue as long as you are breathing. Look at men like Morihei Ueshiba. He trained until his death. And there are reasons why. Martial Arts Training Today. Why is it Reason it is ALLOWED?

Martial Arts Training Today in Conclusion

Martial Arts Training Today Conclusion

The good news is you can start for FREE here, or you can jump right in here with my Introduction to Kosho Ryu. This is no quick fix, this is a real study.

But the sooner you begin the sooner you get a result!

Together we can take the martial arts world back to what it was meant to be. Martial Arts training today needs to back to the old ways. Because they worked. What is happening in the western cultures today is an EPIC FAIL

Thank you for reading Martial Arts Training Today. Why is it ALLOWED.


Please use this form to ask!

Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

* Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

Free Report!!

Self Empowerment - The Journey Within

Take back your peace of mind during these woke dystopic times! 

Thank you for taking time to read this article Martial Arts Training Today. Why is it ALLOWED. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason

Self Defense for Fools. Why MOST Martial Arts Fail

* Self Defense for Fools

Self Defense for Fools. Why MOST Martial Arts Fail! The other day on Linkedin I watched about a minute long video of a grand master showing a knife defense technique.  

Over the years I have seen a lot of thing like this. And they are cute.

And it was not his techniques that bothered me. It was his sale pitch, as this is the only thing that will work under these circumstances.

If he believes this he is a fool.

This technique, while perhaps worth practicing in a Dojo has zero value in the real world. Self Defense for Fools, and only a fool would believe him.  There is no such thing as knife defense. Because the knife that cuts you is the knife you do not see.

Self Defense for Fools

Self Defense should not be a product. Because there are no guarantees. Plus, and this is important, if you have a knife pressed up against your abdominal a lot has gone wrong that day! You have made many mistakes.

Yet a martial artist can have a BIG enough EGO to think after all this has gone wrong they get to move and decide the outcome. This is Self Defense for Fools!

Techniques, like the one I am talking about are reactionary. And do you know WHY, if a man holds a knife to you, why you are not DEAD? Because he has not decided to kill you YET. He leads the dance, period.

Only an egotistical fool would believe they have any control. And while I am saying this, where was your head when someone got this close to begin with? 

So, what if ANY is the solution?

Self Defense for Fools - Training

You have to train differently. Self Defense is NOT and CANNOT be about what you want to do. You do not have that privilege! Martial artist train to react to one punch and then the Uke stands there.

This is fine for beginners. Worse they train with an Uke who puts a wooden or plastic knife to their body and does not move again. Or they make some ridiculous stabbing motion like a Halloween sequel.

That is NOT what happens in the real world, and never will be. 

You study offensive scenarios and what attacker really do!  Since we are discussing knives here is a link to an article called the 13 Misconceptions of knife Attacks written by someone who knows, and has been cut!

And if you think because you are an MMA guy you can handle this, well get a good insurance party for your family because they will miss you. 

You must learn to be prepared for what is happening, not reactionary. And to ESCAPE first, engage second

Self Defense for Fools

Do not get me wrong, there is a training path. And there is no one size fits all. And anyone telling you they have guaranteed techniques are liars.

Perhaps they should consider becoming politicians because lying is the way of life for those clowns. I have no respect for politicians, sorry. I have seen too much in my half century plus of life. 

This clip above is very wise. Martial artist tend to think they know everything and have arrived. They walk down the middle of the road. And eventually Karma will catch up to their ego and they are going to take on hell of a beating. 

Self Defense for Fools, don't be fooled.

Self Defense for Fools in Conclusion

Self Defense for Fools in Conclusion

If your training is only repetition, and you are not learning new content, new ideas, new methods you are regressing.

I learn and train with something new each day. 

Because I know this is an endless study. And I study the NATURAL LAWS that govern motion, so I know by observation of the attacker what they are planning to do. 

I strongly urge every reader to continue to learn. Don't get caught in a trap that your teachers knows everything or that you do. Learn, train hard, and expand your horizons.

That is what life on the path of budo is all about. 

Thank you for reading Self Defense for Fools.


Do you have questions? Please use the form below to ask.

Kosho Ryu Octagon Mini Course

Free Kosho Ryu 5 Part Mini Course

Fill out this form below to enroll in my FREE 5 Video Kosho Ryu Mini Course. This course will give you a basic understanding of what Kosho Ryu is all about! This is FREE from the World Budo Alliance

There is nothing to buy only you must confirm you email address. Once confirmed lesson 1 is on the way! View our Privacy Policy here

Thank you for taking time from your day to read this article called Self Defense for Fools. And please have a look a our Preservation of Martial Arts History page.

 Many have also asked me about representing their countries and styles. 

And my thanks! That part of the project has not yet begun. And I am not sure yet when it will. But please submit you names for a later date.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Grand Master Art Mason
World Budo Alliance